Talks Given at Section Meetings, 2017-present
Section Meeting 198: Frostburg State University, April 28-29, 2017
Invited Addresses
- FAIL: A Mathematician's Apology
Laura Taalman, James Madison University
- A Voyager from the Fourth Dimension
Paul Humke, St. Olaf College and Washington & Lee University
- Frosting Fairness, Finally!
Alissa Crans, Loyola Marymount University
How to Use as Much Inquiry as You're Comfortable with in Your Calculus Class
Cassie Williams, James Madison University
Amy Ksir, United States Naval Academy
Mitch Keller, Washington and Lee University
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Workshop for Students:
A Magical Number
Alissa Crans, Loyola Marymount University
- Fighting Alternative Facts: Teaching Quantitative Reasoning with Social Issues
Mark Branson, Stevenson University
- Who Needs Standard Reference Tables on Demand?
Bonita Saunders, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- A Brief Geometrical Tour of Artificial Gravity in a Rotating Space Station
Frank Barnet, Frostburg State University
- Smithsonian Learning Lab: An Introduction
Amy Shell-Gellasch, Montgomery College
- The Geometry of Voting Theory: Root Systems and Reversal Symmetry
Prasad Senesi, The Catholic University of America
- The Euclidean States of America: Geometry's Influence on Lincoln
Edwin O'Shea, James Madison University
- Field Report: Students as Instructors of Mathematics, Creators of Community
Elizabeth Brown, James Madison University
Haley Dewey, James Madison University
Aaron Fowlkes, James Madison University
Jonathan Gerhard, James Madison University
Richie Holden, James Madison University
Sophie Mancini, James Madison University
Alison Sall, James Madison University
Cameron Stopak, James Madison University
Nicole Sutherland, James Madison University
- Ten Mathematical Landmarks, 1967–2017
Bud Brown, Virginia Tech
- Town Hall Research Projects in Introductory Statistics
Jessica OShaughnessy, Shenandoah University
- Application of Cycle-Free Graphs for Data Security in Large Distributed Systems
Abdinur Ali, Norfolk State University
- Use Calculus to Investigate Price Yield Function
Ming Fang, Norfolk State University
- Polynomial Equations and Tangents
Jim Blowers, Retired Independent Mathematician
- The Saga of the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever
Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
- Curing the High DFW Rate in First Year Calculus
David Taylor, Roanoke College
Hannah Robbins, Roanoke College
- Fisher's Information
Laxman Hegde, Frostburg State University
- Game of Stones: Knight's Tour
Dan Kalman, American University
Donna Dietz, American University
John Nolan, American University
- Quick and Easy Random Groups
Justin Dunmyre, Frostburg State University
- Evaluation of Euler Sums by Euler's Beta Function
Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
- Sports Referees and Cognitive Illusions
Roland Minton, Roanoke College
- "Dangers" and Surprises of Secret Gift-Giving Games
Donna Dietz, American University
- Following Richard Guy — Treats from a Triangle's Orthocentric System's Fermat-Torricelli Points!
G. Gerard Wojnar, Frostburg State University
- Finding the Right Foundation: Three Methods for Basis Generation in the Reduced Basis Method
Rachel Grotheer, Goucher College
- Getting an Assist: Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics
Randall E. Cone, Salisbury University
- The Pythagorean Comma
Ray Cheng, Old Dominion University
Undergraduate Student Papers
- A Mathematical Analysis of Languages
Gerald de Jesus Roman-Gonzalez, Stevenson University
- Crossing Numbers of Complete Bipartite Graphs
Skyler Layton, Shenandoah University
- A Different MGM: Movies, Graphs, and Math
Dani Harris, Longwood University
- An Attempt at Undergraduate Research in Combinatorial Game Theory
Taraneh Kelishadi, Montgomery College
- Quantum Computing: Constructing Quantum Error Correcting Codes via Python
Nicholas Tuck, Shenandoah University
- Mathematically Mitigating Risk and Optimizing Returns
Jacob Mathews, Montgomery College
- The Flag Counting Problem for Partition Lattices
Trevor Karn, United State Naval Academy
- Perspectives on Boolean Algebra
Aranje Sripanjalingam, Montgomery College
- JMU COMAP: The Kariba Dam
Volkan Bakirdan, James Madison University
Ben Rhodes, James Madison University
- Perspective of a Calculus Student: A Fluid Mechanic Model
El Hadji Ibrahima Ndiaye, Montgomery College
- Artificial Intelligence Research on Type One Diabetes Data Using Statistical Software Package R
Chelsey Clement, Salisbury University
- Building an Automatic License Plate Reader Using Geometric Comparisons
Amanda Shultz, Shenandoah University
Student Poster Session
- Modeling Commercialization of Crop Varieties and Predicting Market Success
Emily Adams, Virginia Military Institute
- Cayley and Frobenius Characters in an Equation: An investigation into the Solution of the Cayley-Hermite Problem
Jaclyn Bealer, Hood College
- Optimizing Airport Security Throughput
Joseph Bobay, Virginia Military Institute
Henry Wiswall, Virginia Military Institute
- Evaluating and Planning Smart Cities
Jonathan Chu, Virginia Military Institute
Trey Chapman, Virginia Military Institute
The Jesuits and Chinese Mathematics: 17th Century Contacts
Joseph Fawley, Hood College
- Black Math: An Investigation of the Under Appreciation of African American in the 20th Century
Sarah Hood, Hood College
- Sustainable Cities Needed!
Yu-Hsiang Liu , Virginia Military Institute
Shang Cheng Su, Virginia Military Institute
- Crossing Numbers of Complete Bipartite Graphs
Skyler Layton, Shenandoah University
- Singular Value Decomposition and its Applications
Sophie Mancini, James Madison University
Unyoung Park, James Madison University
- TSA Optimization
Zachary Melvin, Virginia Military Institute
Mike van Duinen, Virginia Military Institute
- To Infinity and Beyond: An Analysis of the Struggle to Approach Infinity
Joshua McPherson, Hood College
- Investigating the Effects of Self-Driving Cars on Traffic Flow
Amber Ngo, Salisbury University
Andrea Carmack, Salisbury University
- Integer Sequences Characterized by Certain Summation Identities
Sarah Risinger, Christopher Newport University
- The Divergence of Mathematics and Physics: How Physics Developed Out of France
Timothy Taylor, Hood College
- Utilizations of Queuing Theory and Digraphs for More Efficient Merging in Tollways
Amy Vennos, Salisbury University
Adam Jump, Salisbury University
- Direct Product of Directed Semi-Cycles
Pengrui Wang, Washington and Lee University
- A Mathematical Perspective of Neo-Riemannian Transformations
Matthew Welte, McDaniel College
Section Meeting 199: Christopher Newport University, Nov 17-18, 2017
Invited Addresses
- The Power of Mathematics Teaching in the Age of Alternative Facts
David Kung, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- The Geometry of Cubes
Francis Su, Harvey Mudd College
- Revisiting what Euler and the Bernoullis Knew about Convergent Infinite Series
James Sellers, Penn State University
The MAA's Instructional Practices Guide: Making Use of a New Resource
Elizabeth Burroughs, Montana State University
- An Easy Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity for an Undergraduate Number Theory Course
Brant Jones, James Madison University
- Gordan, Ville, and von Neumann's Minimax Theorem
Cherng-tiao Perng, Norfolk State University
- Knitting Symmetries: Preliminary Needling
Susan Goldstine, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Efficient Frontiers with Personal Preference
Ming Fang, Norfolk State University
- Revisiting “The Problem of Learning to Teach”
Marshall Gordon
- The I Road to Higher Mathematics -- Promoting Inquiry as Part of Mathematical Maturity
Bob Sachs, George Mason University
- Classroom Stats: Spice Up Your Classroom with Fun, Live, Data Collection and Analysis
David Taylor, Roanoke College
- Curve Neighborhoods of the Odd Symplectic Grassmannian
Ryan Shifler, Salisbury University
- Continued Fractions and Semigroup Generators
Sara Malec, Hood College
- Lewis Carroll on Solving Sorites
Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
- Malware Analysis with Finite Ordered Trees
Abdinur Ali, Norfolk State University
- Exercises for a Numerical Methods Course
Brian Heinold, Mount St. Mary's University
- Platonic Hypar Zonohedra
Eve Torrence, Randolph-Macon College
- On a New Integer Sequence
Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
- Math as Design Engine: Leveraging Mathematics to Create 3D Printed Art
Laura Taalman, James Madison University
- Wave-like Entire Solutions to Lattice Differential Systems with a Single Defect
Maila Brucal-Hallare, Norfolk State University
- Mastery Based Testing — An Introduction and Observations from Implementation in a Variety of Levels of Mathematics Courses
Chris Lee, Roanoke College
- Finding Fibonacci with Engel's Stochastic Abacus
Bruce Torrence, Randolph-Macon College
- Equilibrants of Matrices
Zheng Tong, Christopher Newport University
- Mastery-Based Grading in Intro to Proofs
Spencer Hamblen, McDaniel College
- In-place Excel Macros for Gauss Elimination
Stephen Morse, George Mason University
- Improving Retention of Underrepresented STEM Majors through Embedded Tutoring
Daniel Showalter, Eastern Mennonite University
- Vennim!
