The Mathematical Association of America
Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia Section

Talks Given at Section Meetings, 1997-2006

Section Meeting 158: College of William and Mary, April 18-19, 1997
Invited Addresses
  1. Character Driven Mathematics: The Making of Toy Story
    Brian Rosen, Pixar Corporation
  2. Interactive Geometry and Calculus on the Internet
    Thomas Banchoff, Brown University
    Teaching Calculus with the TI-92
    Craig Bailey, U.S. Naval Academy
  1. A Dialectical Approach to the Concept of Number Foundations of Mathematics
    llhan A. Izmirli, Strayer College
  2. A Student-Led Seminar in the History of Mathematics
    Betty Mayfield, Hood College
  3. Enumerative Combinatorics, Riordan Group and Generating Functions
    Asamoah Kwanta, Morgan State University
  4. Symmetry and Beauty in Math and Physics
    George DeRise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  5. Abel and Galois - Shared Dreams, Shared Disappointments
    Theresa Francis, Mount St. Mary's College
  6. Generalized Repunits and Presumed Primes: An Exploration
    Robert Grafton, National Science Foundation
  7. Maximum Determinant of (0,1) Matrices with Certain Constant Row and Column Sums
    Shaun Fallat, College of William and Mary
  8. Traveling Wave Solutions to a Modified Lotka-Volterra System for Spatially Stratefied Models for the Spread of Tumors
    Kim Yvette Ward, Old Dominion University
  9. Fear of Flying: Interdisciplinary Mathematics for Non-Science Students
    George Rublein, The College of William and Mary
  10. Teaching Calculus with the Tl-92 Calculator
    Craig Bailey, U.S. Naval Academy
  11. A Rule of Five
    Steven M. Hetzler and Robert M. Tardiff, Salisbury State University
  12. Linear Independence in Sets and Sequences
    William Wardlaw, U.S. Naval Academy
  13. Ranks of Toeplitz Matrices over Finite Fields
    Geoffrey Price, U.S. Naval Academy
  14. Fourier: A Crisis in Analysis
    Lyn Geisler, Randolph-Macon College
  15. A Combinatoric Identity with an Algebraic Proof
    Peter Kohn, James Madison University
  16. Post-Surgical Passive Response of Local Environment to Primary Tumor Removal
    Carryn Bellomo, Old Dominion University
  17. Dances with Agents
    Vojislav Stojkovic, Morgan State University
  18. Teaching Mathematics at Kenyatta University
    Dipa Choudhury, Loyola College
  19. Introducing a Math Modeling Course: Thoughts from a Newcomer
    Brian Bradie, Christopher Newport University
  20. Analytic Functions, Series
    James Coughlin, Towson State University
  21. The Notion of Type, as Regards Certain Geometric Limits
    Peter Mercer, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  22. Catastrophe-Theoretic Description of Rapid Metastatic Growth
    John A. Adam, Old Dominion University
  23. Construction of Haddamard Difference Sets
    Roni Ellington, Morgan State University
  24. Mathematical Techniques for Computer Graphics
    Ahlam Tannouri, Morgan State University
  25. Toward the Real World: Showing Technology as a Tool
    Brian Bradie, Christopher Newport University Student Presentations
  26. Footprint of Field Lines in Single-Null Divertor Tokamah with Dipole Perturbations Using the Method of Maps
    Joni D. Burton, Hampton University
  27. Mathematical Modeling of Simple Quantum Mechanical Interactions
    Christopher St. Jean, Randolph-Macon College
  28. Why Three Geometric Constructions Cannot be Performed Using Ruler and Compass Methods
    Julie Jones, Randolph-Macon College
  29. Magical Turtles and Magic Squares
    Izzy Kyle, Hood College
  30. Computer Applications for a MacLaurin-Picard Theorem for PDEs
    Henry D. Herr, James Madison University
  31. Modeling Shear in a Magnetically Confined Plasma
    Franklin Jones, Hampton University
  32. Hamilton Circuits
    Nikki J. Thompson
  33. The Survival of Chesapeake Bay: A Mathematical Study
    Kim Kline and Beth Stockslager, Hood College
  34. Exploring Fuzzy Regression Analysis
    Laura J. Jacobsen, Roanoke College
  35. Yosemite Expedition: A Calculus Project
    Aba Blankson, Anne Hambrick-Stowe, and Heather Graves, Hood College
  36. Implication and Analysis of an Algorithm by Xia
    Michelle Donalies, Hampton University

Section Meeting 159: Mount St. Mary's College, November 21-22, 1997
Invited Addresses
    Visualisation and Modeling in the Differential Equations Course
    Robert Borrelli, Harvey Mudd College
  1. The Mathematics of the Perfect Shuffling
    Brent Morris, National Security Agency
  2. Visualisation and Modeling in the Differential Equations Course
    Robert Borrelli, Harvey Mudd College
  1. Data Analysis and Mathematical Modeling in Calculus using the Tl-92
    Jeffrey L.Sielman, Roanoke College
  2. Project Next: A national Description and sectional Discussion
    Lester Coyle, Loyola College in Maryland
  3. A Maple Representaion of Artinian Braid Groups
    John Armstrong, UMBC/UMCP
  4. A Special Combinatorial Decomposition of Chinese Characters
    Michael E. McDaniel, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  5. Foundation of Mathematics: Pythagorean Synthesis and Irrational Numbers
    Ilhan A.lzmiri, Strayer College
  6. An Exploration of Difficulties in Solving Calculus Word Problems
    Atma R. Sahu, Coppin State College
  7. Mathematical Cosmology: How to Spice Up Your Lectures
    George Derise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  8. Small Computer Software for Hand Calculations in Elementary Group Theory
    Paul G. Glenn, Catholic University of America
  9. A King and Three Wise Men-Multi-Agent Reasoning with Belief Context
    Vojislav Stojkovich, Morgan State University
  10. Transmissions in TWDM Communication Network
    Andrew D. Oh, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  11. Calculus Project on TI-92
    Roland Minton, Roanoke College
  12. Statistical Analysis of Students Evaluations of Faculty
    Thomas Jack, Shepherd College, WV
  13. Easily Implemented Binary Burst Error Correcting Codes
    George Mackiw, Loyola College in Maryland
  14. The Solution to Hypersingular Integral Equations in Acoustics and Fracture Mechanics
    Richard St.John, Old Dominion University
  15. The Mathematics of Rubic Cube
    David Joyner, U.S. Naval Academy
  16. Some Changes Nationally in Mathematics Courses for Liberal Arts Majors
    Helen Christensen, RSM, Loyola College in Maryland
  17. An Alternative Algebra Course
    Tom Fanney and Denise Wilkinson, Virginia Wesleyan College
  18. Integration and the Elliptic Integral
    James Coughlin, Towson State University
  19. The Arabian Contribution to the Development of Algebra
    Ahlam El-Hage Tannouri, Morgan State University
  20. Individualized Testing in Finite Mathematics
    Francoise Nelles, Shepherd College, WV
  21. Sequenceable Groups and Latin Squares
    Michael J. Caufield, Glenville State College, WV
  22. Three Models from Baseball with Elementary Mathematical Solutions and a Model Beginning to be Made
    George Edgar Parker, James Madison University
  23. Differential Equation Reform: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
    Lyn Geisler, Randolph-Macon College Student Presentations
  24. Latin Squares
    Sung Hee Cho, Georgetown University
  25. Why Do We Need Spanning Trees?
    Devika Cbawala, Georgetown University

