The Mathematical Association of America
Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia Section

Talks Given at Section Meetings, 1957-1966

Section Meeting 78: Johns Hopkins University, May 4, 1957
    (Joint meeting with the Baltimore and Washington sections of SIAM)
  1. The Bureau of Ships computer program
    Mr. A. E. Smith, Navy Department
  2. The pseudoinverse of a rectangular or singular matrix and its application to the solution of systems of linear equations
    Dr. T. N. E. Greville, Social Security Administration
  3. An interesting fourth order differential system
    Mr. C. H. Murphy, Jr., Aberdeen Proving Ground
  4. Solution of the integrodifferential equation of transfer by successive approximation
    Dr. P. M. Anselone, Radiation Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University
  5. Matrix analysis for production scheduling and inventory control
    Professor D. N. Chorafas, Catholic University of America
  6. Intermittent rotors
    Mr. Michael Goldberg, Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department
  7. Geometry in the mathematics curriculum
    Professor W. L. Chow, The Johns Hopkins University, Invited Address, MAA
  8. Quaternions and Clifford numbers
    Professor Marcel Riesz, Institute of Fluid Dynamics, University of Maryland, Invited Address, SIAM

Section Meeting 79: Georgetown University, December 7, 1957
  1. Report of the Commission on Mathematics
    Executive Director A. E. Meder, Commission on Mathematics, New York, NY, Invited Address
  2. On a "folk theorem" in probability theory
    Professor Eugene Lukacs, The Catholic University of America
  3. The Maryland-District of Columbia- Virginia Mathematics Contest
    Professor D. B. Lloyd, District of Columbia Teachers College
  4. Vertices of space curves
    Professor C. S. Wolfe, U. S. Naval Academy
  5. An equivalent linearization solution of a fourth-order nonlinear system
    Dr. C. H. Murphy, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground
  6. Nomographic solutions for position relations between a close earth satellite and its observer
    Dr. R. H. Wilson, Jr., Naval Research Laboratory

Section Meeting 80: Randolph-Macon Woman's College, April 26, 1958
  1. Certain graphical solutions to the heat conduction equation for an insulated, infinite metal slab
    Mr. W. H. Holter, Atlantic Research Corporation, Alexandria, VA
  2. The solution of ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients by analog computer methods
    Professor W. L. Fields, Hampton Institute
  3. Advances in automatic programming for digital computers
    Mr. R. F. Reiss, Babcock and Wilcox Co., Atomic Energy Division, Lynchburg, VA
  4. Experiments in solving ordinary differential equations
    M r. W. Timlake, Babcock and Wilcox Co., Lynchburg, VA
  5. A study of variations in the viewing of a picture
    Professor Herta T. Freitag, Hollins College, and Mr. A. H. Freitag, Hollins College School
  6. Cardioids and rolling polygons
    Professor R. C. Yates, College of William and Mary, Invited Address

Section Meeting 81: George Washington University, December 6, 1958
  1. A mathematical model for transfer of training
    Professor J. M. Long, College of William and Mary
  2. Algebraic compilers for scientific computers
    Mr. R. C. Smith, Applied Science Representative, International Business Machines Corporation
  3. On the order of contact of two curves
    Professor S. B. Jackson, University of Maryland
  4. On the summability of a certain eigenfunction series
    Professor Luna Mishoe, Morgan State College
  5. Practical adaptations of Ferrari' s general quartic solution
    Mr. C. R. White, Artillery Weapon Systems, Aberdeen Proving Ground
  6. Weak limit characterization of distributions
    Professor T. P. Liverman, George Washington University
  7. A new characterization of group
    Professor Howard Campaigne, American University
  8. Tetrahedra equivalent to cubes by dissection
    Mr. Michael Goldberg, Bureau of Ordnance, U. S. Navy
  9. Some published USSR research in mathematical economics
    Dr. W. H. Marlow, George Washington University, Invited Address