Alex Meadows, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Small Sample Confidence Intervals for the Kaplan-Meier Estimators under the Proportional Hazards Model
Emad Abdurasul, James Madison University
- Signature Functions for Predicting Resonant and Attenuant Population Cycles
Matthew A Morena, Christopher Newport University
- Just-in-Time Remediation for Liberal Arts Classes
Alice Petillo, Marymount University
- On a Weighted Sum of Fibonacci Numbers
Brian Bradie, Christopher Newport University
- Implications of Media Coverage on the Dynamics of Influenza Transmission
Ana Vivas-Barber, Norfolk State University
- Grad, Curl, and Div on Axisymmetric Domains
Minah Oh, James Madison University
Graduate Student Papers
- Stable Limits of Polygon Spaces Schedule of Speakers
Jack Love, George Mason University
- Old and New Chain Rules
Christina Osborne, University of Virginia
- Traveling Salesman Problem: Around the Globe
Ashlee Edwards, Old Dominion University
- A Walk through the Garden: Open Problems
Heather Rollins, University of West Florida
- Self-Polar Polytopes
Alathea Jensen, George Mason University
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Game-Theoretical Analysis for Networked Systems
Nathan R Carrington, Virginia State University
- Coxeter Groups, Dyck Paths and the Catalan Numbers
Jessica Dixon, Washington College
- Game Theory
Brae Fletcher, Virginia State University
- Innovations to Increase the Power of State-of-the-Art Graph-Theoretic Two-Sample Statistical Tests
Michael Wallace, U.S. Naval Academy
- Chaotic Dynamics in a Family of Set-Valued Functions
Isaac Woods, Christopher Newport University
- Spectral Analysis of the Graph Laplacian on Homogeneous Trees
Matvey Yutin, George Mason University
Section Meeting 200: Washington & Lee and VMI, April 13-14, 2018
Invited Addresses
- Why Mathematicians Can't Write
Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
- Effective Thinking through Mathematics
Michael Starbird, University of Texas at Austin
- Epic Math Battles: Counting vs. Matching
Jennifer Quinn, University of Washington Tacoma
Workshop: Inquiry Based Learning: Math and Beyond
Michael Starbird, University of Texas at Austin
IBL Activities
- Special Discussion Session sponsored by the MD-DC-VA IBL Consortium
IBL Chat (for Current Users of Inquiry-Based Learning and Related
- Special Discussion Session sponsored by the MD-DC-VA IBL Consortium
IBL Activity Swap
- Special Discussion Session sponsored by the MD-DC-VA IBL Consortium
Inquiry-Based Learning Q&A (for those new to IBL, or just curious about
- The Construction and Use of Anaglyphs in the Teaching of Multivariable Calculus
Frank Barnet, Frostburg State University
- Mathematics Teacher Preparation in the New CUPM Curriculum Guide
David Carothers, James Madison University
- Bootstrap Percolation on Polygon Tilings of the Plane
Neal Bushaw, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Transitioning from the Finite to the Infinite in the Hilbert Space l2
M. Leigh Lunsford, Longwood University
- Convex Geometry in Algorithms for Heavy-Tailed Statistics
Joseph Anderson, Salisbury University
- The Sausage Catastrophe and other Fun Facts
Roland Minton, Roanoke College
- Risk Factors for Having Obesity
Mohammed Talukder, Elizabeth City State University
- Why I Love Teaching Intro Stats (Now)
David Clark, Randolph-Macon University
- p-ary Bent Functions and Strongly Regular Latin Square Type Graphs
Caroline Melles, US Naval Academy
- A Modified Fixed Point Problem
Ming Fang, Norfolk State University
- A Math and Music PechaKucha
Marcus Pendergrass, Hampden-Sydney College
- Generalized Fibonacci Numbers Revisited
Dan Kalman, American University
- Machine Learning Algorithms for Malware Detections
Abdinur Ali, Norfolk State University
John David, Virginia Military Institute
- The Statistical Difference in Coach and Athlete Perceptions of Physical and Mental Demand During a Collegiate Season
Hanna DeMeester, Shenandoah University
- Proofreading in Discrete Math: Common Misconceptions vs Serious
Logical Fallacies
Kelli Karcher, Virginia Tech
- The i Road to Higher Mathematics: Results from the Current First
Robert Sachs, George Mason University
- Which Came First: Abraham Lincoln's Chicken or Euclid's Egg?
Edwin O'Shea, James Madison University
- A Heuristic for Student-Led Mathematical Discussion on an Assigned
Melanie Butler, Mount St. Mary's University
- Metric Mahler Measures over Number Fields
Charles Samuels, Christopher Newport University
- Non-Commutative Massey-Omura Encryption with Symmetric Groups
Shannon Haley, University of Mary Washington
- A New Way to Solve Linear Homogeneous ODE's with Constant
Nicholas Martin, Shepherd University
- Small Sample Confidence Bands for the Survival Function ACL
(Abduskhurov, Cheng, and Lin) Estimators
Emad Abdurasul, James Madison University
- Is the Relative Use Factor Adaptable as well as Useful?
Jennifer Erbach, Shenandoah University
- Open Source Textbooks & an APEX Calculus Update
Greg Hartman, Virginia Military Institute
- Partnership, Partition, and Proof: The Path to the Hardy-Ramanujan
Partition Formula
Adrian Rice, Randolph-Macon College
- Products of Series: What Can We Know?