Section Meeting 160: Virginia State University, April 17-18, 1998
Invited Addresses
  1. Innovative Expeiments in Mathematics and Beyond…and how I survived them
    Edward Burger, Williams College
  2. Juggling Permutations of the Integers
    Ronald Graham, AT&T Labs Research
  1. Bifurcational Tournament Square-Root Graphs
    Raymond Pletcher III, Virginia State University
  2. Student Self-Assessment and Portfolios in Undergraduate Mathematics Classes
    Lyn Stallings, American University
  3. Newton's Arithmatica Universalis
    Rebecca.Berg , Bowie State University
  4. A General ODE and PDE Solver Using Picard's Method
    James Money, James Madison University
  5. A Set Point Based Dieting Model
    Frank Kozusko, Hampton University
  6. Reinforcing Core Curricular Concepts
    Dave Pruett and Cater Lyons, James Madison University
  7. New Proofs of Some Classical Inequalities
    Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
  8. Solving Cubics and Quartics by Completing the Circulant
    Dan Kalman, American University
  9. Small Divisors: Some Number Theory Every Analyst Should Know
    Lyn Geisler II, Randolph-Macon College
  10. Matrix Completions over Principal Ideal Domain and Good Matrices
    William P. Wardlaw, U.S. Naval Academy
  11. LARGE Complex Mappings from an Evolutionary Viewpoint'
    Stephen D. Casey, American University
  12. Interactive Components for Upper Level Math Courses
    Theresa Francis, Mount Saint Mary's College
  13. Lattice Paths, Generating Functions and the Fibonacci Numbers
    Asamoah Nkwanta, Morgan State University
  14. Trees, Fertility Rate, and Population
    Mohammad Moazzam , Salisbury State University
  15. Algebraic Bisections of 3-Regular Graphs
    Fabio Guerinoni, Virginia State University
  16. Bounds on the Size of Critical Edge-Chromatic Graphs
    Dawit Haile, Virginia State University
  17. Properties of Means of First-Passage Times in Percolation Theory
    John C. Wiemar, John Hopkins University
  18. On Some Mathematical Properties of the Pyramid of Cheops
    Ilhan lzrnirli, Strayer College Student Presentations
  19. Bicycle Tournament Square-Root Graphs
    Shawn Bruce, Virginia State University
  20. A Descriptive Study of Student and Teacher Attitudes Toward Mathematics'
    Belicia Bradley, Hampton lJniversity
  21. Linear Algebra and MATLAB
    Henry W Faxon, Bowie University
  22. Exploration of Chaos and Heart Rhythms
    Lincoln E. Haughton, Hampton University
  23. Some Applications of Iterative Methods
    Kanchan Basnyat, Bowie,State University
  24. Partitions of the Edge-Set of a Graph into Trees
    Navin Vembar, The George Washington University
  25. Digital SignaJ Processing and Number Theory
    Terrance Moore, American University
  26. Useful Strategies in Mathematical Optimization Modeling
    Kendra Taylor, Hampton University
  27. Self-Similar Tilings
    Thomas L. Fitzkee, The George Washington University
  28. Fun Math Projects for a Rainy Day
    John Kasprzak, St Mary's College of Maryland
  29. An Introduction to Fractal Geometry: It's Fractually Everywhere!!
    Rebecca Torrey and Keith McCarron, American University
  30. Statistical Analysis of an Industrial Fermentation Reactor
    Erin A. Wilson, Hampton University
  31. Two Interesting Topologies on R2
    Eric Moshier, James Madison University
  32. Synchronous Fireflies: A Discrete Mathematical Model
    Jesica Lawson, Ronald Walsh, Christian Benjarnin, John Kasprzak and Wendy Utz St. Mary's College of Maryland
  33. The Trouble with Easy Teachers
    Modeling Competition in Mathematics Meritorious Award Jonathan Triplett & Daniel Kelly, Loyola College in Maryland
  34. DareToLearn™
    Modeling Competition in Mathematics Meritorious Award David Rush, Daniel Showalter, and Bantisossen Ycmane, Eastern Mennonite University
  35. ABCDEF: A Solution to Grade Inflation
    Modeling Competition in Mathematics Meritorious Award Kelly Hiltner , Mark Shipley, and Christian Wilson, Mount St. Mary's College
  36. ABC's Top List
    Modeling Competition in Mathematics Meritorious Award Aimee B. Cmar and Michael D. Weber, College of William and Mary
  37. Modeling Competition in Mathematics Meritorious Award
    Salisbury State University

Section Meeting 161: Towson University, November 13-14, 1998
Invited Addresses
  1. 3-Dimensional Graphics and Geometry on the Desktop
    James White, Mathwright Library
  2. Wavelets and Applications
    John Benedetto, University of Maryland
Invited Lecture for Undergraduate Students
    Web, Sieves, and Money: Number Theory's Rubber Hits the I-way Road
    J. Kevin Colligan, National Security Agency
  1. Portfolio and Rubric Assessment in Mathematics Classes
    Lyn Stallings, American University
  2. The New Mathright Library
    James White, Mathwright Library
  1. Mathematical Sciences During the Byzantine Empire
    Ilhan A. Izmirli, Strayer College
  2. The Reversing Symmetry Group in a First Course in Group Theory
    Geoffery R. Goodson, Towson University
  3. A Generalization of the Natural Logarithm
    Dan Kalman, American University
  4. Computers and the Egyptian Process of Duplation and Mediation
    Ahlam Tanouri, Moragan State University
  5. A Pascal-Like Pyramid
    Robert Hanson, James Madison University
  6. Tabular Model, Fertility Rate, and Human Population Growth
    Mohammad Moazzam, Salisbury State University
  7. Multigrid Methods in Fortran 90
    Paul Dostert, James Madison University
  8. Using Computer Graphics to Investigate Group Structure
    Michael J. Bardzell and Kathleen M. Shannon, Salisbury State University
  9. Down 4 With a Minute to Play
    G. Edgar Parker, James Madison University
  10. Visualizing Complex Mappings From an Evolutionary Point of View
    Stephen Casey, Keith McCarron, and Rebecca Torrey; American University
  11. Design of a Readings in Mathematics Course
    George Piegari, Virginia Military Institute
  12. Fast Calculations of Invariant Factors over a Principal Ideal Domain
    Peter M. Joyce and Nilotpal Ghosh, Catonsville Community College
  13. Renewal Models for Genetic Recombination
    John Nolan, American University
  14. Introducing Infinite Series Via the St. Petersburg Paradox
    Lester Coyle, Loyola College in Maryland
  15. Project NExT: Discussions Via e-mail
    Jacquelin Anderson Hall, Longwood College
  16. Super Algebras
    George De Rise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  17. Global Behavior of Some Discrete Epidemic Models
    Parviz Khalili, Christopher Newport University

Section Meeting 162: James Madison University, April 9-10, 1999
Invited Addresses
  1. Women in Mathematics: Reality and Myths
    Anita Solow, Randolph-Macon Women's College
  2. Mathematical Vignettes from Cambridge University
    James Tattersal, Providence College
  3. The Birth of Molecular Computation
    Harel Barzilai, Lynchburg College
    Applications for Lower Level College Mathematics
    James Sandefur, Georgetown University
  1. A Year Sequence in Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling at JMU
    James Sochacki, James Madison University
  2. Using Math Forum's Problem of the Week in a General Education Mathematics Course for College Students
    Jeanne Fitzgerald, James Madison University
  3. Fixed and Rotating Frames of Reference
    John Marnfino, James Madison University
  4. Experiences with a Combined Linear Algebra-Differential Equations Course
    Gary L. Peterson, James Madison University
  5. An Exploration of the Musical Pitch Class Group
    Leonard VanWyk, James Madison University
  6. On Mathieu's Inequality
    Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
  7. A Coherent Survey Course in College Geometry
    Robb T. Koether, Hampden-Sydney College
  8. Recognizing and Developing your Students' Mathematical Sophistication
    Gideon Weinstein, American University
  9. Sums of Integer Powers: A Combinatorial Approach
    George Mackiw, Loyola College in Maryland
  10. Using Mathcad to Determine Quantum Numbers
    Theresa A. Francis, Mount St. Mary's College
  11. Mathematical Aspects of Music, Part I
    Ilhan Izmirli, Strayer University
  12. A Multi-Type Percolation Model
    John C. Wierman, Johns Hopkins University
  13. A Mathematical Exploration of the History of the Human Population
    Lyn Geissler III, Randolph-Macon College
  14. Hot Topics Course for High School Students
    George DeRise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  15. Minimal Relative Separators for Chordal Graphs
    Dawit Haile, Virginia State University
  16. Visualizing Gaussian Elimination
    Daniel F. Symancyk, Anne Arundel Community College
  17. 3d Visualization of Mathematical Functions Using the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
    Bonita V. Saunders, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  18. The Goldberg Method for Solving Problems in Probability and Statistics
    Lee May. Salisbury State University
  19. How Can Schools Meet the NCTM Standards for K-12 Mathematics?
    C. Wayne Patty, Virginia Tech University
  20. Pseudo-Conjugacy in Finite Groups
    G. Edgar Parker, James Madison University
  21. Using Concepts from Logic to Solve Systems of Nonlinear Equations
    Richard Maruszewski, U.S. Naval Academy
  22. Abraham De Moivre's "The Doctrine of Chances"
    Christopher E. Barat, Virginia State University
  23. The Clairault Equation
    James P. Coughlin, Towson University
MAA Student Chapters Conference
    • Keynote Speaker
      Touring a Torus
      Joseph Gallian, University of Minnesota Duluth

