The Mathematical Association of America
Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia Section

Talks Given at Section Meetings, 1937-1946

Section Meeting 41: Randolph-Macon Woman's College, May 8, 1937
  1. A classification of bicircular quartics by means of their euclidean concomitants
    Dr. J. W. Blincoe, University of Virginia
  2. A projective invariant in the linear transformation B = CA where A, B, C are three-dimensional square matrices
    M. W. Aylor, University of Virginia
  3. Solvable cases of the equations for wind velocity
    Professor R. E. Root, Postgraduate School, U. S. Naval Academy
  4. A conformal map of the world in a square
    Dr. 0. S. Adams, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
  5. Asymptotic expansions
    Dr. N. H. Ball, U. S. Naval Academy
  6. Axiomatic treatment of projective geometry
    Professor John von Neumann, Institute for Advanced Study, invited speaker

Section Meeting 42: Johns Hopkins University, December 4, 1937
  1. A simple method of integration
    Professor John Tyler, U. S. Naval Academy
  2. Some points in the teaching of the calculus
    Dr. S. B. Littauer, U. S. Naval Academy
  3. Kasner's invariant
    Dr. George Comenetz, St. John's College
  4. Representation of rational numbers by homogeneous forms
    Dr. F. G. Schilling, Johns Hopkins University
  5. Linear combinations of three successive orthogonal polynomials
    Dr. D. L. Netzorg, Johns Hopkins University
  6. The mechanical transformation of Boolean expressions
    Dr. Archie Blake, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
  7. Fields of parallel vectors
    Professor T. Y. Thomas, Princeton University, invited speaker

Section Meeting 43: United States Naval Academy, May 7, 1938
  1. The relation of the range of a sample to the standard deviation of the population
    Dr. L. S. Dederick, Aberdeen Proving Ground
  2. Some naval tactics in vector analysis
    Professor C. H. Rawlins, Jr., Postgraduate School, U. S. Naval Academy
  3. Infinite continued radicals and iteration of polynomials
    Aaron Herschfeld, Social Security Board, Washington, DC
  4. Mathematical applications common to practical meteorology
    Lieut. H. B. Hutchinson, Postgraduate School, U. S. Naval Academy
  5. Partitio numerorum
    Professor Hans Rademacher, University of Pennsylvania, by invitation

Section Meeting 44: University of Maryland, December 10, 1938
  1. On a class of distributions approaching normality
    G. B. Dantzig, Bureau of Labor Statistics
  2. A method of obtaining a conjugate function
    John Beek, Jr., National Bureau of Standards
  3. An algorithm for polynomial approximations
    Dr. L. S. Dederick, Aberdeen Proving Ground
  4. The dual quartic
    C. W. Williams, Washington and Lee University
  5. On the tenth book of Euclid's Elements
    Professor G. C. Vedova, St. John's College
  6. On a sixteenth century algebraist
    Professor Jacob Klein, St. John's College
  7. Three-dimensional models of Dedekind structures
    Professor Randolph Church, Postgraduate School, U. S. Naval Academy.
  8. The problem of three bodies
    Professor Monroe Martin, University of Maryland, invited speaker

Section Meeting 45: Aberdeen Proving Ground, May 13, 1939
  1. A basis for interpreting results of samples of indefinite size
    Captain L. E. Simon, U. S. Army, Aberdeen Proving Ground
  2. The application of normalization to fitting a hypersurface possessing observational errors following the normal multivariate law
    F. V. Reno, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
  3. Affine geometry from the projective point of view
    Dr. G. E. Alrich, University of Maryland
  4. Osculation under conformal transformation
    T. C. G. Wagner, University of Maryland
  5. Solution of simultaneous equations by division
    Professor John Tyler, U. S. Naval Academy
  6. Use of conics to smooth distributions
    G. B. Dantzig, Bureau of Labor Statistics
  7. The differential analyzer
    Dr. L. S. Dederick, Aberdeen Proving Ground
  8. High pressure and high velocity measurements
    Dr. A. H. Hodge, Aberdeen Proving Ground
  9. The miniature cannon
    R. H. Kent, Aberdeen Proving Ground