Steven Hetzler, Salisbury University
- Iterating the Locker Problem
Robb Koether, Hampden-Sydney College
- Elementary Proof of Congruences Involving Sum of Binomial Coefficients
Moa Apagodu, Virginia Commonwealth University
- NIST's Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and the Digital Age
Bonita Saunders, NIST
- PreTeXt: One Input, Many Beautiful Outputs
Mitchel T. Keller, Washington and Lee University
Graduate Student Papers
- On Composition of Power Series
Galamo Monkam, Morgan State University, Bowie State University
- Linear Algebra Done Lazily
Joseph Slagel, Virginia Tech
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Food Waste at Muhlenberg College
Jamee Hood, Muhlenberg College
- Prime Factors and Divisibility of Sums of Powers of Fibonacci Numbers
Spirit Karcher, Christopher Newport University
- Using the Coupon Collector's Problem to Analyze Randomized Bundling in Magic: the Gathering
John Kent, Shenandoah University
- Metrics of Gerrymandering: Quantifying Intent
Rachel Koch, James Madison University
- A Combinatorial Argument in a Packing Problem
Ian Miller, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Solving Numerical PDEs: Finite Element Methods and deal.ii
Ben Rhodes, James Madison University
- The Disadvantages of Implementing Symmetric Groups in Zero-Knowledge Protocols
Bailey Stewart, University of Mary Washington
- Divisibility Tests Beyond the Integers
Cameron Stopak, James Madison University
- An Implementation & Analysis of the Singular Value Decomposition Applied to Image Compression
Andrew Tomassone, James Madison University
Brendan Armani, James Madison University
- Facility Location Problem: Research for Placing an IKEA Warehouse
Vasily Vasilyev, Shenandoah University
- Stochastic Modeling of the IR Spectra of Nitrate Ions in Atmospheric Particles
Isaac Woods, Christopher Newport University
Student Poster Session
- Modeling the Growth and Distribution of Tesla Charging Stations
Reagan Branham, VMI
Matthew Heinrich, VMI
Samuel Norris, VMI
- Electric vehicle population and infrastructure: a model for long-term adoption and development
Chun-Hao Chen, VMI
John Walker, VMI
- Out of Gas and Driving on Electric
Kuo Cheng, VMI
I-Nuo Hsu, VMI
Jun-Chiang Liu, VMI
- The Selection of Office Locations for an International Company Using Language Distribution and Dispersion Projections
Chelsie Divver, VMI
Patrick Lenahan, VMI
Mikayla Shuflat, VMI
- Our Electric Future
Alexander Hall, VMI
Henry Wiswall, VMI
- Pythagoras and Music
Mary Hess, Hollins University
- Renewable Energy in the Southwest
Mylles Jacobsen, VMI
Anthony Tarnowski, VMI
Michael Hale, VMI
- Multi Hop HF Radio Propagation
Ian Johnson, VMI
Conrad Jenne, VMI
Michael Will, VMI
- The Effects of Hurricane Irma and Maria in fish assemblages on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands
Goma Karki, Hollins University
- Ban Gasoline, Use Electric, and Save the Planet — Tesla Charging Stations Distribution
Mu-Chi Lu, VMI
- Cost of Privacy
Cole Maziarski, VMI
William Mertz, VMI
- Predicting the Net Hourly Electrical Energy Output Using Support Vector Regression
Win Myat, Hollins University
- Linear Programming for VMI Scheduling regarding all STEM majors
Demetra Protogyrou, VMI
- Digital Model of First-Year Pre-Scheduling
Taylor Samuels, Randolph College
- Energy Production: Western Interstate Energy Compact
Steven Seay, VMI
- Energy — A Study of Quality, Quantity, and Sufficiency
Shang-Cheng Su, VMI
- Polymer Solutions' Client Data
Josh Wright, Ferrum College
Section Meeting 201: University of Mary Washington, November 2-3, 2018
Invited Addresses
- A Mathematical Art Gallery Tour
Eve Torrence, Randolph-Macon College
- How Much is Too Much? Axiomatic Systems and Reverse Mathematics
Kira Hamman, Penn State, Mont Alto
- Unexpected Zetas!
Dominic Lanphier, Western Kentucky University
Developing Classroom Culture With Inquiry-Based Learning
Ryan Gantner, St. John Fisher College
- A Transition/Proofs Course Based on the Complex Numbers
Bob Sachs, George Mason University
- Modeling the Seasonal Re-emerging P. vivax Malaria in Korea
Anne M. Fernando, Norfolk State University
- Large Deviation Results for Random Walks in a Sparse Random Environment
Kubilay Dagtoros, Norfolk State University
- Mastery Based Grading: Infinity War
Laura Taalman, James Madison University
- Information Leak and Dispersion of AES Algorithms
Abdinur Ali, Norfolk State University
- Group Theory and Atonal Music
Ilhan M. Izmirli, George Mason University
- Making Theoretical Polynomials Real
Tauqir Bibi, South University
Loretta Alsop, South University
- N-Patch Model of Arabian Oryx Population Dynamics
Eva Strawbridge, James Madison University
- Classification of Group von Neumann Algebras
Sujan Pant, Norfolk State University
- Calculus Readiness
Erika Gerhold, Salisbury University
Ryan M. Shifler, Salisbury University
- A Mathematical Model of the Obesity Epidemic
A. Vivas-Barber, Norfolk State Univ., A. Fernando, Norfolk State Univ.
M. Brucal-Hallare, Norfolk State Univ., C-T Perng, Norfolk State Univ.
S. Lee, Kyung Hee University
- 3D Printing and Math: Two Courses and Many Senior Projects
Ivan C. Sterling, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- The Value of Solid Mathematics for Computer Algorithms
Minah Oh, James Madison University
- Inquiry-Based Learning in Developmental Mathematics
Spencer Hamblen, McDaniel College
- Viral Load Alters Behavior of Bee Parasite Varroa Destructor
Carl Giuffre, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Automated Conjecturing and Hamiltonicity
Neal Bushaw, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Alternative Approaches to Rate Models
Ming Fang, Norfolk State University
- Using Online Videos in Upper-Level Mathematics Courses
Katie Quertermous, James Madison University
- A Finite Volume Alternating Direction Implicit Method for the Valuation of American Options Under the Heston Model
Jiacheng Cai, Salisbury University
- Analysis of Parabolas
Elliott Rickenbaker, Falls Church, VA
- It Must be Noyce, it Must be Noyce, to have NSF on Your Side!
Ann Stewart, Hood College
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Implementing Machine Learning to Improve Bertini 2.0
Riley Anderson, University of Mary Washington
- Predicting Parameters for Bertini Using Neural Networks
Makenzie Clower, University of Mary Washington
- An Adaptive, Highly Accurate, and Efficient Parker-Sochacki Algorithm for Numerical Solutions to Large Scale Dynamical Systems
Jenna Guenther, James Madison University
Morgan Wolf, James Madison University
Invited Addresses
- Splendor in the Graphs
Jennifer Beineke, Western New England University
- Seeing the (Game) Trees for the Forest
Brant Jones, James Madison University
- e in a Box of Cereal: Surprising Places to Find Exponentials and Logarithms in Everyday Life
Brian Lins, Hampden-Sydney College
Smithsonian Learning Lab: A Hands-On Workshop
Amy Shell-Gellasch, Eastern Michigan University
- Emulation and Quantum Cryptography
Abdinur Ali, Norfolk State University
Mushtaq Khan, Norfolk State University
- Pythagorean Triples
Alfred Beebe, Salisbury University
- A Real Variable Proof for an Intriguing Log-Cosine Integral
Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
- A Fun Exercise in Probability
Ray Cheng, Old Dominion University
- A Posteriori Error Estimation for the Spectral Deferred Correction Method
Jeb Collins, University of Mary Washington
- Investigations into the Discrete Arithmetic-Geometric Mean
Maria Cummings, Randolph-Macon College
- Choose Initial Value for Newton's Method
Ming Fang, Norfolk State University
- Fully Commutative Elements in Coxeter Groups and Complex Reflection Groups
Gabe Feinberg, Washington College
- Color Swaps in Mosaic Knitting
Susan Goldstine, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Textbook Presentations and Student Inquiry—Bridging the Divide
Marshall Gordon
- Streaming Isn't Just for Netflix: How to Deal with Corrupt Signals in Medical Imaging
Rachel Grotheer, Goucher College
- Circulant Matrices in Non-Commutative Cryptography
Randall Helmstutler, University of Mary Washington
- Holistic Approach to Business Calculus
Steven Hetzler, Salisbury University
Robert Barber, Salisbury University
- A Social Security Math Problem
Dan Kalman, American University
- Using Mathematics to Solve Real-World Problems
Minah Oh, James Madison University
- Calculus Readiness
Ryan Shifler, Salisbury University
Erika Gerhold, Salisbury University
- Hands-on Discovery Math with 3D Design
Laura Taalman, James Madison University
- An Invariant Version of the Power of a Point Theorem
Will Traves, U. S. Naval Academy
- Using R Studio Cloud and the Mosaic Package in an Introductory Statistics Class for Math Majors: Lessons Learned so Far
Jill Tysse, Hood College
- Contemplative Practices: Breathe and Behold the Mathematics
Mary Walkins, The Community College of Baltimore County
- Using Programming Tools in Introductory Mathematics Classes at a Liberal Arts College
Jia Wan, Randolph College
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Impact of Heat on Heart Rate
Kayla Alderman, Shenandoah University
- The Fibonacci Sequence in Music
Elizabeth Beller, Shenandoah University
- Modeling Poetic Thought with the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
Kyler Crank, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Conjecture O Holds for Some Horospherical Varieties Of Picard Rank 1.