    • Student Presentations

    • Poster Session

    • Panel Discussions
      1. Careers in the Mathematical Sciences
      2. Graduate Programs in Mathematics

Section Meeting 163: Loyola College in Maryland, Fall, 1999
  1. Project 2061 and Mathematics Instruction in Middle School and High School
    George Nelson, American Association for the Advancement of Science
  2. Combinatorial Aspects of Convex Polytopes
    Rodica Simion, George Washington University
  3. Love Letters, M & M's and Circe's Cave
    Bud Brown, Virginia Tech
    Complex Mappings From an Evolutionary Viewpoint (A New Way to See Some Classical Mathematics)
    Dan K. Bell, Tiffin University
    Stephen D. Casey, American University

Section Meeting 164: Bowie State University, April 28-29, 2000
Invited Addresses
  1. The History of Mathematics in Color
    John W. Alexander, Jr., Spelman College
  2. Mathematics Magazine Morsels
    Paul Zorn, St. Olaf College
  3. The Fractional Parts of n/k
    Melvin R. Currie, National Security Agency
    History of Mathematics in Mathematics Courses
    Victor Katz, University of the District of Columbia and Rebecca Berg, Bowie State University
  1. New Results on Univalent Functions and Their Applications to Complementarity Theory
    Roman Sznajder, Bowie State University
  2. Minimal Vertex Separators of Chordal Graphs
    Dawit Haile, Virginia State University
  3. An Elementary School Approach to the 16 Puzzle
    William Wardlaw, U.S. Naval Academy
  4. An Automorphism Theorem for Bipermutational Tournament Square-root Graphs
    Raymond R. Fletcher Ill, Virginia State University
  5. A User Model for Internet Based Intelligent Tutoring System
    Jan Smid, Morgan State University
  6. Magic Squares, Finite Geometries and Points of Inflection on Elliptic Curves
    Ezra Brown, Virginia Tech
  7. Principle Learning and Theorem Building Process of Integrating Polynomials in Csc x and Cot x
    Atma Sahu, Coppin State College
  8. Mathematics of C-spaces
    Ilhan M. lzmirli, Strayer University
  9. Fair Cake Cutting After Su
    William Traves, US Naval Academy
  10. Using the Washington Post to Teach an Introductory Statistics Course
    Stephanie Cawthorne, Marymount University
  11. Is There a "Right" Way to Teach Girls Math? Feminist Pedagogy and Curricular Reform
    Betty Mayfield, Hood College Student Presentations
  12. If Pascal Had a Computer - a Do-It-Yourself Guide to the Problem of the Points
    Thaddeus Selden, Randolph-Macon College
  13. The Hill Estimator and Heavy Tailed Models
    Bashir M. Dwei, American University
  14. Shrewd Shannon-Type Sampling Via Number Theoretic Trickery
    Terrence Moore, American University
  15. Interfering with Interference
    Thaddeus Selden and Neil Bridge, Randolph-Macon College
  16. Continuous motion of Displaced Coordinate Frames
    Keith McCarron and Becci Torre, American University
  17. A Random Regression Model Explored
    Michela Barba, American University
  18. An Exploration of a Type-B Tamari Poset
    Nirit Sandman, George Washington University
  19. Mathematics on the Web
    Conrad Lotze, American University
  20. How Likely is a Fifth Degree Polynomial to be Symmetric about a Point?
    Bradford Abbot and Parviz Khalili, Christopher Newport University
  21. Controlling Air Traffic
    Mathematical Contest in Modeling Outstanding Award
    Finale Doshi, Rebecca Lessem, David Mooney; Virginia Governor's School, Richmond

Section Meeting 164: American University, November 17-18, 2000
Invited Addresses
  1. War and the Weather: Notes on the Life and Mathematics of Lewis Fry Richardson
    Brian Hayes, Author and Writer on Mathematics and Related Subjects
  2. Double Soap Bubbles
    Frank Morgan, Williams College
  3. A Sabbatical Adventure
    Sonja Sandberg, Framingham State College
  4. Mathematics in Theoretical Computer Science
    William Gasarch, University of Maryland
    Mathwright Workshop
    Dan Kalman, American University
  1. Encouraging an Enjoyment of Mathematics Through Reading
    Susan Schwartz Wildstrom, Walt Whitman High School, Montgomery County, MD
  2. Why The 9-Point Circle Should Be Called The 12-Point Circle
    Fat Lam, Gallaudet University
  3. Shapes That Do Well in The Covering Problem
    Tzong-Yow Lee, Maryland, College Park
  4. A Math Professor Attends a Physics Conference
    George DeRise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  5. Data Transmissions In Wavelength Network
    Andrew D. Oh, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  6. An Interesting Binary Operation on p Symbols with an Application to Sequences
    Richard McCoart, Loyola College in Maryland
  7. Sequentially functionally compact and sequentially C-compact spaces
    Bhamini M. P. Nayar, Morgan State University
  8. Orienting a Scribble
    Gary D. Knott, Civilized Software, Inc.
  9. Using Collaborative Learning to Foster Competition
    G. Edgar Parker, James Madison University
  10. Mathematics and New Technology
    Reza Sarhangi, Towson University
  11. Proofs and Their Theorems
    T. Hoy Booker, American University
  12. Lowest Terms Revisited
    Carter Lyons, James Madison University, and Larry Robinson, University of Toledo
  13. Fractals & Music
    Ilhan M. Izmirli, Strayer University
  14. Sampling Theory and the Residue Calculus: What did Cauchy Really Know?
    Stephen Casey, American University
  15. Cell Suppression using Linear Programming: A Disclosure Limitation Technique for Data Tables
    Paul B. Massell, Statistical Research Division, U.S. Census Bureau
  16. Hit Counting Algorithms for 2-D Cellular Automata
    Brian Guarraci (student) and Michael Bardzell, Salisbury State University
  17. Color graphs of complex functions: math, art, both, or neither
    Larry Crone, American University
  18. Computer Laboratory Based Calculus Using Excel and Mathematica
    Laura Spielman, Virginia Tech
  19. Marden's theorem on the roots of a complex cubic
    Dan Kalman, American University
  20. Weaving Paper Polyhedra
    James V. Blowers, US Army Combined Arms Support Command
  21. Creating Interactive Java Applets without Knowing Java
    Kevin Peterson, Lynchburg College
  22. Home run Hitting and Halley
    Howard L. Penn, U.S. Naval Academy
  23. A Carothers Projection of the 3-Body Problem
    Steve Penny, James Madison University
  24. What is the rank of a matrix over a commutative ring?
    William P. Wardlaw, U. S. Naval Academy
Student Papers
  1. Online Mathematics Tutoring
    Conrad Lotze, American University
  2. Singular Points of Polynomial Equations
    Merle D. Zimmermann, Montgomery College (Rockville)
  3. Summer Math Camp Growing Pains
    Deborah Lynn Gochenaur, Messiah College