Section Meeting 82: Goucher College, May 2, 1959
  1. On the distribution of prime numbers in arithmetic progressions
    Dr. Daniel Shanks, David Taylor Model Basin
  2. Abstract theory of retrieval coding
    Dr. C. J. Maloney, Biological Warfare Laboratories, Ft. Detrick, MD
  3. On the calculation, to a high degree of accuracy, of the modified Bessel functions
    Dr. F. D. Murnaghan, David Taylor Model Basin
  4. The number of vertices of a convex polytope
    Dr. W. W. Jacobs, American University and Mr. E. D. Schell, Research Center, IBM Corporation, Yorktown Heights, NY
  5. The mathematics of contract bridge
    Professor J. A. Tierney, U. S. Naval Academy
  6. Number theory and computers
    Dr. Morris Newman, Applied Mathematics Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards
  7. The position of mathematics in South American higher education
    Mr. Carlos Fallon, Nems-Clarke Company, Silver Spring, MD

Section Meeting 83: American University, December 5, 1959
  1. New contributions to educational research from operations research
    Professor J. M. Long, College of William and Mary
  2. On the proof of Godel's incompleteness theorem
    Professor D. B. Lloyd, D. C. Teachers College
  3. Elementary combinatorial problems related to a mail-sorting device
    Dr. A. J. Goldman, National Bureau of Standards
  4. A note on polynomial interpretation
    Dr. C. H. Frick, Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA
  5. The calculus of relations
    Dean W. L. Duren, University of Virginia
  6. Some examples of completely semiassociative and noncommutative loops and algebras
    Professor Volodymyr Bohun-Chudyniv, Morgan State College
  7. Hypercomplex methods in the theory of partial differential equations
    Professor J. M. Horvath, University of Maryland
  8. An algorithm for the determination of divisibility of one natural number by another
    Professors Herta T. and A. H. Freitag, Hollins College
  9. Curvature of rn=cos(nθ)
    Professor R. C. Yates, College of William and Mary

Section Meeting 84: University of Virginia, May 7, 1960
  1. Graphical method for the determination of ionic sites with preferential fixation
    Dr. Claude Marmasse, Hollins College
  2. On generalized K-nions loops and algebras
    Professor Volodymyr Bohun-Chudyniv, Morgan State College
  3. Fourier series and eigenfunction expansions associated with a non-self-adjoint differential equation
    Professor L. I. Mishoe, Morgan State College
  4. Dissection of the nonacute triangle and the square into acute triangles
    Mr. P. J. Federico, Patent Office, Washington, DC
  5. Fourier transforms
    Professor E. J. McShane, University of Virginia
  6. Geometrical theorems for abscissas and weights of Gauss type
    Dr. P. J. Davis, Numerical Analysis Section, National Bureau of Standards
  7. Nets and calculus
    Professor B. J. Pettis, University of North Carolina, Invited Address

Section Meeting 85: University of Maryland, December 3, 1960
  1. Generalized symmetric random walks
    Mr. Eugene Albert, University of Virginia
  2. Preliminary remarks on a distillation problem
    Mr. H. H. Barnett, Automatic Computations Section, The Martin Company, Baltimore, MD
  3. Pursuit games of kind
    Dr. Rufus Isaacs, Department of Defense, Weapons System Evaluation Group
  4. Probability models for measurement with a linear scale
    Dr. Churchill Eisenhart, Chief, Numerical Analysis Section, U.S. Bureau of Standards.
  5. The training of inservice teachers of mathematics
    Dr. C. R. Phelps, Program Director, Academic Year Institutes Program, National Science Foundation
  6. Semantic information
    Dr. C. J. Maloney, Bio-mathematics Division, U.S. Army, CmlC Biological Laboratories, Fort Detrick, MD
  7. The algebra program in the Soviet Union
    Professor G. H.Miller, State Teachers College at Towson
  8. Evolving patterns in mathematical research
    Dr. F. J. Weyl, Office of Naval Research, Invited Address