Garrett Fowler, Salisbury University
- Constant Negative Curvature Non-Orientable Surfaces
Will Hankins, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- A Proof of Bertrand's Postulate
Martha Hartt, Randolph-Macon College
- Riemann Hypothesis: The Zeta Function and its Trivial Zeros
Elen Khachatryan, Randolph-Macon College
- Modelling the Potential Energy of a Piece of Paper
Kyle Morien, Shenandoah University
- A Modern Approach to Identifying Bottlenecks in a Queueing System for a Non-Profit Organization
Eric Murphy, Old Dominion University
- Exploration of the Inverse Galois Problem Using SageMath
Ryan Rhoades, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Carpenter Ant Grooming Rates
Mariel Santos, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Catching a Killer: The Mathematics Behind Geographical Profiling
Danealia Simmons, Shenandoah University
- Why was Six Afraid of Seven? Because Six had Math Anxiety!
Maxwell Stribula, Shenandoah University
- Modeling Shock-Associated Noise using the Parker Sochacki Method
Alfred Williams, James Madison University
Jennifer Kirk, James Madison University
Kristen Locker, James Madison University
Student Poster Session
- Fourier's Transformation: An Equation Ahead of its Time
Matthew Brem, Hood College
- Louvre Evacuation Program
David Carter, Virginia Military Institute
Jacon Wentworth, Virginia Military Institute
- Encryption in World War II: Beyond Enigma
Kara Conway, Hood College
- Unbounded Efficiency for the Room Rental Problem
Alice Craig, Shenandoah University
- Mathematics and Sundials: Exploring the Influences
Alexandra Harbord, Hood College
- What is the Cost of Environmental Degradation?
Blake Hohman, Virginia Military Institute
Barry Thaxton, Virginia Military Institute
- Topological Structure of Solution of Reaction-Diffusion Systems
DeAndre Johnson, Virginia State University
- Modelling Acoustic Loads Generated by Rocket Propulsion
Jennifer Kirk, James Madison University
Kirsten Locker, James Madison University
- Classification Model for Prostate Cancer Using A Random Forest Algorithm
Christina King, Virginia State University
- Statistical Analysis to Study the Effect of Organophosphorus Pesticides on Neurotoxicity in Rats
Mayola Mayhew, Virginia State University
- The “Golden” Ratio
Kyle Moir, Hood College
- Calculus in Economics
Justin Nelson, Hood College
- The Journey of Mathematical Physics From France to Germany
Susannah Noppenberger, Hood College
- Carpenter Ant Grooming Rates
Beth Thomas, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Cycle Structures for Finite Cellular Automata Generated Over Groups, Rings, and Fields
Amy Vennos, Salisbury University
- Effects of Socioeconomic Data on the Abuse of Opiods
Dolan Walsh, Virginia Military Institute
- The Difficulty of Transcendence
Colin Williams, Hood College
- Around the World in 239 Translations: Computing The Entropy of Written Languages Using the Bible
Evan Williams, Stevenson University
Section Meeting 202: Norfolk State University, November 8-9, 2019
Invited Addresses
- Samurai, Kissing Circles, and the Geometry of Shinto Shrines
David Clark, Randolph-Macon College
- Mathematics, Mesh Generation, and 3D Graphics on the Web, and Finding a Career at the NIST
Bonita Saunders, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- The Untwisting Number of a Knot
Kenan Ince, Westminster College
Building on Strengths, and Building our Community of Inquiry-Based Learning and Teaching
Maryland-DC-Virginia IBL Consortium
- Generalization Theory of Linear Algebra, Part I
Christina Pospisil, University of Massachusetts, Boston
- DNA Cryptography and New Directions in Cryptographic Paradigms
Abdinur Ali, Norfolk State University
- Polynomial Roots with Common Tails
Greg Dresden, Washington and Lee University
- Open Discussion Session: Women in Math Academia: Balancing Mathematics, Life, and Career, Part One
Anne Fernando, Norfolk State University
- Open Discussion Session: Women in Math Academia: Balancing Mathematics, Life, and Career, Part Two
Anne Fernando, Norfolk State University
- You Can't Multiply Triples: A Proof Hamilton Missed
Bud Brown, Virginia Tech
- Using Linear Programming to Study Metric Mahler Measures
Charles Samuels, Christopher Newport University
- Applying Dimensional Analysis to Lipschitz Conditions
Ming Fang, Norfolk State University
- Length-Structured, Density-Dependent Model for Fish
Eva Strawbridge, James Madison University
- Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Random Walks in Parameter Dependent Random Environments
Kubilay Dagtoros, Norfolk State University
- Full Speed Ahead: A Day 1 Calculus Activity
Benjamin Wilson, Stevenson University
- Flipping Pre-Calculus: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Rhonda Fitzgerald, Norfolk State University
- MAA's NREUP and Howard's Program
Dennis Davenport, Howard University
- A Bridge for the Futureā¦The Pathway to the STARS Summer Bridge Program
Michael A. Parker, Norfolk State University
- SEIS Epidemiological Model to Evaluate the Effect of the Inclusion of Domestic Animal Populations on the Transmission of Malaria
Anne Fernando, Norfolk State University
- Classifying Large Indivisible Sandpiles
David Duncan, James Madison University
- Valuation Trees for Quadratic Sequences
Maila Brucal-Hallare, Norfolk State University
- Open Discussion Session: How to Increase Collaborations in our MAA Section, Part One
Minah Oh, James Madison University
- Open Discussion Session: How to Increase Collaborations in our MAA Section, Part Two
Minah Oh, James Madison University
- Having Fun with Chains of Circles
Cherng-tiao Perng, Norfolk State University
- Understanding Latin America's Quality of Life, Well-Being, and Happiness: Advances Towards a New Statistical Index
Beatriz Cuartas, Dept. of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Generalization Theory of Linear Algebra, Part I
Christina Pospisil, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Invited Addresses
- Complete Leibniz algebras
Kristen Boyle, Longwood University
- A survey of applied mathematics applications in metrology at NIST
Anthony J. Kearsley, Mathematician, Applied and Computational Mathematics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- The power of polynomials: polynomials in distributed storage
Gretchen Matthews, Virginia Tech
- Study of Vector Machine Classifiers and Application
Ruchita Sharma, Morgan State University
- Centralizers and Normalizers of linear fractional transforms
Greg Dresden, Washington & Lee University
- NFL Betting in a Math For Liberal Arts Course
Jathan Austin, Salisbury University
- What does teaching with inquiry look like?
Emily Meehan, Gallaudet University
- Numerical Methods in Agriculture Risk Managements
Ming Fang, Norfolk State University
- Group Theoretic Representation of Just Intonation
Ilhan M. Izmirli, George Mason University
- Zipf's Law of Baseball Career Leaderboards
Andrew Volk, Liberty University
- Estimation of under-reported epidemic counts
Michael Baron, American University
- On Perspective Triangles Arising from the Apollonian-Soddy Configuration
Cherng-tiao Perng, Norfolk State University
- One Model for a Successful Capstone Course for Mathematics Majors
Jane Long, Stephen F. Austin State University
- Obamacare and a Fix for the IRS iteration
Sam Ferguson, Metron, Inc.