Section Meeting 165: Virginia Military Institute, April 20-21, 2001
Invited Addresses
  1. The Case of the Conjecture Slain by a Deck of Cards (Borsuk's Conjecture)
    Robert Mena, California State University, Long Beach and the National Science Foundation
  2. Using Rubrics and Reflection in Mathematics Courses
    Lyn Stallings, American University
  3. Comfortably Injecting the Learning of Writing into the Teaching of Mathematics
    Timothy Law Snyder, Department of Computer Science, Georgetown University
  4. An Overview of Quantum Computation: Concept and Intuition
    Samuel J. Lomonaco, University of Maryland Baltimore County
    Grant Writing Workshop
  1. Elliptic Curves, Doughnuts, and 49/20
    Ezra Brown, Virginia Tech
  2. Undergraduate Computational Science Via Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Dave Pruett, Jim Sochacki, James Madison University
  3. Getting The Most Out Of Histograms In Basic Stat
    Alexander White, American University
  4. Linear Fractional Transforms With Integer Coefficients
    Gregory Dresden, Washington & Lee University
  5. (A) Surprising Sequence(s)
    Gordon Williams, VMI
  6. A Stochastic Cellular Automata for Three-Coloring Penrose Tiles
    Mark McClure, UNC at Asheville
  7. A Problem of Kaplansky
    William P. Wardlaw, U. S. Naval Academy
  8. First Return Limiting Processes: A Little Information Goes A Long Way
    Michael J. Evans, Washington and Lee University
  9. Generalizations of the Concept of State
    Andrew Vogt, Georgetown University
  10. Three Parabola Problems and Some Historical Notes
    Parviz Khalili, Christopher Newport University
  11. From Discrete Least Squares Approximation to Data Smoothing: The Path Less Traveled
    Robert P. Bennell, Virginia Military Institute
  12. Merlot: Online Teaching and Learning Resources
    Kevin Peterson, Lynchburg College
  13. Orientations of 5-Wheel-Free Graphs To Avoid Having An S3 Minor
    Glenn Berman, Lynchburg College
  14. The Mathematics of GPS
    Craig Bailey, U S Naval Academy
Student Papers
  1. A Mathematical Model of a Storm Evacuation Plan for the South Carolina Coast
    Jonathan Charlesworth, Finale Doshi, and Joseph Gonzalez, Governor's School, Richmond, VA
    COMAP Outstanding Winner Award
  2. EVADE'M: Emergency Ventilation Adaptive Dynamic Evacuation Method
    Robert Knapik, Timothy Myers, and Eugene Kitamura, James Madison University
    COMAP Meritorious Award
  3. Hurricane Evacuation Plans for Coastal South Carolina Counties
    Tony Kirilusha, Jonathan Robbins, Adam Weaver, University of Richmond
    COMAP Meritorious Award
  4. To Disk Or Not To Disk
    Daniel Robinson, Florin Nedelciuc, Justin Lacy, James Madison University
    COMAP Meritorious Award
  5. Winnie the Pooh and Elections Too: A Look at Voting Theory
    Amanda Tracey, Hood College
  6. A Coloring Problem
    Adrien Treuille, Georgetown University
  7. Meetin' in the City of New Orleans: An Undergraduates View of the 2001 Joint Meetings
    Amanda Tracey, Jennifer Webb, Laura Pugh, Hood College
  8. Generating Bandt's Aperiodic Mixed Self-Similar Fractiles and Their Boundaries
    Dominic Braun, UNC at Asheville
  9. Modeling Animal Behavior
    Michael Gwinn, Georgetown University
  10. Normal Matrices and Polar Decompositions in Indefinite Inner Products
    Patrick Meade, College of William & Mary
  11. Using Maple for Solving Fluid Dynamics Models
    Kendrick D. Smith, Hampton University (grad student)
  12. CS/Math Project: gtk/OpenGL interactive 1st Order ODE Solver
    Amy Pollard, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  13. On A Variation of the Lotka-Volterva Prey-Predator Model
    Danielle Boyd, Morgan State University
  14. Multiplicative Generation of Integral Matrices via Elementary Bidiagonal Matrices
    Charles R. Johnson, Dani N. Machado, and Patrick X. Rault, College of William and Mary
  15. Can You Follow Our Train of Thought? Analyzing the Effects Of A Railroad Crossing On Traffic Flow
    Nancy Nichols and Tonya Kim, Randolph-Macon College

Section Meeting 167: Virginia Tech, October 19-20, 2001
Invited Addresses
  1. Effective 3D Visualizations for the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions Project
    Bonita Saunders, NIST
  2. Diophantus and Fermat
    Larry Washington, University of Maryland
  3. Polynomial Equations and Circulant Matrices
    Dan Kalman, American University
  1. A Structure Theory for Central Digraphs with Nontrivial Homomorphic Image
    Ray Fletcher, Virginia State
  2. Reviews of Calculus Reform
    Roland Minton, Roanoke College
  3. Latitude and Longitude on an Ellipsoidal Earth
    Craig Bailey, U.S. Naval Academy
  4. What happens when teachers create activities to improve geometrical visualization skills of middle school students?
    Judy Kidd and Jeanne Fitzgerald, James Madison University
    George DeRise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  6. Invariance Vectors in Music
    Ilhan M. Izmirli, Strayer University
  7. Seven and Seventeen Sided Polygons
    Lincoln E. Bragg
  8. The Elliptic Curve Attack on RSA Encryption
    William N. Traves, U.S. Naval Academy
  9. A Theorem on Slopes and an Application
    Fat C. Lam, Gallaudet
  10. Quantitative Literacy: National and Local Perspectives
    Caren L. Diefenderfer, Hollins University
  11. Visual Comprehension Skills of Incoming Calculus and Applied Calculus Students
    Alexander White, American University
  12. Factoring Polynomials with Matrices
    William P. Wardlaw, U.S. Naval Academy
  13. The Completely Positive and Doubly Nonnegative Completion Problems
    John H. Drew, College of William & Mary
  14. Teaching Calculus Using Geometer's Sketchpad
    Kevin Peterson, Lynchburg College
  15. Matrix Patterns and Line Sums
    David Stanford, College of William and Mary
Graduate Student Papers
  1. Calculus on the Heisenberg Group as Applied to the Pompeiu and Morera Problems with Moments
    Wayne M. Eby, University of Maryland, Laguerre
  2. The Dimension of the Human Genome
    William Ott, University of Maryland
  3. The Center For Nondegenerate Quadratic Jordan Algebras
    Bernard Fulgham, University of Virginia
  4. Christopher Hammond, University of Virginia
    Compactness of the Inclusion Map between Bergman Spaces
  5. Using Flexible Galerkin Methods to Investigate Error Behavior in Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
    Chris Massey, Virginia Tech
  6. Group Product Cellular Automata
    David Ferguson, Virginia Tech
  7. The Ring of Fractions of a Quadratic Jordan Algebra
    Jim Bowling, University of Virginia