Section Meeting 46: Catholic University of America, December 9, 1939
  1. A non-associative matrix theory and some applications
    J. L. Stearn, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
  2. On triangles having a common mean
    Professor 0. J. Ramler, Catholic University of America
  3. Hyperspace analogs of circular functions
    Dr. G. E. Alrich, University of Maryland
  4. Non-planar linkages
    Michael Goldberg, Navy Department
  5. On groups of subtraction and division
    Professor E. J. Finan, Catholic University of America
  6. On the definition of variance
    Dr. S. B. Littauer, U. S. Naval Academy
  7. An elementary treatment of the problem of rencontre
    Professor C. Bramble, Post Graduate School, U. S. Naval Academy

Section Meeting 47: University of Richmond, May 11, 1940
  1. An analysis of the indirect method of proof
    Professor G. C. Vedova, St. John's College
  2. Convex sets
    T. A. Botts, University of Virginia
  3. On a problem in the calculus of variations
    Dr. Nancy Cole, Sweet Briar College
  4. Topology as applied to mechanics
    Dr. Wilfred Kaplan, College of William and Mary
  5. Certain changes in student preparation during the last fifty years
    Professor R. E. Gaines, University of Richmond
  6. Mathematics from the point of view of the 'New Plan'
    Dean Scott Buchanan, St. John 's College

Section Meeting 48: Trinity College, December 7, 1940
  1. Curves on ruled surfaces
    Michael Goldlerg, Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department
  2. On dimension and continuous transformations
    Dr. C. H. Dowker, Johns Hopkins University
  3. The necessary conditions for the problem of Bolza in the calculus of variations
    F. G. Myers, University of Virginia
  4. On semi-linear transformations
    Professor Nathan Jacobson, Johns Hopkins University
  5. On the averages of functions
    Dr. R. B. Kershner, Johns Hopkins University
  6. Reducibility conditions for rational quartic and quintic equations
    Professor E. J. Finan, Catholic University of America
  7. Navigation
    Lieutenant-Commander P. V. H. Weems, U. S. N. (retired), invited speaker

Section Meeting 49: United States Naval Academy, May 10, 1941
  1. The basic equations of interior ballistics
    Professor C. C. Bramble, United States Naval Academy
  2. Some mathematical tools for the young scientist
    Dr. Irwin Roman, United States Geological Survey
  3. Symmetric recursion formulas for the reversion of power series
    Dr. W. E. Bleick, United States Naval Academy
  4. Rocketry
    Professor W. A. Conrad, United States Naval Academy
  5. Computation of flat trajectories
    Professor E. J. McShane, University of Virginia, invited speaker

Section Meeting 50: Georgetown University, December 6, 1941
  1. On minimizing certain functions of triangular numbers
    Rev. E. C. Phillips, Georgetown University
  2. Notes on the numerical evaluation of elliptic integrals
    W. D. Lambert, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
  3. Conditioned maxima and minima of functions
    Professor E. J. McShane, University of Virginia
  4. Geometric stereograms and how to make them
    Professor W. F. Shenton, American University
  5. On the foundations of the calculus of Eudoxus and Archimedes
    Professor G. .C. Vedova, University of Maryland
  6. Recent investigations concerning the nature of thunderstorms and their electrical manifestations
    Dr. L. P. Harrison, Associate Meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bureau, invited speaker

Section Meeting 51: Randolph-Macon College, May 2, 1942
  1. Quadratic and cubic equations with complex coefficients whose roots have unit modulus
    Professor 0. J. Ramler, Catholic University of America
  2. An application of the calculus of variations to a problem in mechanics
    W. A. Blankinship, University of Virginia
  3. Linear velocity fields in a baratropic atmosphere
    Professor R. E. Root, United States Naval Academy
  4. Open discussion: The teaching of college mathematics
  5. Symbolic dynamics and topological transformations
    Professor G. A. Hedlund, University of Virginia, invited speaker

Note: At its Spring, 1942 meeting, the Section accepted invitations for the following future meetings: Fall, 1942: Loyola College; Spring, 1943: Johns Hopkins University; and Fall, 1943: Trinity College. However, it appears that these meetings did not occur, likely due to travel restrictions imposed during World War II.