- Counting number of walks: shift transformation approach to Ballot theorem
Kubilay Dagtoros, Norfolk State University
Sujan Pant, Norfolk State University
- Discrete Math: Final Portfolio versus Final Exam
Karin R Saoub, Roanoke College
- Inquiry and Equity in 2020
Amy Ksir, US Naval Academy
- Matrix methods for harmonic graph morphisms
Caroline Melles, United States Naval Academy
- Self-intersecting geodesics on cones with small cone angle
Lydia Kennedy, Virginia Wesleyan University
- Reimagining Virginia High School Mathematics
Jenny Polm, John Tyler Community College
Sharon Emerson-Stonnell, Longwood University
Randall Helmstutler, University of Mary Washington
- Deciphering Mastery-Based Grades
Spencer Hamblen, McDaniel College
- Estimating Survival Functions to Account for Model Uncertainty: An Information-Theoretic Approach
Lihua Chen, James Madison University
Panayotis Giannakouros, James Madison University
- A course in spherical geometry for undergraduates
Marshall Whittlesey, California State University San Marcos
- Getting Started with LaTex
Daniel Majcherek, Liberty University
- Using Collaborative Whiteboards in Online Classes to Promote Student Engagement
Cassie Williams, James Madison University
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Failed Power Domination for Families of Graphs
Nikita Patel, Virginia Tech
Isabel Byrne, Virginia Tech
Invited Addresses
- An Introduction to Symmetric Functions—a Gem in Algebraic Combinatorics
Anna Ying Pun, University of Virginia
- Take Data Analysis Seriously: You Might Save Lives
Paul Patrone, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Why Do I Need to Take This Math Class? Engaging Students in Mathematics Using Culturally Responsive Teaching
Kendra Pleasant, Morgan State University
Syafrida Syafrida, Morgan State University
Ahlam Tannouri, Morgan State University
- Modeling Guinea worm disease
Jan Rychtar, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Combinatorics and Graph Theory in Simple Blokus
Jathan Austin, Salisbury University
Emelie Curl, Christopher Newport University
- Mr Drum's Scheduling Problem
Jill Tysse, Hood College
- Three gems from three giants of recreational mathematics
Bud Brown, Virginia Tech
- Adding Squares by Counting Squares
Alex Meadows, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- May the Best Team Lose
Jim Case
- Generalizing a Mysterious Pattern
Dan Kalman, American University
- Math for the People - Quantitative Literacy for Social Justice
Mark Branson, Stevenson University
- An Elementary Proof of the Hexachord Theorem
ILHAN M. IZMIRLI, George Mason University
- MAA IP Guide Reading Group: What We Learned
Sarah Loeb, Hampden-Sydney College
Emily Meehan, Gallaudet University
Michael Strayer, Hampden-Sydney College
- Statistical Analysis of imperceptible Data in Digital Images
Abdinur Ali, Norfolk State University
Mushtaq Khan, Norfolk State University
- Crossnumber Problems
Stephen A Meskin
- 2-adic Valuations of Cubic Sequences
Maila Hallare
- Connecting Students to Compelling Mathematics using Current Events
Alice Petillo, Marymount University
Undergraduate Student Papers
- The Influence of Music Using Network Analysis
Nicholas A Hausler, Virginia Military Institute
Kaleb Francisco, Virginia Military Institute
Zhang Yuchen, Virginia Military Institute
- Mathematical Model of Visceral Leishmaniasis
Dewey Taylor, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Minor Minimally 3-Linked Graphs
Joe Sanz, Marymount University
- Commutativity of Noisy Matrices
Anshu Sharma, Randolph-Macon College
- Effective Teaching Strategies in Mathematics
Julianna Hart, Shenandoah University
- An Agent-Based Approach to Modeling Evolutionary Advantage
Joseph Sanz, Marymount University
- Game Chromatic Number on Segmented Caterpillars
Paige Beidelman, University of Mary Washington
- Is Virtual good for Math?
Maria Hoogeveen, Shenandoah University
- Agent-Based Modeling of COVID Spread
Joseph Scafetta, Marymount University
- Using Category Theory to Study Logic Operations and Other Properties of Stochastic Matrices Through Convex Sets
Caleb Allen, Shenandoah University
- Effectiveness of Embedded Tutors and Mastery Based Testing
Madison Shannon, Shenandoah University
- Undetermined Coefficients: A Fully Generalized Approach
Taylor Powell, Old Dominion University
- Mathematical Applications in Population Models for Fish Abundance Data
Cheyenne Hawkins, Shenandoah University
- Using Baseball Sabermetrics to Predict Goal Scoring in Hockey
Andrew Kappel, Shenandoah University
- Filling in Missing Entries in a Matrix
Megan Gunn, Randolph-Macon College
- A Modified Approach of Storing Delaunay Triangulation
Victoria Krist, Shenandoah University
- Automated Sports Scheduling Using Computer Programming
Joshua Lang, Stevenson University
Galkin's Lower Bound Conjecture holds for the Grassmannian
Laura Short, Salisbury University
Stephanie Warman, Salisbury University
Student Poster Session
- 3D Printing Mathematics through History
Mikayla Ingram Hood College
Juliet Triani, Hood College
- Bees, Wasps, and Asian Giant Hornets, oh my!
Lindsey Mercer, Virginia Military Institute
Andrew Ho, Virginia Military Institute
Isaiah Weaver, Virginia Military Institute
- Measuring The Health of Higher Education For A Country
Joshua Myers, Virginia Military Institute
Po-Yin Su, Virginia Military Institute
Chengbo Yao, Virginia Military Institute
- Higher Order Fourier Finite Element Methods for HodgeLaplacian Problems on Axisymmetric Domains
Nicole Stock, James Madison University
Section Meeting 205: Salisbury University, November 5-6, 2021
Invited Addresses
- Minute Math
Dan Kalman, American University
- Optimizing Uncertainty of Information in Decision Making via the LRM Method
Dawn A. Lott, Delaware State University
- Linear Algebra and its Amazing Applications
Minah Oh, James Madison University
MD-DC-VA COMMIT Workshop — Creatively using our campuses: using everyday places and spaces to inspire mathematical problem formulation
Jessica Kelly, Christopher Newport University
- Dunham's Morley Challenge
Dan Kalman, American University
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Online Examinations
Jeff Suzuki, Brooklyn College
- The IRS forgets continuity...so what's a math student to do?
Samuel Ferguson, Metron, Inc.
- Is All Math Cyber Math?
Christopher Marron, UMBC Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Renormalization of a Biochemistry System
Ming Fang, Norfolk State University
- Lewis Carroll's Barbershop Puzzle
Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
- Guiding Aspiring Undergraduate Researchers to Engaging Projects
Allen G. Harbaugh, Longwood University
- The Surprising Benefits of Collaborative Oral Exams
Christopher Marron, UMBC Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Some Ramanujan-like Series Associated with Powers of Central Binomial Coefficients
Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
- Bayesian Approach to the Mixture of Gaussian Random Fields and its Application to fMRI data
Mozhdeh Forghaniarani, James Madison University
- Exact Bias and Variance of the Product Limit Estimator using Saddlepoint Approximation under the Proportional Hazards Model
Emad Abdurasul, James Madison University
- Simpson's meta-Paradox
Donna Dietz, American University
- Intermittent search strategies: exploring vs. exploiting
Kubilay Dagtoros, Norfolk State University
- Bringing Calculus & Statistics into Lie Algebra Representation Theory
Maggie Rahmoeller, Roanoke College
- Tunnel number of all 12 and 13 alternating crossing knots
Nicholas Owad, Hood College
- Modeling the Dynamics of COVID-19
Anne Fernando, Evelyn Thomas, Norfolk State University
- Encouraging Mathematical Reading with Perusall
Sara Malec, Hood College
- TBD: Adventures in Pre-service Teacher Education During a Pandemic
Jenn Bergner, Salisbury University
- Littlewood, Periodic Functions, and the Evolution of Undergraduate Research
David Carothers, James Madison University
- Trying to Stay Ahead of the Apps
Jennifer Szczesniak, Hagerstown Community College
- Adventures in Statistical Consulting
Jill Tysse, Hood College
- Nonlinear Loop Transversal Codes
Mehmet Dagli, Amasya University, Turkey
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Piecewise Linear Approximations of Lyapunov Fractals
Eric Botti, Washington College
- Unimodality of q-twotorials via alternating gamma vectors
Gabriel John Wallace Johnson, Washington College
Max Tucker, Washington College
Chloe Sass, Washington College
Section Meeting 206: Montgomery College, Germantown, April 22-23, 2022
Invited Addresses
- Back in the Saddle: Cutting through Clutter with Analytic Combinatorics
Sam Ferguson, Metron, Inc.