Section Meeting 168: St. Mary's College of Maryland, April 12-13, 2002
Invited Addresses
  1. On the Teeth of Wheels: A Story about a Clockmaker, a Number Theorist and a Reward of $2.56
    Brian Hayes, American Scientist Magazine
  2. Geometrical Puppetshows: Real-time Interactive Computer Animation
    George Francis, University of Illinois
Panel Discussion
    Panel on Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
    Organized by Caren Diefenderfer and Trish Hammer of Hollins University, with Christina Salowey, (Classical Studies) and Andre Spies (History) also from Hollins.
  1. Extending the Error Correcting Capabilities of the ISBN Code
    Aileen Cuddy and George Mackiw, Loyola College of Maryland
  2. Matrix Factorization
    Dipa Choudhury, Loyola College of Maryland
  3. Some Issues in Teaching Mathematics to Prospective Elementary and Middle School Teachers
    G. Edgar Parker, James Madison University
  4. Square Roots from 1;24,51,10 to Dan Shanks
    Ezra Brown, Virginia Tech
  5. Factoring Polynomials with Matrices
    William P. Wardlaw, U. S. Naval Academy
  6. Problems from the History of Probability
    Karen Z. Benbury, Bowie State University
  7. Interactive Web Based Labs for the U.S. Naval Academy — Real World Applications Designed with Java for the 3-semester Calculus Sequence
    Carol G. Crawford and Mark D. Meyerson, U. S. Naval Academy
  8. Concerning the Redesign of Baseball's Postseason Playoff Format
    James Case, Consultant
  9. Logical Puzzles in Prolog
    Mihaela Malita, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  10. Online Math Tutoring
    Conrad Lotze, Towson University
  11. Revisiting the History of Mathematics in a Computer Science perspective. A Case Study
    Gheorghe Stefan, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  12. Burnside obstraction to the Montesinos-Nakanishi 3-move conjecture
    Mieczyslaw K. Dabkowski, George Washington University
  13. Two Dimensional Arrays of Pitch Classes
    Ilhan M. Izmirli, Strayer University
  14. Quantitative Literacy at William and Mary
    George Rublein, William and Mary
Student Papers
  1. Asymptotic Analysis of an Inward Point Load Acting on a Half Space: a nonlinearly elastic near-load model
    Mary R. Lee, James Madison University
  2. Cwatsets and Two-Dimensional Cell Complexes
    J. Brandon Coates, Hampden-Sydney College
  3. Regular Polytopes in Four Dimensions
    Kevin Beanland, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  4. The Modified Picard Method for Singular Problems
    Kelly I. Dickson, James Madison University
  5. Ceva's Theorem and Its Applications
    Mihaela Guberovic, Virginia Military Institute
  6. Multiplicative Generation of Integral Matrices via Elementary Bidiagonal Matrices
    Danilo N. Machado*, Charles R. Johnson, Patrick X. Rault, William and Mary
  7. Math Model of Airflow Propagation through Non-Uniform Materials
    Lois Simon, Morgan State University
  8. Where's the Scrub? Aye There's the Rub. — Environmental Management of the Florida Scrub Lizard
    (MCM Outstanding Winner) Andrew Carroll, Victoria Chiou, and Jessamyn Liu
  9. No Shows, No Seats, No Dice - Airline Overbooking and Future Cost Repercussions
    (MCM Meritorious) Philip O'Brien, Margaret Olson, and Art Vilassakdanont
  10. Optimal Airline Booking Strategies Under Various Demand Situations
    (MCM Meritorious) Jonathan Charlesworth, Garrett Urban, and Jeb Ware
  11. A Dry Solution - A Study in Fountain Control
    (MCM Outstanding Winner) Lyric Doshi, Philip Kidd, and Joseph Gonzalez

Section Meeting 169: University of Maryland, College Park, November 1-2, 2002
Invited Addresses
  1. Wanna Bet?: Curiosities in Probability
    Dr. Martha Siegel, Towson University, Secretary of the MAA
  2. Five Fundamental Facts in Matrix Analysis
    Roger Horn, University of Utah
  3. When Close Enough is Close Enough
    Edward Scheinerman, The Johns Hopkins University
Project NExT Workshop
    Challenging our Assumptions in Teaching
    Dr. James Stith, American Institute of Physics
Panel for grad students
    The panel will consist of people who have recently been on the job market or who have recently hired someone and they will discuss ways to have a successful job search.
  1. Some Problems on Magic Squares, Difference Triangles and Permutations
    Ilhan M Izmirli, Strayer University
  2. Beware the pretend MD state Algebra test
    Jerome Dancis, University of MD College Park
  3. Metaphor and Mathematics
    Jennifer Bergner, Salisbury University
  4. God's Beautiful Mathematics
    George DeRise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  5. Eigenvalue and Jordan Block Pairings Arising From Real and Skew-Symmetric Normal Matrices
    Geoffrey R. Goodson, Towson University
  6. Two Algorithms for Solving the Cell Suppression Problem
    Paul B. Massell, U.S. Census Bureau
  7. The Mathematics of Golf Drives
    Ronald Minton, Roanoke College
  8. The ADEPT Program at Salisbury University
    Homer Austin and Harel Barzilai, Salisbury University
  9. Picard Iteration and Polynomial Projection
    G. Edgar Parker, James Madison University
  10. An informal approach to formal inner products
    Richard Hammack, Randolph-Macon College
  11. The Many Names of (7, 3, 1)
    Ezra Brown, Virginia Tech
  12. Outwitting the Lying Oracle
    John Osoinach, Hampden-Sydney College
  13. Hyperbolic Geometry Calculator
    Roman Sznajder, Bowie State University
  14. Projective Polynomial and Analytic Function
    David Carothers, James Madison University
  15. Some Thoughts on Teaching a Course on Mathematics of Finance
    Fozia S. Qazi, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  16. A Look at Billiards
    John Hanson, James Madison University
  17. The Fibonacci Numbers-Exposed
    Dan Kalman, American University
  18. Reading and Journals and Websites, Oh My!
    Susan Schwartz Wildstrom, Walt Whitman High School
  19. Applying the Modified Picard Method in a Symbolic and Numeric Computing Environment
    James Sochacki, James Madison University
  20. Simon Newcomb: Adventures of a nineteenth-century American mathematician in mathematics education
    David Lindsay Roberts, Independent Scholar
  21. An expository account of Fermat's Last Theorem for Polynomials, and the abc conjecture
    Ashvin Rajan, Loyola College in Md
  22. Fietsen, Dijken, en Wiskunde: A Sabbatical in Netherlands
    Eve Torrence and Bruce Torrence, Randolph-Macon College
  23. The Modified Picard-Pade' Approximation Method for Singular Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems
    Paul Warne, James Madison University
Graduate Student Papers
  1. Successful Techniques for Students with Learning Disabilities
    Brooke Evans, American University
  2. Counterexamples to some elementarily formulated conjectures in Knot Theory
    Mieczyslaw K. Dabkowski, The George Washington University
  3. Series Approximation and Carleman's Inequality
    By Salim Alam, Montgomery College, Rockville (Undergraduate talk)
  4. Character Theory of Covering Groups
    Amit Trehan, University of MD, College Park
  5. Using Symmetry to Improve Percolation Threshold Bounds
    William May, The Johns Hopkins University
  6. Slow damping of internal waves in a stably Stratified fluid
    Richard Kollar, University of MD, College Park
  7. Dimension Spectra of Attractors and Projection Theory
    William Ott, University of MD, College Park
  8. A Hadamard Type Inequality
    Bogdan Gavrea, University of MD, Baltimore County
  9. Mixture of Erlang Distributions and Renewal Processes Based on Them
    Bashir M. Dweik, American University,

