Talks Given at Section Meetings, 1937-1946
Section Meeting 41: Randolph-Macon Woman's College, May 8, 1937
- A classification of bicircular quartics by means of their euclidean concomitants
Dr. J. W. Blincoe, University of Virginia
- A projective invariant in the linear transformation B = CA where A, B, C are three-dimensional square matrices
M. W. Aylor, University of Virginia
- Solvable cases of the equations for wind velocity
Professor R. E. Root, Postgraduate School, U. S. Naval Academy
- A conformal map of the world in a square
Dr. 0. S. Adams, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
- Asymptotic expansions
Dr. N. H. Ball, U. S. Naval Academy
- Axiomatic treatment of projective geometry
Professor John von Neumann, Institute for Advanced Study, invited speaker
Section Meeting 42: Johns Hopkins University, December 4, 1937
- A simple method of integration
Professor John Tyler, U. S. Naval Academy
- Some points in the teaching of the calculus
Dr. S. B. Littauer, U. S. Naval Academy
- Kasner's invariant
Dr. George Comenetz, St. John's College
- Representation of rational numbers by homogeneous forms
Dr. F. G. Schilling, Johns Hopkins University
- Linear combinations of three successive orthogonal polynomials
Dr. D. L. Netzorg, Johns Hopkins University
- The mechanical transformation of Boolean expressions
Dr. Archie Blake, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
- Fields of parallel vectors
Professor T. Y. Thomas, Princeton University, invited speaker
Section Meeting 43: United States Naval Academy, May 7, 1938
- The relation of the range of a sample to the standard deviation of the population
Dr. L. S. Dederick, Aberdeen Proving Ground
- Some naval tactics in vector analysis
Professor C. H. Rawlins, Jr., Postgraduate School, U. S. Naval Academy
- Infinite continued radicals and iteration of polynomials
Aaron Herschfeld, Social Security Board, Washington, DC
- Mathematical applications common to practical meteorology
Lieut. H. B. Hutchinson, Postgraduate School, U. S. Naval Academy
- Partitio numerorum
Professor Hans Rademacher, University of Pennsylvania, by invitation
Section Meeting 44: University of Maryland, December 10, 1938
- On a class of distributions approaching normality
G. B. Dantzig, Bureau of Labor Statistics
- A method of obtaining a conjugate function
John Beek, Jr., National Bureau of Standards
- An algorithm for polynomial approximations
Dr. L. S. Dederick, Aberdeen Proving Ground
- The dual quartic
C. W. Williams, Washington and Lee University
- On the tenth book of Euclid's Elements
Professor G. C. Vedova, St. John's College
- On a sixteenth century algebraist
Professor Jacob Klein, St. John's College
- Three-dimensional models of Dedekind structures
Professor Randolph Church, Postgraduate School, U. S. Naval Academy.
- The problem of three bodies
Professor Monroe Martin, University of Maryland, invited speaker
Section Meeting 45: Aberdeen Proving Ground, May 13, 1939
- A basis for interpreting results of samples of indefinite size
Captain L. E. Simon, U. S. Army, Aberdeen Proving Ground
- The application of normalization to fitting a hypersurface possessing observational errors following the normal multivariate law
F. V. Reno, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
- Affine geometry from the projective point of view
Dr. G. E. Alrich, University of Maryland
- Osculation under conformal transformation
T. C. G. Wagner, University of Maryland
- Solution of simultaneous equations by division
Professor John Tyler, U. S. Naval Academy
- Use of conics to smooth distributions
G. B. Dantzig, Bureau of Labor Statistics
- The differential analyzer
Dr. L. S. Dederick, Aberdeen Proving Ground
- High pressure and high velocity measurements
Dr. A. H. Hodge, Aberdeen Proving Ground
- The miniature cannon
R. H. Kent, Aberdeen Proving Ground
Section Meeting 46: Catholic University of America, December 9, 1939
- A non-associative matrix theory and some applications
J. L. Stearn, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
- On triangles having a common mean
Professor 0. J. Ramler, Catholic University of America
- Hyperspace analogs of circular functions
Dr. G. E. Alrich, University of Maryland
- Non-planar linkages
Michael Goldberg, Navy Department
- On groups of subtraction and division
Professor E. J. Finan, Catholic University of America
- On the definition of variance
Dr. S. B. Littauer, U. S. Naval Academy
- An elementary treatment of the problem of rencontre
Professor C. Bramble, Post Graduate School, U. S. Naval Academy
Section Meeting 47: University of Richmond, May 11, 1940
- An analysis of the indirect method of proof
Professor G. C. Vedova, St. John's College
- Convex sets
T. A. Botts, University of Virginia
- On a problem in the calculus of variations
Dr. Nancy Cole, Sweet Briar College
- Topology as applied to mechanics
Dr. Wilfred Kaplan, College of William and Mary
- Certain changes in student preparation during the last fifty years
Professor R. E. Gaines, University of Richmond
- Mathematics from the point of view of the 'New Plan'
Dean Scott Buchanan, St. John 's College
Section Meeting 48: Trinity College, December 7, 1940
- Curves on ruled surfaces
Michael Goldlerg, Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department
- On dimension and continuous transformations
Dr. C. H. Dowker, Johns Hopkins University
- The necessary conditions for the problem of Bolza in the calculus of variations
F. G. Myers, University of Virginia
- On semi-linear transformations
Professor Nathan Jacobson, Johns Hopkins University
- On the averages of functions