- Applying Formal Methods to Safety-Critical Systems
J. Tanner Slagel, NASA
- Cosh, Cosh, B-Cosh
Alex Meadows, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships to Create Application-Focused Mathematics Content, A SUMMIT-P Project
Rebecca Segal (on behalf of MD-DC-VA COMMIT), Virginia Commonwealth University
- The Boudoir Armoire Memoir of Friedrich Oliver Vechs
Dan Kalman, American University
- Sallie Pero Mead -- Early Female Industrial Mathematician
Greg Coxson, United States Naval Academy
co-author: William Haloupek, Raytheon (retired)
- False discovery type procedures: caveats to reproducibility--its all about dispersion
Grant Izmirlian, National Cancer Institute
- Asymptotic Distributions and Kostant's Partition Function
Maggie Rahmoeller, Roanoke College
- An intuitive "math hacking" approach to the classical cross-ratio
Bob Sachs, George Mason University
- The Information Density of DNA
Abdinur Ali, Norfolk State University
Mushtaq Khan, Norfolk State University
- Down With Determinants! Completing Axler's Vision
Jeff Suzuki, Brooklyn College
- Data-driven dynamics of phytoplankton blooms in a reaction-diffusion NPZ model
Seth Cowall, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Lewis Carroll on the Tortoise and Achilles
Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
- Modular Origami Map Coloring Models for the Masses
Eve Torrence, Randolph-Macon College
- A proposed generalization of a full rim hook removal on partitions
Ryan Shifler, Salisbury University
- Standards-based grading in Calculus with Precalculus
Jacquelyn Rische, Marymount University
- Drill Jigs for Wooden Ball-and-Stick Models
Bruce Torrence, Randolph-Macon College
- Washington DC field trip: Mathemalchemy
Alice Petillo, Marymount University
- Efficacy of Vaccines and medicines for COVID-19
Jerome Dancis, Univ. of Maryland, College Park
- Counting Homomorphisms
Chiru Bhattacharya, Randolph-Macon College
- Some Original Estimation/Fermi Problems
Brian Heinold, Mount St. Mary's University
- Change Ringing Supermethods
Kurt Ludwick, Salisbury University
Undergraduate Student Papers
- A Mathematical Model and Analysis of Wireless Power Transfer
Daniel Wright, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
Yasmeen Cox, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
Markevious Tolbert, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
- Bioeconomic analysis of harvesting within a prey-predator system: A case study in the Chesapeake Bay fisheries
John Herrmann, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
Nathan Kolling, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
- Mathematical Modeling of Oncolytic Virotherapy as a Cancer Treatment
Emily Adams, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
Ajeya Dixon, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
Logan Lawson, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
- Sphere Projection of the Sierpinski Triangle
Lily Kimble, Shenandoah University
- Optimal Strategies in Hidden Information Games: Welcome to the Dungeon
Grace Walters, Christopher Newport University
- Role of mixotrophic zooplankton in seasonally-forced plankton blooms
Gillian Carr, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Student Poster Session
- Mathematical Modeling of the Diffusion of Innovation
Lana Casingal, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
Bretia Green, Christopher Newport University and Norfolk State University
- Analyzing the Movement Patterns of Notes in Songs
Catherine Fauver, Shenandoah University
- Bitcoin or Gold?
Yang Hsia, Virginia Military Institute
Seth Gibson, Virginia Military Institute
James Burns, Virginia Military Institute
- Using the Coupon Collector Problem to Analyze "Gacha" Games
Royce Lorson, Shenandoah University
- Automated Trading Strategy
Rafael Mas, Virginia Military Institute
Nicolas Shier, Virginia Military Institute
Nathaniel Light, Virginia Military Institute
- De Bruijn Sequences
Devin Teri, Randolph-Macon College
- Catching Coattails: Modeling and Investing in Gold and Bitcoin
Mariah Woods, Virginia Military Institute
Erik Tolley, Virginia Military Institute
Daniel Walsh, Virginia Military Institute
- Trading Strategies
Junzhe Yan, Virginia Military Institute
Noah Birthisel, Virginia Military Institute
Zachary Branner, Virginia Military Institute
- How Asteroid Mining Can Impact Global Equity
Emma Zhou, Virginia Military Institute
Carter Jefferson, Virginia Military Institute
Boudabbous, Virginia Military Institute
Section Meeting 207: Shenandoah Univerity, November 4-5, 2022
Invited Addresses
- Mathematics + Magic = Mathemagic
Dave Taylor, Roanoke College
- Some unusual mathematical images and the math behind them
Brian Heinold, Mount St. Mary's University
- A fun exercise in probability
Ray Cheng, Old Dominion University
- Intentionally using student thinking to connect teaching and learning
George Kuster (on behalf of MD-DC-VA COMMIT), Christopher Newport University
- Extension of the Lobachevsky Integral Formula
Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
- Dispersal Driven Instabilities and Pattern Formation in Metapopulations
Kubilay Dagtoros, Ozgur Aydogmus, Norfolk State University
- Analyzing Aspects of a Tumor Virotherapy Model
Ashlee Edwards, Old Dominion University
- Digital Image Processing in College Mathematics
Yevgeniy Galperin, East Stroudsburg University of PA
- How to Extract the Cube Root of a Nine-digit Number in Seconds
Cherng-tiao Perng, Norfolk State University
- The Use and Abuse of Probability Theory in Evolutionary Biology
Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
- Hook shape crystals of type $A_{n}$
Molly Lynch, Hollins University
- Harmonic graph morphisms and the “Moonlight of Mathematics”
Caroline G. Melles, United States Naval Academy
- Strategies for roulette, and craps
James T Sandefur, Georgetown University
- A Mathematical Model for the Dynamics of Spread of Crime in Virginia
Ana Vivas, Norfolk State University
Anne Fernando, Norfolk State University
- Mathematics of a genetic-ecology model for assessing the impacts of pyrethroid resistance and temperature on population abundance of malaria mosquitoes
Jemal Mohammed-Awel, Morgan State University
- A one-sentence proof of the Extreme Value Theorem: what proofs should be in Calculus anyway?
Sam Ferguson, Metron, Inc. and Georgetown U
- Roots of unity -- an empowering theme in a transition to higher math course
Bob Sachs, George Mason University
- Rethinking Developmental Mathematics
Spencer Hamblen, McDaniel College
- Replacing the Mean for the Median: Boostrapping the “Traditional” 2-Sample t-Test
Allen G. Harbaugh-Schattenkirk, Longwood University
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Nahm-like gradient flows in Lie algebras
Andre Mas, James Madison University
Section Meeting 208: Virginia State University, April 28-29, 2023
Invited Addresses
- Cutting corners: you miter enjoy this talk
Karen Bliss, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Gregory Hartman, Virginia Military Institute
- Growing MADDER: Building the “Mathematicians of the African Diaspora Database's Ensemble of Researchers”
Edray Goins, Pomona College
- Can we make grace the norm in our classrooms?
Candice R. Price, Smith College
- Authentic assessment in mathematics: expanding student opportunities while minimizing faculty workload
Marcella Torres (on behalf of MD-DC-VA COMMIT), University of Richmond
- The Calendar Reuse Problem
Dan Kalman, American University
- Connection Problems in Graphs
Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
- A Reflection on Project Based Learning in Calc I
Chase Mathison, Shenandoah University
- Fun with L(2,1)-labeling
Brian Heinold, Mount St. Mary's University
- The geothmetic meandian and other topical functions
Brian Lins, Hampden-Sydney College
- An easy on-ramp to mastery-based grading
Jay Daigle, The George Washington University
- The effects of grazing functions on mixotrophic plankton populations during seasonal blooms
James Ripple, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Bookstores, Bake Sales, and Binary Balance
Alex Meadows, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Debias Random Forest Regression Predictors
Lihua Chen, James Madison University
- A Partial Mastery Grading Approach for Calculus
Benjamin Wilson, Stevenson University
- Maple Learn: Teaching, learning, and doing math online just got easier!