Section Meeting 170: Norfolk State University, April 11-12, 2003
Invited Addresses
  1. How to Always Win at Limbo: You can sum some of the series some of the time, and some of the series none of the time...but can you sum some of the series ALL of the time?
    Edward Burger, Williams College
  2. Binomial and Other Infinite Series: A Historical Perspective
    Ranjan Roy, Beloit College
Panel Discussion
    Education of and Career Opportunities for Nontraditional Math Majors
    Organizers: Elsa Schaefer and Stephanie Cawthorne, Marymount University
  1. The Mathematician Who Sold his Soul to the Devil: Gerbert
    Jennifer Webb, Hood College
  2. Digital Filters and Uniform Approximation
    Martin Bartelt, Christopher Newport University
  3. 3D graphics on the World Wide Web: An Update of Visualizations for NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
    Bonita Saunders, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  4. "Monstrous Moonshine" Why is 196,884 approx=196,883?
    George DeRise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  5. How to teach the Division Algorithm in Pre-Calculus Mathematics and Beyond
    Boyd Coan, Norfolk State University
  6. A Statistical Geometry Approach to the Study of Protein Structure
    Majid Masso, George Mason University
  7. Newton's Method as an Initial Value Ordinary Differential Equation with Picard's Method
    James Sochacki, James Madison University
  8. Visualizing basins of attractions
    Jonathan Stephenson, Virginia Wesleyan College
  9. Star Polygons in Geometry and Art, and the Geometer's Sketchpad
    Reza Sarhangi, Towson University
  10. Accumulation Points of the Set of Totient Ratios
    William Wardlaw, U.S. Naval Academy
  11. Automorphisms of Finite Groups
    Guy T Hogan and Shadana Yates, Norfolk State University
  12. A Priori Error Estimates for Maclaurin Series Approximations to Solutions of Differential Systems
    Paul Warne, James Madison University
  13. The Mathematical Development of Prospective Elementary Teachers
    Laura Spielman, Virginia Tech
  14. Six ways to solve cubic equations
    Parviz Khalili, Christopher Newport University
  15. The Game of Oktagon: Linear Algebra Gone Bad
    Verne Leininger, Bridgewater College
  16. Thermodynamics in beginning Multivariate Calculus
    George Rublein, College of William and Mary
  17. Isotropic Vectors and Coneigenvalues
    Dipa Choudhury, Loyola College
  18. The Fabulous (11, 5, 2) Biplane
    Ezra Brown, Virginia Tech
  19. G. Edgar Parker, James Madison University
    Power Series as Alternatives to Newton's Method
  20. On a Trigonometric Sum- A case study for Undergraduate Research in Math
    Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
  21. Pythagonacci Family Reunion
    Dan Kalman, American University
MCM Presentation
  1. Maggie Walker Governor's School, VA, Problem A
  2. James Madison University, VA, Problem A Sean Walsh, Andrew Werner, Rick Wiita
  3. University of Richmond, VA, Problem B
  4. Maggie Walker Governor's School, VA, Problem C
  5. University of Virginia, VA, Problem C

Section Meeting 171: Johns Hopkins University, November 7-8, 2003
Invited Addresses
  1. Breaking Drivers' License Codes
    Joseph Gallian, University of Minnesota Duluth
  2. Perception in Artificial and Natural System
    Donald Geman, The Johns Hopkins University
  3. What I have learned from Undergraduate Research
    Charles R. Johnson, College of William and Mary
    Getting Undergraduates Involved in Research
    Joseph Gallian, University of Minnesota Duluth
  1. Generating "nice" problems for students
    Francoise Nelles, Shepherd College
  2. A Particular Cryptoscheme
    Maryam Vulis, Qeensborough Community College
  3. On P-properties of linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan Algebras
    Roman Sznajder, Bowie State University
  4. Authentic Curriculum for Inservice Math Teachers: Modified Lesson Plans
    Harel Barzilai and Barbara Wainwright, Salisbury University
  5. Two Problems Regarding e
    William Wardlaw, U.S. Naval Academy
  6. Improving Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Through Professional Development
    Daniel Seaton, University of Maryland
  7. University Mathematics Departments and Middle School Teacher Preparation
    David Carothers, James Madison University
  8. Three Connections to Continued Fractions
    Ezra Brown, Virginia Tech
  9. Generation of Pythagorean Triples Using Bases and Slopes
    Fat Lam, Gallaudet University
  10. CPR for your classes
    Mary Kay Abbey, Montgomery College
  11. Some Numerical Approximations to the Arithmeti-Geometric mean
    Ilhan M. Izmirli, American University
  12. Discovery Learning in Geometry
    Robert Hanson, James Madison University
  13. Student Calculus Labs: Maple Was the "devil"
    Jennifer Bergner, Salisbury University
  14. A Singular Function Boundary Integral Method for Elliptic Problems with Boundary Singularities
    Christos Xenophontos, Loyola College
  15. A Combinatorial Approach to Dependent Spread Widening of Defaulting Credits in Collateralized Debt Obligations.
    Jeffrey Bernstein, The Johns Hopkins University
  16. Complexity Measures in General Algebra
    Zoltan Szekely, Gallaudet University

Section Meeting 172: Salisbury University, April 23-24, 2004
Invited Addresses
  1. Pascal's Rhombus and the Stealth Fractal
    Paul K. Stockmeyer, College of William and Mary
  2. Relevance of Classical Analysis in Modern Contexts: Theory and Application of Polynomial Projection
    James S. Sochacki and G. Edgar Parker, James Madison University
  3. Mathematics, the press, and the Art of Storytelling (or, Why Larry King Won't Return Your Phone Calls)
    Charles Seife, Journalist Science Magazine
    Writing to Learn Mathematics — No Grading Required
    Mary Kay Abbey and Bette Daudu of Montgomery College,
Panel Discussion
    Mathematics Preparation for Incoming College Students
    Denny Gulick, U. MD, College Park,
    David Carothers, James Madison University
    Jerry Dancis, U. MD, College Park
    Gail Kaplan, Key School and Towson University
  1. Mystery of the Missing Gasoline
    Philip E. Luft, Salisbury University
  2. The Impact of Calculus Reform on Student Performance in Subsequent Courses at USNA
    Howard Penn, USNA
  3. The Impact of Participation in an Ancillary Science and Mathematics Program (SEMAA) on Engagement Rates of Middle School Students in Regular Mathematics Classrooms
    Daniel M. Seaton, U. MD, Eastern Shore
  4. De-Cyphering Lewis Carroll's Obscure Condensation Method for Computing Determinants
    Eve Torrence and Adrian Rice, Randolph-Macon College
  5. Improper Integrals Via Laplace Transform
    Parviz Khalili, Christopher Newport University
  6. On a Trigonometric Inequality
    Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
  7. Geometric Mean and Apportionment
    Maryam Vulis, Queensborough Community College
  8. Do the Math: Easy Test for Teachers Will Hurt Students
    Jerome Dancis, U. MD, College Park
  9. Cardinality of GL(n, Zm) and several of its subgroups
    William Wardlaw, USNA
Student Papers
  1. Dimension Theory in Group Cohomology
    Ryan Higginbottom, University of Virginia
  2. Rational Points on Elliptic Curves
    Jan Hilmar, St. Mary's College
  3. Recursion Formulas on (q+1) Regular Trees
    Gwyneth Whieldon, St. Mary's College
  4. A Precalculus Approach to Elliptic Curve
    Ilhan M. Izmirli, American University
  5. Comparisons of Estimators in Linear Regression Models with Auto-Correlated Disturbances: When is OLS Efficient
    Samir Safi, American University
  6. Analysis of Modified Picard Algorithms
    Clint Morse, James Madison University
  7. Fourier Analysis and Convergence of the Fourier Series
    Nikeda Hamilton, Morgan State University
  8. Shapley/Owen Analysis of the Electoral College
    Jason Richwine, American University
  9. Proofs of Various Forms of the Recursion Theorem
    Shelly-Ann Harper, Morgan State University
  10. Creating Knots with Arcs
    William Reith, Hampden-Sydney College
  11. The Connectivity of Julia Sets of Cubic Polynomials
    Kristine Roinestead, St. Mary's College