Section Meeting 86: Aberdeen Proving Ground, April 29, 1961
  1. A new characterization of Boolean algebras
    Professor J. C. Abbott and Mr. P. R. Kleindorfer, U. S. Naval Academy
  2. On the converging factor for the asymptotic series connected with the exponential integral
    Dr. F. D. Murnaghan, and Dr. J. W. Wrench, Jr., Applied Mathematics Laboratory, David Taylor Model Basin, Washington, DC
  3. Two-dimensional slide rule-reduced cubic equation
    Mr. C. R. White, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Grounds
  4. A procedure for determining a family of minimum-cost network flow patterns
    Mr. R. G. Busacker, Johns Hopkins University
  5. Asymptotic behavior in a problem of subsidence
    Mr. J. H. Giese, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground
  6. On relation of distribution functions to the one-step functions
    Dr. Ceslovas Masaitis, Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground

Section Meeting 87: Catholic University of America, December 2, 1961
  1. Infinite periodic sequences of l's and -l's
    Professor J. P. Hoyt, U. S. Naval Academy
  2. Algebra for freshmen
    Professor Jean-Pierre Meyer, Johns Hopkins University
  3. On the mean value theorem of the differential calculus
    Dr. J. B. Diaz, Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland
  4. Methods of message compression
    Mr. W. H. Land, Jr., IBM Communications Center, Federal Systems Division, Rockville, MD
  5. Introducing Frederick College
    Professor J. M. Long, Frederick College, VA
  6. Some nomograms in conventional dynamic astronomy
    Mr. C. R. White, Aberdeen Proving Ground
  7. Some aspects of a calculation of 𝜋 to 100,000 decimals
    Dr. Daniel Shanks and Dr. J. W. Wrench, Jr., Department of the Navy, David Taylor Model Basin, Washington, DC
  8. Semantic information
    Mr. C. J. Maloney, U. S. Army Chemical Corps, Fort Detrick, MD
  9. Developing city-wide mathematics examinations
    Miss Carol V. McCamman, Calvin Coolidge High School, Washington, D. C.
  10. Report on the Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America at Stillwater, Oklahoma, August 1961
    Dr. C. H. Frick, U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA

Section Meeting 88: U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA, April 28, 1962
  1. Vector lattice analogues of two well known theorems
    Mr. J. C. MacPherson, U. S. Naval Academy
  2. Monte Carlo synthesis of computer subroutines
    Dr. Carl Hammer and Mr. L. G. Green, Radio Corporation of America, Washington, DC
  3. Maxima and minima without calculus
    Professor Emeritus L. R. Ford, Illinois Institute of Technology
  4. Rational approximations of several functions in the complex plane
    Dr. A. V. Hershey, U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA
  5. A simple proof of A. Grothendieck and L. Schwartz's theorem on kernels
    Dr. Witold Bogdanowicz, University of Maryland
  6. General linear approximations and general integration rules
    Dr. E. W. Schwiderski, U. S· Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA
  7. Renewal polynomials
    Mr. Harold Kaplan, U. S. Naval Academy

Section Meeting 89: Howard University, December 8, 1962
  1. Interpolation with divided differences adapted to a high speed digital computer
    Mrs. F. Marion Clarke, Bendix Radio Division, Baltimore, MD
  2. New directions in smoothing
    F. H. Ditto, IBM Corporation, Washington, DC
  3. Completely mixed matrix games
    Dr. A. J. Goldman, National Bureau of Standards
  4. Functional iterates
    Dr. Rufus Isaacs, Institute for Defense Analyses, Washington, DC
  5. A research program for undergraduates
    Professor J. C. Abbott, U. S. Naval Academy, Invited Address
  6. The inverse operator in the group of multiplicative arithmetic functions
    Professor J. E. Shockley, College of William and Mary
  7. Continuity of random processes
    Professor E. J. McShane, University of Virginia
  8. The mathematical solution for a nonhomogeneous linear partial differential equation derived from a heat conduction problem
    H. E. Castro, Dahlgren, VA
  9. Representation theory for implication algebra
    Midshipman W. Heard, U. S. Naval Academy