Jennifer Iorgulescu, Maple
- Formally Verifying Run-time Assurance
J Tanner Slagel, NASA Langley Research Center
- Using student constructed data sets to their fullest potential
Allen (Gregg) Harbaugh-Schattenkirk, Longwood University
- MAA's NREUP and Howard's Program
Dennis Davenport, Howard University
- Geometric Vertex Decomposition and Toric Ideals of Graphs
Agnieszka Nachman, Virginia State University
- Understanding false positives: an undergraduate application of conditional probability
Alice Petillo, Marymount University
- Middle School Math Modeling Outreach Day
Meagan Herald, Virginia Military Institute
Greg Hartman, Virginia Military Institute
Karen Bliss, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Image reconstruction using an adaptive Kaczmarz method for Electrical Impedance Tomography problems
Sanwar Ahmad, Virginia State University
- Transforming Technology to Transform your Statistics Class
Marggie Gonzalez-Toledo, Frederick Community College
Mary Guzman, Frederick Community College
- An Introductory Mathematical Modeling Course without Calculus
Gregory Hartman, Virginia Military Institute
Sara Whipple, Virginia Military Institute
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Primary resonance analysis for the Duffing equation with delay
D'Angelo Holder, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Generalizations for Maxwell's Equations to Yang-Mills Equations
Abigail Swanson, University of Mary Washington
- Strong Homotopy Lie Algebras
Samuel Bevins, Virgina Commonwealth University
- Application of Image Compression using SVD
Isaac Edwards, Virginia State University
- Dietary Habits and Physical Activity Levels in Roanoke, Virginia and Buenos Aires, Argentina: A Comparative Analysis Using Surveillance Data
Claire Williams, Roanoke College
- The Critical Group of Hypercube Graphs
Colby Sherwood, James Madison University
- Looking At Chaos With Triple Pendulums
Cameron Veach, Shenandoah University
- Predicting the Jet Boundary of a Turbulent Coanda Wall Jet Using Experimental Test Results
Matthew Caulfield, James Madison University
Aidan Chadha, James Madison University
- Exploring the Relationship between Elliptic Curves and Discrete Logarithms
Kelsey Ellis, Shenandoah University
- FFEM for Elliptic State Constrained Optimal Control Problems
Andre Mas, James Madison University
- Mosquito Surveillance and Population Dynamics with Impact on Human Epidemiology
Caleb Rivers, Shenandoah University
Student Poster Session
- Wordle Difficulty Classification
Joseph Egbo, Virginia Military Institute
Cameron Fonville, Virginia Military Institute
Paul Mustian, Virginia Military Institute
- Wordle Warriors: An Analysis of 5-Letter Word Complexity
James Burns, Virginia Military Institute
Gabriel Calhoun, Virginia Military Institute
Alexis Davis, Virginia Military Institute
- Modulation and Modeling of Audio Signals in Analog Circuits
Kevin George, Salisbury University
- Predicting Wordle Results
Minakshi Nepal, Shenandoah University
Section Meeting 209: Stevenson Univerity, October 13-14, 2023
Invited Addresses
- More Mathematics + More Magic = Even MoreMathemagic
Dave Taylor, Roanoke College
- Community and Belonging in Mathematics
Deanna Haunsperger, Carleton College
- Putting the Differential Back in Differential Calculus
Eugene Boman, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg
- Alternative Grading: Build-a-Syllabus Workshop
Justin Dunmyre (on behalf of MD-DC-VA COMMIT), Frostburg University
- Winning Wordle with Math
Benjamin Wilson, Stevenson University
- Trans Rights & Quantitative Justice Education
Mark Branson, Stevenson University
- Calculus Misconceptions: The Power of Mathematical Thinking
YongHong L McDowell, CUNY York college
- Pythagoras, Sabermetrics, and Fantasy Baseball
Sarah Cotter Blanset, Stevenson University
- DEI^2: Diophantine Equations Involving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Ryan Shifler, Salisbury University
- Building a community of mathematics students
Alexei Kolesnikov, Towson University
Romy Hübler, Towson University
- An extension of the Pythagorean theorem, with applications
Ray Cheng, Old Dominion University
- The Epsilon of Math Problem Calendar
Dan Kalman, American University (ret)
- Modeling Resistive Electric Networks using Algebraic Graph Theory
Caroline Melles, United States Naval Academy
- Strategies for Advancing Academic Success in a NSF S-STEM Program at Shepherd University
Qing Wang, Shepherd University
Amy Dewitt, Shepherd University
Weidong Liao, Shepherd University
Karen Adams, Shepherd University
Reza Mirdamadi, Shepherd University
Emily Gross, Shepherd University
- Cross-curricular assignments-Statistics
Alice Petillo, Marymount University
- Pythagorean Triples
Deepa Ramakrishnan, Frederick Community College
- Teaching Mathematics using Blended Synchronous Learning
Maggie Habeeb, PennWest California
- A Mixture Theory Approach for Modeling Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in Deformable Porous Media
Asif Mahmood, University of Virginia
- Pythagorean Triples and Generalized Fibonacci Numbers
Jathan Austin, Salisbury University
- On the local limit theorems for linear sequences of lower psi- mixing Markov chains
Na Zhang, Towson University
- Lambert W function and its Applications
Ming Fang, Norfolk State University
- Compassionate Teaching
Amy Tucker, Stevenson University
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Optimizing Shut the Box
Jay Whitmon, Stevenson University
- Modeling Antibody Levels Post SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination
Zihao Zhao, Johns Hopkins University
- Enhancing STEM Enrollment, Retention, and Graduation: Insights and Strategies for Student Success
Raina Burton, Shepherd University
Johnna Smith, Shepherd University
Section Meeting 210: James Madison Univerity, April 26-27, 2024
Invited Addresses
- Compassion in & Access to Learning Mathematics (CALM)
Hortensia Soto, Colorado State University
- Ada Lovelace: The Making of a Computer Scientist
Adrian Rice
Randolph Macon College
- A Neural Network Approximation of the Proximal Operator of the L-infinity Norm
Kathryn Linehan
University of Virginia
- Promoting community, confidence, and creativity in the classroom
Heather Russell (on behalf of MAA MD-DC-VA COMMIT), University of Richmond
- First and Second-Order Necessary Conditions for Nonsmooth Set-Constrained Scalar Minimization Problems
Elena Constantin, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
- Digital Image Processing in College Mathematics
Eugene Galperin, East Stroudsburg University
- A sampling of inquiry opportunities in a complex-themed transition to advanced mathematics course
Bob Sachs, George Mason University
- Introduction to Large Scale Geometry
Kevin Sinclair, Shenandoah University
- How the Legalization of Marijuana Affects Alcoholism: A Mathematical Approach for Co-abuse
Ana Vivas, Norfolk State University
James Tipton, Norfolk State University
Sujan Pant, Norfolk State University
- Explaining the Math of Queer Relationship Dynamics
Edison Hauptman, University of Pittsburgh
- Middle School Math Modeling Outreach
Greg Hartman, Virginia Military Institute
Meagan Herald, Virginia Military Institute
Karen Bliss, Virginia Military Institute
- Multivariable Calculus with CalcPlot3D
David Clark, Randolph-Macon College
- Concordance of knots in 3-dimensional manifolds
Ryan Stees, University of Virginia
- Finitely Additive Measures in Number Theory
Charles Samuels, Christopher Newport University
- A Tribute to Mathematician Evelyn Boyd Granville: 1924-2023
Bonita Saunders, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Utilizing a Mastery-Based Grading Method in a Foundational Math Class
Amy Tucker, Stevenson University
- Using Gateway Tests to Assess Computational Skills in Linear Algebra
Katie Quertermous, James Madison University
- Hilbertian Neutral Geometry without the SAS Axiom
Elizabeth Brown, James Madison University
- Understanding the Obesity Epidemic: A Mathematical Model for the Dynamics between Insulin and Glucose.