Section Meeting 173: Morgan State University, November 5-6, 2004
Invited Addresses
  1. Mathematics in Stone and Bronze
    Helaman Ferguson, Mathematician and Sculptor, and Claire Ferguson, Writer and Artist
  2. A Tick-Borne Disease Model — Spread and Control of Ehrlichiosis
    Holly Gaff, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Maryland Medical School
  3. Low-dimensional Approximations to Sparse Noisy Intransitive Relations — Rating College Football Teams
    Kenneth Massey, Hollins University
    An Ancient Algorithm: 29,000 Years Old
    Helaman Ferguson, Mathematician and Artist
Special Presentation
    Mathematics Preparation for Incoming College Students
    Denny Gulick, University of Maryland—College Park
  1. There's more than one way to skin a cat, or, having students present what they don't already know
    Kimber Tysdal, Hood College
  2. Hill's Polygraphic Cryptological System
    Robert Lewand, Goucher College
  3. Discovering derivative rules in calculus using experimentation and technology
    Susan Schwartz Wildstrom, Walt Whitman High School
  4. Chaos, RNA Chains and Selected Topics From Enumerative Combinatorics
    Candice JeanLouis, Student, Morgan State University
  5. Perl and Math Vojislav Stojkovic and Grace Steele, Computer Science, Morgan State University
  6. On Codes Generated by Quadratic Surfaces of PG(3,q)
    Jenny Stovall, Student, University of Mary Washington
  7. Two Optical Illusions
    Roland Minton, Roanoke College
  8. A Characterization of Paracompactness in terms of Filterbases
    Bhamini M. P. Nayar, Morgan State University
  9. The Limit Languages of DNA Splicing Systems
    Elizabeth Goode, Towson University
  10. Many Faces of Chaos
    Denny Gulick, University of Maryland, College Park
  11. Making faces and other parametric equation art
    Howard L. Penn, United States Naval Academy
  12. Analyzing Biological Sequences using Dynamic Programming
    Jamal Theodore and Tari Appah, Students, Morgan State University
  13. Using Adaptive Mesh Generation to Capture Key Features of 3D Function Surfaces
    Bonita V. Saunders, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  14. Mathematics on the Chessboard
    Maryam Vulis, Queensborough Community College
  15. Keeping Dry — The Mathematics of Running in the Rain
    Bruce Torrence, Randolph-Macon College
  16. Ultrafilters on the Collection of Finite Subsets of an Infinite Set
    Arthur D. Grainger, Morgan State University
  17. Mathematically Correct and Mathematically Incorrect Pattern Recognition
    Jerome Dancis, University of Maryland
  18. The Efficiency of OLS in the Precedence of Auto-Correlated Disturbances in the Regression Models
    Samir Safi, James Madison University
  19. Two Ellipse Questions
    Dan Kalman, American University
  20. On the classification of wallpaper groups
    Marshall M. Cohen, Morgan State University and Cornell University
  21. Mathematical Modeling of Frontal Polymerization
    Divya E. Devadoss, Salisbury University

Section Meeting 174: University of Virginia, April 1-2, 2005
Invited Addresses
  1. A Dozen Proofs that 1=2: A Misguided Review of all of Mathematics
    James Tanton, St. Mark's School
  2. Everyone Makes Errors: A 19th-Century Mathematical Attempt to Prove the Existence of God
    Adrian Rice, Randolph-Macon College
  3. Isaac Newton Harrison Straley IV, Wheaton College, Norton MA, and Sir Isaac Newton, late of Cambridge University
  1. Accessible — but surprisingly sophisticated — Math Activities for Students, Clubs, and Research
    James Tanton, St. Mark's School
  2. WeBWorK Workshop
    Jeffrey Holt, University of Virginia
Workshop for students
    Weird Multiplication and Weird Ways to Multiply
    James Tanton, St. Mark's School
Art exhibition
    Display of Mathematical Artwork by Artist Judith Townsend
  1. Some results on the Hat-Guessing Game
    James V. Blowers, US Army Ret'd
  2. Mathematical model for teaching business cycles
    Jiashi Hou, Norfolk State University
  3. Statistics Before Your Eyes: Photographs of Statistical Concepts
    Cabell 324 Robert W. Jernigan, American University
  4. On some trigonometric powers
    Cabell 330 Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
  5. Two-dimensional "Take and Break" Games
    Matthew Burke, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  6. Miquel's Theorem, a lovely but overlooked result in Euclidean geometry
    Deborah Denvir, Randolph-Macon Women's College:
  7. Optimal Transport and Wasserstein Metric
    Luca Petrelli, Mount St. Mary's University
  8. Which Major-League Ball Parks Are Homer-Friendly?
    Howard Penn, United States Naval Academy
  9. A Visual Proof of the Alternating Series Test
    Richard Hammack, Randolph-Macon College
  10. Rings of Gaussian Integers
    Greg Dresden, Washington & Lee University
  11. Title to be announced
    Christopher Marron, Department of Defense
  12. Topology in Physics
    George DeRise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  13. Peer-led Team Learning (PTL) in Finite Mathematics and in Introduction to Probability and Statistics at Virginia Military Institute
    Vonda K.Walsh, Lee S. Dewald, and L. Jane Randall, VMI
  14. Polynomial differential equations and periodic solutions
    James Sochacki, James Madison University
  15. Fortunatus's Purse
    Susan Goldstine, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  16. Good and Square Matrices are Invertible
    Bill Wardlaw, United States Naval Academy
  17. Motivating Calc III by Celestial Mechanics
    Dave Pruett, James Madison University
  18. The study of some second-order rational difference equations
    Parviz Khalili, Christopher Newport University
  19. k-Alternating Knots
    Leonard Van Wyk, James Madison University
  20. Problem Zero: A simple way to encourage students to read mathematics
    Laura Taalman, James Madison University
  21. TechnoGenetics: Cloning Ti-83+/84/86 into your computer (OR, how to demonstrate TI calculator usage in classrooms without using view screens!)
    Ram Subedi, Montgomery College—Takoma Park
Student Papers
  1. Image Processing with Fourier Series and Wavelets
    Emily Wooge, Roanoke College
  2. Audio Compression and Linear Algebra
    Michael Naylor, Hood College
  3. Highlights of U.S. Performance in 2003 TIMMS Assessment
    Karen Jones, Hood College
  4. Projective Conics and Excess Intersection
    Andrew Bashelor, US Naval Academy
  5. Graphical Studies of the Complex Geometric Series f(z)=sum from k to infinity of z^k
    Sarah Gourlie, American University
  6. A Two-Player Number Game: Finding the Winning Strategy
    Zachary Kurtz, Eastern Mennonite University
COMAP Modeling Contest Presentations by Section Teams Receiving Outstanding or Meritorious Ratings
  1. Problem A: A Dam Disaster
    Joshua Blake, Justin Creasy, Nicholas Giffen, James Madison University (Meritorious Rating, coached by James Sochacki)
  2. Problem C: Petroleum Armageddon
    Jonathan Giuffrida, Palmer Mebane, Maggie Walker Governor's School, Richmond VA (Outstanding Rating, coached by John Barnes):
  3. Problem C: The Petrification of Petrochemical Production
    Yuan Rao, Angela Zhu, Maggie Walker Governor's School, Richmond VA (Meritorious Rating, coached by John Barnes):
  4. Last Exit before the Toll
    Robin Haskins and Nathaniel Givens, University of Richmond (Meritorious Rating, coached by Kathy Hoke)

Section Meeting 175: Montgomery College, Germantown, November 4-5, 2005
Invited Addresses
  1. Equitability and the Gini index
    Frank Farris, Santa Clara University
  2. The Isoperimetric Problem
    Catherine Bénéteau, Seton Hall University
  3. Combinatorics catalogs Geometry — Geometry generates Combinatorics
    Brigitte Servatius, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
    Bracing of square grids
    Brigitte Servatius, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  1. A space-filling irregular truncated octahedron
    Bob Hanson, James Madison University
  2. Statistics Before Your Eyes: Photographs of Statistical Concepts
    Robert W. Jernigan, American University
  3. An elementary proof of the singularity of generalized Lucas matrices
    Ilhan M. Izmirli, American University
  4. Toward a general framework for induction and recursion
    Paul Chi, Bowie State University, Bowie MD
  5. On the stability of orbits in a two-dimensional model of the cardiac cell
    Irina Popovici, US Naval Academy
  6. A non-scatological exposition of cyclic rational area polygons
    Ralph H. Buchholz, DSTO, Fort Meade, MD 20755
  7. Maryland 2004 Traffic Safety Facts
    Donald Joseph Gray Chiarella, Maryland Department of Transportation / State Highway Administration
  8. How 'non-abelian' are free groups?
    Chiru Bhattacharya, Randolph-Macon College
  9. Mathematical Induction—Even a Child Can Do It!
    Susan Schwartz Wildstrom, Walt Whitman High School
  10. Title to be announced
    Abolghassem Miamee, Hampton University
  11. The Game of Sudoku
    Marina Vulis, Queensborough Community College
  12. Archie W. Earl, Sr., Norfolk State University
    A High-Tech In-Service Graduate Math Course
  13. Ideals of Ultrafilters on the collection of finite subsets of an infinite set
    Arthur D. Grainger, Morgan State University
  14. Chemistry Applications in Beginning Calculus
    George Rublein, College of William and Mary
  15. What Factors Predict the Amount of Overlap of Collectors of Herbaria?
    Cathy Furlong, Fairfax County Public Schools/ American University
  16. Sudoku Variations
    Laura Taalman, James Madison University
  17. Jerome Dancis, University of Maryland
    Guided Discovery Learning for the Product to Powers
  18. Amit Trehan, Montgomery College, Takoma Park Campus
    Representations of p-adic groups
  19. Pricing of Options
    J. Coughlin, Towson University
  20. The Infinitely Small: Introduction to Infinitesimals
    A. P. Warth, University of Maryland, College Park
  21. Reproving Minkowski's Inequality as a Tool for Student Research
    Karen S. Adams, Morgan State University
  22. Remediation for Calculus Students
    Denny Gulick, University of Maryland
  23. Groups, rings and group rings — Tools for combinatorial structures
    Ken W. Smith, Central Michigan University/University of Richmond
  24. Envelopes, Ladders, and Couches: an old topic gives a new look to an old problem
    Dan Kalman, American University
  25. Retired Scientists, Engineers & Technicians (ReSET)
    Bill Mitchell, Retired Scientists, Engineers & Technicians, Springfield VA