Section Meeting 90: United States Naval Academy, April 27, 1963
  1. Tailgater, a simultaneous compiler
    Professor H. Kaplan, U. S. Naval Academy
  2. A theory of primes and Cramer's conjecture
    Commander F. B. Correia, USN, U.S. Naval Academy
  3. Convex metrics
    Dr. Christoph Witzgall, National Bureau of Standards
  4. Error analysis of the magnetic attitude prediction program for the Tiros satellites
    W. H. Land, Jr., IBM Corporation, Bethesda, MD
  5. A least squares unit vector per,pendicular to a given set of vectors
    H. E. Castro, U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA
  6. Ship location by means of an acoustic range
    Professor R. P. Bailey, U.S. Naval Academy.
  7. A theorem on convex programming
    Dr. A. ]. Goldman, National Bureau of Standards
  8. Men and Mathematics: a Plea for the Historical Sense in Mathematics
    Dr. Philip J. Davis, National Bureau of Standards, Invited Address

Section Meeting 91: American University, December 14, 1963
  1. The existence of connected graphs with prescribed degrees
    Jack Edmonds, National Bureau of Standards
  2. Modified metric postulates for geometry
    Professor J. E. Lebel, Georgetown University
  3. Optimal matchings and degree-constrained subgraphs
    A. J. Goldman, National Bureau of Standards
  4. A remark on the contraction theorem
    Philip Meyers, National Bureau of Standards
  5. Inversion formulae for characteristic functions of absolutely continuous distributions
    Professor E. Lukacs, Catholic University of America
  6. The properties of Zassenhaus refinement in groups and lattices
    Professor L. Janos, George Washington University
  7. Controlled quadrature
    Irvin Roman, U. S. Geological Survey, Retired, Baltimore, MD
  8. Elementary Analysis in Modern Language
    Dr. F. Joachim Weyl, Office of Naval Research, Invited Address

Section Meeting 92: Westinghouse Defense Center, May 2, 1964
  1. Calculus of variations solution for minimum energy transfer between two coplanar circular orbits
    W. H. Land, Jr., IBM Federal Systems Division, Rockville, MD
  2. A generalization of Rennie's inequality
    A. ]. Goldman, Operations Research Section, National Bureau of Standards
  3. Computer assisted instruction in mathematics
    Joseph Hilsenrath, National Bureau of Standards
  4. A note on the use of the Laplace trans!orm and initial conditions in the solution of a system of linear differential equations
    F. Marion Clarke-Carroll, Westinghouse Electric Corporation
  5. A new definition of the derivative and some of its consequences
    R. M. Sorensen, Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University
  6. Information Theory
    Brockway McMillan, Under Secretary of the Air Force for Research and Development, Invited Address
  7. On the converging factor for the probability integral
    F. D. Murnaghan , David Taylor Model Basin
  8. An integral involving the product of two Legendre polynomial derivatives
    Abolghassem Ghaffari, NASA, Goddard Space Fight Center
  9. Curves all of whose circumscribed equiangular n-gons are regular
    Michael Goldberg, Washington, DC
  10. Apportionment of the United States House of Representatives
    C. H. W. Sedgewick, Bureau of the Census