Dr. R. B. Kershner, Johns Hopkins University
- Reducibility conditions for rational quartic and quintic equations
Professor E. J. Finan, Catholic University of America
- Navigation
Lieutenant-Commander P. V. H. Weems, U. S. N. (retired), invited speaker
Section Meeting 49: United States Naval Academy, May 10, 1941
- The basic equations of interior ballistics
Professor C. C. Bramble, United States Naval Academy
- Some mathematical tools for the young scientist
Dr. Irwin Roman, United States Geological Survey
- Symmetric recursion formulas for the reversion of power series
Dr. W. E. Bleick, United States Naval Academy
- Rocketry
Professor W. A. Conrad, United States Naval Academy
- Computation of flat trajectories
Professor E. J. McShane, University of Virginia, invited speaker
Section Meeting 50: Georgetown University, December 6, 1941
- On minimizing certain functions of triangular numbers
Rev. E. C. Phillips, Georgetown University
- Notes on the numerical evaluation of elliptic integrals
W. D. Lambert, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
- Conditioned maxima and minima of functions
Professor E. J. McShane, University of Virginia
- Geometric stereograms and how to make them
Professor W. F. Shenton, American University
- On the foundations of the calculus of Eudoxus and Archimedes
Professor G. .C. Vedova, University of Maryland
- Recent investigations concerning the nature of thunderstorms and their electrical manifestations
Dr. L. P. Harrison, Associate Meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bureau, invited speaker
Section Meeting 51: Randolph-Macon College, May 2, 1942
- Quadratic and cubic equations with complex coefficients whose roots have unit modulus
Professor 0. J. Ramler, Catholic University of America
- An application of the calculus of variations to a problem in mechanics
W. A. Blankinship, University of Virginia
- Linear velocity fields in a baratropic atmosphere
Professor R. E. Root, United States Naval Academy
- Open discussion: The teaching of college mathematics
- Symbolic dynamics and topological transformations
Professor G. A. Hedlund, University of Virginia, invited speaker
Note: At its Spring, 1942 meeting, the Section accepted invitations for the following future meetings:
Fall, 1942: Loyola College; Spring, 1943: Johns Hopkins University; and Fall, 1943: Trinity College.
However, it appears that these meetings did not occur, likely due to travel restrictions imposed during World War II.
Section Meeting 52: George Washington University, April 15, 1944
- Pythagorean representations
Lt. (jg) C. R. Phelps, U. S. Navy
- A three-space linkage network
Michael Goldberg, Bureau of Ordnance, U. S. Navy Department
- Vertices of plane curves
Dr. S. R Jackson, University of Maryland
- Green's functions associated with problems in beam deflection
Dr. H. T. Muhly, U. S. Naval Academy
- Mathematics as she are taught
Dr. L. B. Tuckerman, Bureau of Standards
Section Meeting 53: Johns Hopkins University, December 9, 1944
- Integral solutions of x3+py3=1, p a prime
Professor A. E. Currier, United States Naval Academy
- On the commutativity of certain rings
Professor N. Jacobson, Johns Hopkins University
- Configuration theorems
Dr. J. C. Abbott, United States Naval Academy
- Coordinates
T. ]. Benac, United States Naval Academy
- The Riemann Manifold s of an Algebraic Function Field
Professor Oscar Zariski, Johns Hopkins University, invited speaker
Section Meeting 54: George Washington University, May 12, 1945
- Equations of motion of classical dynamical systems of variable mass
Lieut.Joseph Giarratana, U. S. Naval Academy
- Stresses in rectangular plates
Lieut. C. B. Lindquist, U. S. Naval Academy
- The Bequest of the Greeks
Professor Tobias Dantzig, University of Maryland, invited speaker
Section Meeting 55: United States Naval Academy, December 8, 1945
- Magic rectangles modulo p
Professor E. J. Finan, Catholic University of America
- Approximation to an analytic function
Ensign E. N. Nilson, U.S.N.R.
- On a set of almost orthogonal trigonometric junctions
Lieut. R. P. Bailey, U.S.N.R.
- Mathematics in the Washington Veterans High School Center
Carol V. Coleman, Washington Veterans High School Center
- Some applications of probability theory to the inspection of materials
Lieut. Comdr. J. F. Daly, U.S.N.R.
Section Meeting 56: George Washington University, May 12, 1946
- On a poristic system of triangles
Professor 0. J. Ramler, Catholic University
- An integral equation of a general metabolizing system
Professor Herman Branson, Howard University
- Early history of the Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia Section of the Mathematical Association of America
Professor R. E. Root, Post Graduate School, U. S. Naval Academy
- On the structure of a cluster
Professor R. A. Good, University of Maryland
- On the sampling problem in the observation of the election in Greece
Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Bureau of the Budget, invited speaker
Section Meeting 57: Johns Hopkins University, December 7, 1946
- Needed changes in curriculum materials and in methods as suggested by war time experience
Dr. S. Helen Taylor, Frostburg State Teachers College
- On systems of constructible number theory
Dr. David Nelson, George Washington University
- A construction of the extended real number system
M. K. Fort, Jr., University of Virginia.
- On the equation φ(x)=n
V. L. Klee, Jr., University of Virginia
- On the decomposition of meromorphic functions
W. R. Utz, University of Virginia
- The teaching of mathematics below the college level
Professor E. D. Murnaghan, Johns Hopkins University, invited speaker