Sujan Pant, Norfolk State University
James Tipton, Norfolk State University
Suresh Subedi, Norfolk State University
Ana Vivas, Norfolk State University
- Using Single-Elimination Tournaments as a Voting Method
Chris Hellings, University of Virginia
- Specifications Grading in a Liberal Arts Math Class
Melanie B Butler, Mount St. Mary's University
- Rethinking Precalculus
Spencer Hamblen, McDaniel College
- The Power Series No One Tells you About, with Special Guest Star: The Fibonacci Sequence
Mike O'Leary, Towson University
Jay Zimmerman, Towson University
Liz Goode, Towson University
- Wallpaper Groups in Origami Structures
Sara Chari, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- The Minton Invitational: Community Building and Sports Analytics
Michael Weselcouch, Roanoke College
- IBL and DEI in Intro Stats
Kelly Bubp, Frostburg State University
- A geometric approach to deriving trig function calculus with (and better for) students
Paul Warne, James Madison University
Debra Warne, James Madison University
- Irrational Bases for Natural Numbers
Stephen Lucas, James Madison University
- Preliminary Report on Counterattack Data in Women's NCAA D-1 Volleyball
Caleb Adams, Radford University
- Buffon's Needle and How the Ants Went Marching Home
Ray Cheng, Old Dominion University
- AI-Driven Gamification of Math Concepts
Rebin Muhammad, Montgomery College
Undergraduate Student Papers
- Mobility and Crime in Baltimore City
Natalie Brownlowe, Towson University
- Automorphic Forms, Elliptic Curves, and Galois Representations
Henry Pratt, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Data Into Action: Adventures in Data Science Consulting
Shelby Hendrickson, Hood College
Kailey Johnson, Hood College
Elizabeth Porter, Hood College
- Exploring Probabilities in Bingo and its Variations
Matt Gunn, Randolph-Macon College
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Thomas Karnell, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Further Improvements to the Upper Bound for the Site Percolation Threshold of the Square Lattice
Samuel Oberly, Johns Hopkins University
- Analyzing Momentum in Tennis
Luis Urias Miranda, Shenandoah University
- Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields of Characteristic Two
Lauren Cooney, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Chloe Garnish, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- The Connections Between Consistent Maps and Measures
Lucas Aberg, Christopher Newport University
- Enhancing Grant Efficiency: Innovations in Database Management at SMCM
Shameer Rao, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Detecting AI-generated writings
Abigail Basener, Virginia Military Institute
- Building & Exploring A Scalable Graph Network
Kiara Alexander, James Madison University
Erin Bozman, James Madison University
Emily Waters, James Madison University
Paola Mareno, James Madison University
Vicki Poku, James Madison University
Eldana Teklemariam, James Madison University
Andrew Chow, James Madison University
- Mathematical Modeling of Natural Killer Cells
Haihsin Huang, Virginia Military Institute
- Predicting Planned Pooling Patterns
Josh Makela, James Madison University
Kae Birch, James Madison University
Diego Gonzalez, James Madison University
Claire Jones, James Madison University
Lauren Wiermanski, James Madison University
Student Poster Session
- CG-Kit: Code Generation Toolkit for Performant and Maintainable Variants of Source Code
Aidan Chadha, Virginia Tech
- Modeling the Flow of Momentum in Tennis Matches
Morgan Magrisi, Virginia Military Institute
Rukshana Sarkari, Virginia Military Institute
Hagen Stewart, Virginia Military Institute
- Submersible Safety Model
Jeffrey George, Virginia Military Institute
Adam Gild, Virginia Military Institute
Sebastian Ramirez, Virginia Military Institute
- Decoding Momentum: A Mathematical Analysis in Tennis
Chase Lane, Virginia Military Institute
Anthony Pearson, Virginia Military Institute
Komsun Samngamkeao, Virginia Military Institute
- Resource Availability and Sex Ratios of Sea Lamprey Populations
Brendan Killeen, Virginia Military Institute
David Mack, Virginia Military Institute
Matthew Zieg, Virginia Military Institute
- Sports Momentum through the Lens of Tennis
David Clements, Virginia Military Institute
Sarah Liebenow, Virginia Military Institute
Han-Chun Liu, Virginia Military Institute
- Searching for Subs
Philip Frey, Virginia Military Institute
Connor Green, Virginia Military Institute
Malcolm McIntosh, Virginia Military Institute
- Modeling Acoustic Loads on Rockets at Liftoff
Valentina Paz Soldan Viscarra, James Madison University
Joey Ungerleider, James Madison University
- The Viability of Fungal Computers
Haram Kim, Shenandoah University
- Stokes Flow Around Swimming Microorganisms
Mckenna Witt, James Madison Universtiy
- Predicting Planned Pooling Patterns
Claire Jones, James Madison University
Kae Birch, James Madison University
Diego Gonzalez, James Madison University
Josh Makela, James Madison University
Lauren Wiermanski, James Madison University
- Building and Exploring a Scalable Graph Network
Breanna Yeboah, James Madison University
Nylah Wilson, James Madison University
Erin Bozeman, James Madison University
Emily Waters, James Madison University
Paola Moreno,James Madison University
Vicki Poku, James Madison University
Eldana Teklemariam, James Madison University
Andrew Chow, James Madison University
Daniel Antunes, James Madison University
- Visualizing Coanda Effect within Flame Trenches
Dillon Chadha, James Madison University
Section Meeting 211: Old Dominion Univerity, November 1-2, 2024
Invited Addresses
- The Hypercube Pop-Up Book
Richard Hammack, Virginia Commonwealth University
- What's Your Story
Kira Hamman, Urban Rural Action and the MAA
- An American Treasure: Mathematician, Evelyn Boyd Granville, 1924-2023
Bonita Saunders, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Strategies for Making Mathematics Engaging and Relevant
Aaron Trocki, Elon University (on behalf of MAA MD-DC-VA COMMIT)
- Experiential Learning and 3-D PRINTING
Pallavi Bhale, Montgomery College
- Active Learning using Geometry In and Out of the Classroom
Beth Claire Branman, University of Virginia
- Data-driven reduced order modeling
Xuping Xie, Old Dominion University
- Lord Rayleigh: A Quintessential Classical Applied Mathematician and Mathematical Physicist
John Adam, Old Dominion University
- Providing Visual Feedback for Integration Problems Using GeoGebra
Przemyslaw Bogacki, Old Dominion University
- A Year at the Air Force Academy
Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
- An introduction of inverse problems and Dirichlet to Neumann Map
Md Ibrahim Kholil, Norfolk State University
- csrnaseq: Identifying relevant covariates in RNA-seq analysis by pseudo-variable augmentation
Yet Nguyen, Old Dominion University
- Introducing Proofs of Theorems in Vector Calculus
Cherng-tiao Perng, Norfolk State University
- Adaptive location and scale estimation with kernel-weighted averages
Michael Pokojovy, Old Dominion University
Su Chen, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Andrews T. Anum, The University of Memphis
John Koomson, The University of Texas at El Paso
- PPythagorean n-ples
Dan Kalman, American University (Ret)
- Roots of Unity as a topic for student mathematical maturity
Bob Sachs, George Mason University
- An ensemble ordinal outcome classifier for high-dimensional data
Heranga Rathnasekara, Old Dominion University
- A mathematical model of non-Newtonian power-law fluid flow-induced deformation in porous biological tissues
Asif Mahmood, University of Virginia
- Serving those truly needing ONLY an introduction to statistics
Allen G. Harbaugh, Longwood University
- Using standards-based grading in all classes
Brian Heinold, Mount St. Mary's University
- Predicting the 2024 Presidential Election using Data Science
Jonathan McCurdy, Mount St. Mary's University
Nadun Kulasekera Mudiyanselage, Mount St. Mary's University
- Eigenmetric Curves: Measuring Perimeter and Area Simultaneously
Alex Meadows, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Euler's Partition Theorem
Ray Cheng, Old Dominion University
- Fully-discrete Lyapunov consistent discretizations for parabolic reaction-diffusion equations with r species
Mohammed Sayyari, Old Dominion University