Section Meeting 93: Goucher College, November 21, 1964
  1. On the number of non-equivalent types of triple-systems of order N ≥ 15
    V. Bohun-Chudyniv, Morgan State College
  2. Remarks on relaxation methods and computers
    M. N. McAllister, Towson, MD
  3. Sifting properties of singularity functions in the solution of linear differential equations
    F. Marion Clarke-Carroll, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Baltimore, MD
  4. Mathematical Theory in Optimization Techniques
    Walker H. Land, Jr., IBM, Bethesda, MD
  5. Another look at the so-called Andoyer-Lambert Distance Formulas
    Paul D. Thomas, Coast and Geodetic Survey
  6. The application of functional analysis to the solution of differential and integral equations
    Seymour Goldberg, University of Maryland, Invited Address
  7. The converse of Banach's contraction theorem
    Philip R. Meyers, National Bureau of Standards
  8. Some observations on mathematics in the Middle East
    Daniel B. Lloyd, District of Columbia Teachers College
  9. A variant of the two-dimensional Riemann integral
    A. J. Goldman, National Bureau of Standards
  10. Commutative semi-groups and pseudo-inverses
    Kenneth D. Taylor, Army Map Service

Section Meeting 94: University of Maryland, May 1, 1965
  1. The aims and purposes of the Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics of the Mathematical Association of America
    Samuel Eilenberg, Columbia University, Invited Address
  2. Question and discussion period
  3. What Graduate Schools in the Area Expect of New Students, Panel discussion
    Gustav B. Hensel, Catholic University of America; John D. Miller, University of Virginia; Bruce Reinhart, University of Maryland
  4. Question and Discussion period

Section Meeting 95: Howard University, December 4, 1965
This section meeting was shared with the Lecture Series in Differential Equations, sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific research and the Joint Graduate Consortium of American, Catholic, George Washington, Georgetown, and Howard Universities and the University of Maryland. All talks were invited.
  1. Dynamical Theory of Transformation Groups
    Walter Gottschalk, Wesleyan University
  2. Classification and Representation of Dynamical Systems
    Shizuo Kakutani, Yale University
  3. Problems in Dynamical Systems Arising in Probabalistic Analysis
    Gian-Carlo Rota, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Section Meeting 96, College of William and Mary, April 30, 1966
  1. The bouncing ball does come to rest
    W. J. Young, Emory and Henry College
  2. Application of a differential technique to a difference system
    A. L. Deal, III, Virginia Military Institute
  3. A theorem on additive arithmetical junctions
    R. L. Robinson, U. S. Army
  4. On trigonometric matrices and their applications
    G. J. Etgen, Headquarters, NASA, Washington, DC
  5. An example of optimal control
    G. S. Jones, Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland, Invited Address
  6. On the original Malfatti problem
    Michael Goldberg, Bureau of Naval Weapons, U.S. Navy
  7. Plane symmetry groups
    C. M. Makepeace, National Civil Defense Computer Facility, Olney, MD
  8. Statistical validation of mathematical computer routines
    Carl Hammer, UNIVAC, Washington, DC

Section Meeting 97: Georgetown University, December 10, 1966
Concurrent Session I
  1. Minimum number of subsets to distinguish individual elements
    P. R. Meyers, National Bureau of Standards
  2. A note on the Pell equation
    Paul Devine, Jr., George Washington University
  3. An extension of Rainville' s classification of simple polynomial sets
    Sister Mary Seraphine Bennett, Mt. Saint Agnes College
Concurrent Session II
  1. A note on abelian p-groups and their endomorphism rings
    Eleanor Green Dawley, Hampton Institute
  2. Ideals and filters
    C. E. Aull, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
  3. The solution of the Dirichlet problem for Poisson's equation by finite difference methods
    E. Hubbard, Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland
  4. Asymptotic analysis of a first-moment integral and its derivatives
    A. J. Goldman, National Bureau of Standards
  5. Stability of nonlinear nonautonomoits systems by the strobosco pic method
    Abolghassem Ghaffari, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
  6. Let's modernize the teaching of modern mathematics
    G. L. Engel, U. S·Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA
  7. Systems of non-linear equations
    M. A. Hyman, IBM Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland
General Session
    A General Curriculum in Mathematics for Colleges
    Professor M. Gweneth Humphreys, Randolph-Macon Woman's College
    Professors W. L. Duren, University of Virginia
    J. A. Hummel, University of Maryland
    G. S. Quinn, The American University

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