Section Meeting 52: George Washington University, April 15, 1944
  1. Pythagorean representations
    Lt. (jg) C. R. Phelps, U. S. Navy
  2. A three-space linkage network
    Michael Goldberg, Bureau of Ordnance, U. S. Navy Department
  3. Vertices of plane curves
    Dr. S. R Jackson, University of Maryland
  4. Green's functions associated with problems in beam deflection
    Dr. H. T. Muhly, U. S. Naval Academy
  5. Mathematics as she are taught
    Dr. L. B. Tuckerman, Bureau of Standards

Section Meeting 53: Johns Hopkins University, December 9, 1944
  1. Integral solutions of x3+py3=1, p a prime
    Professor A. E. Currier, United States Naval Academy
  2. On the commutativity of certain rings
    Professor N. Jacobson, Johns Hopkins University
  3. Configuration theorems
    Dr. J. C. Abbott, United States Naval Academy
  4. Coordinates
    T. ]. Benac, United States Naval Academy
  5. The Riemann Manifold s of an Algebraic Function Field
    Professor Oscar Zariski, Johns Hopkins University, invited speaker

Section Meeting 54: George Washington University, May 12, 1945
  1. Equations of motion of classical dynamical systems of variable mass
    Lieut.Joseph Giarratana, U. S. Naval Academy
  2. Stresses in rectangular plates
    Lieut. C. B. Lindquist, U. S. Naval Academy
  3. The Bequest of the Greeks
    Professor Tobias Dantzig, University of Maryland, invited speaker

Section Meeting 55: United States Naval Academy, December 8, 1945
  1. Magic rectangles modulo p
    Professor E. J. Finan, Catholic University of America
  2. Approximation to an analytic function
    Ensign E. N. Nilson, U.S.N.R.
  3. On a set of almost orthogonal trigonometric junctions
    Lieut. R. P. Bailey, U.S.N.R.
  4. Mathematics in the Washington Veterans High School Center
    Carol V. Coleman, Washington Veterans High School Center
  5. Some applications of probability theory to the inspection of materials
    Lieut. Comdr. J. F. Daly, U.S.N.R.

Section Meeting 56: George Washington University, May 12, 1946
  1. On a poristic system of triangles
    Professor 0. J. Ramler, Catholic University
  2. An integral equation of a general metabolizing system
    Professor Herman Branson, Howard University
  3. Early history of the Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia Section of the Mathematical Association of America
    Professor R. E. Root, Post Graduate School, U. S. Naval Academy
  4. On the structure of a cluster
    Professor R. A. Good, University of Maryland
  5. On the sampling problem in the observation of the election in Greece
    Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Bureau of the Budget, invited speaker

Section Meeting 57: Johns Hopkins University, December 7, 1946
  1. Needed changes in curriculum materials and in methods as suggested by war­ time experience
    Dr. S. Helen Taylor, Frostburg State Teachers College
  2. On systems of constructible number theory
    Dr. David Nelson, George Washington University
  3. A construction of the extended real number system
    M. K. Fort, Jr., University of Virginia.
  4. On the equation φ(x)=n
    V. L. Klee, Jr., University of Virginia
  5. On the decomposition of meromorphic functions
    W. R. Utz, University of Virginia
  6. The teaching of mathematics below the college level
    Professor E. D. Murnaghan, Johns Hopkins University, invited speaker

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