Section Meeting 176: Loyola College in Maryland, April 7-8, 2006
Invited Addresses
  1. The Polish attack on the German ENIGMA
    Stefan Treatman, Department of Defense
  2. Techniques for visualizing frequency patterns in DNA
    Fern Y. Hunt, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  3. Sudoku Variations and Explorations
    Laura Taalman, James Madison University
    Two millennia of cryptography in sixty minutes
    Stefan Treatman, Deparment of Defense
  1. Evaluation of some variant Euler sums
    Hongwei Chen, Christopher Newport University
  2. Which ball parks are homer-friendly, Part 2
    Howard Penn, United States Naval Academy
  3. Three transcendental numbers from n!, n^n and F_n
    Greg Dresden, Washington & Lee University
  4. Extending the Locker Problem
    Bruce Torrence, Randolph-Macon College
  5. Determinants of matrices over the integers modulo m
    Jody Lockhart, United States Naval Academy
  6. Fractal geometry of the mammalian bronchial trees
    Ahlam Tannouri, Morgan State University
  7. A multistage assessment of No Child Left Behind in the middle school mathematics classroom
    Matthew Pascal, Towson University
  8. Origami in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum
    Eve Torrence, Randolph-Macon College
  9. Sturm and Bond, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Linear Algebra
    Katherine Socha, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  10. Row Rank Equals Column Rank (dedicated to George Mackiw, a good friend and an excellent mathematical expositor)
    Bill Wardlaw, United States Naval Academy
  11. On their home turf: K-12 math teachers inform university professional development programs
    Harel Barzilai & Homer Austin, Salisbury University
  12. Elements of finite order in the group of formal power series under composition
    Marshall Cohen, Morgan State University
  13. Even and odd permutations (a simple proof)
    Peter Joyce, CCBC at Catonsville
  14. Is One A Number?
    Samuel S. Kutler, St. John's College
  15. Naïve Calculus: Product and Quotient Rules
    Philip Poplin, Longwood University
  16. Discrete Mathematics with a Writing-Intensive Component
    Michael J. Tierney, Virginia Military Institute
  17. An Extended Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
    Daniel Vasiliu, Christopher Newport University
  18. Automorphisms of the Cevian algebra
    Raymond Fletcher, Virginia State University
  19. Archimedes in the Fifth Dimension
    Dan Kalman, American University
  20. Counting non-contiguous simple sequence repeats in DNA sequences
    Asamoah Nkwanta, Morgan State University
  21. Math for people who don't want to take math: The nature of applied mathermatics
    G. Edgar Parker, James Madison University
  22. Naïve calculus: Chain Rule
    David Shoenthal, Longwood University
  23. A Women and Mathematics Poster Series
    Katherine Socha, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Student Papers
  1. The Wave Equation and the violin
    David Clewell, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  2. Finding patterns in the binary representation of the Fibonacci numbers
    Jeff Dudas, Virginia Military Institute
  3. Walking With Proteins
    Chamir Lawson, Morgan State University
  4. Automorphisms of the Cevian line algebra
    Jesse Ozbat and John Gichuru, Virginia State University:
  5. A brief introduction to hypergraphs
    Beverly Raffa, Hood College
  6. Magic Squares and Elliptic Curves
    Lisa Byrne, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  7. Ramsey Theory
    Kathryn Linehan, Hood College
  8. Resource allocation in presidential elections based on past voting patterns
    Bret Ewing Newton, Hampden-Sydney College
  9. Geometric properties of the Cevian box
    William Rankin, Virginia State University
  10. Biquadratic identity of the Cevian line subalgebra
    Ron Davis, Virginia State University
  11. A study of chaotic models
    Laura MacIntyre, Norfolk State University
  12. NFL quarterback ratings
    Kelly Schultz, Hood College
  13. The Effect of Using Mathematics Activities on Students' Interests In and Attitudes Toward Mathematics
    Peter Lo, St. Mary's College of Maryland
  14. Elizabeth Twentyman, Washington & Lee University
    Factoring Primes and Factoring Factor Rings
  15. Problem A: Physical and Digital Optimization of a Constrained Irrigation System
    James Choi, Ram Chivukulu, Kartik Trehan, Johns Hopkins University (COMAP Meritorious Rating, coached by Fred Torasco)

Section Meeting 177: Hampden-Sydney College and Longwood University, November 3-4, 2006
Invited Addresses
  1. Origami Math and its Increasing Intersections
    Thomas Hull, Merrimack College
  2. Gerbert d'Aurillac and the March of Spain: A Guy in the Right Place at the Right Time
    Betty Mayfield, Hood College
  3. Lying Oracles, Biased Coins, and Stanislaw Ulam
    John K. Osoinach, Jr, Millsaps College
    Buckyballs and Mathematical Origami
    Eve Torrence, Randolph Macon College
  1. A Major Difference Between Rabbits and Cows (And the Link Between Them)
    Daniel Joseph, Virginia Military Institute
  2. The Tangent Line Problem and its consequences
    Alexander Bathula, Montgomery College
  3. Update on the William and Mary QL requirement
    George Rublein, College of William and Mary
  4. Investigation of a Min-Max Scheduling Problem
    Ryan Johnson, University of Mary Washington
  5. A Closed Form Solution for Determining the Weights of Finite Difference Approximations of Derivatives
    Vincent van Joolen, US Naval Academy
  6. Things I Like About 11
    Ezra Brown, Virginia Tech
  7. What does a graph fraction look like?
    Richard Hammack, Virginia Commonwealth University
  8. A Physics—Math (Bilingual) Dictionary
    George DeRise, Thomas Nelson Community College
  9. The Most Marvelous Theorem in Mathematics
    Dan Kalman, American University
  10. PascGalois Activities for a Number Theory Class
    Kurt Ludwick, Salisbury University
  11. Factoring Hadamard Difference Sets
    Chiru Bhattacharya, Randolph-Macon College
  12. Scissors, Paper, Stone, and a Biased Coin
    Robb T. Koether, Hampden-Sydney College
  13. The value of entertainment in a mathematics course
    Mark Meyer, American University
  14. The Rank of a 2x2x2 Tensor
    Carla D. Martin, James Madison University
  15. Who Really Discovered E=mc^2?
    Ilhan M. Izmirli, American University
  16. Birthday Problems, Old and New
    Marcus Pendergrass, Hampden-Sydney College
  17. Constructing a Syllabus for Constructive Learning
    Laura Taalman, James Madison University
  18. Regularization Of Singularity and Periodic Solution with Collisions
    Zhifu Xie, College of William and Mary
  19. More on Elvis, the Calculus Dog
    Roland Minton, Roanoke College

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