Section Regulations
Summary of Responsibilities of Section Treasurer
- Prior to Each Meeting
- Prepares semi-annual report on Section's financial standing.
- Receives registration, meal, and minicourse/workshop fees.
- Prepares packet with receipts/tickets for pre-registered members.
- Receives registration fees, requests for display space from book
- Sends confirmation of display space (with directions to display area and the
time that area will be open) to registered vendors (Information provided by
Local Arrangements Coordinator).
- Sends count of meals, workshop participants, and outside book vendors to
Local Arrangements Coordinator by date set by the host institution.
- Provides list of members registered for Friday night banquet, if needed.
- At Meetings
- Presides over Saturday morning registration (with help from two dependable
assistants from the host institution.).
- At the business meeting, distributes copies of the semi-annual financial report,
provides appropriate background, and entertains questions.
- Between Meetings
- Maintains Section Accounts Receivable
- Annual MAA subvention to the Section (received in late spring).
- Funds generated from MAA book sales at meetings (10% of total sales).
- Funds generated through the Membership Incentive Program ($10 for
each new member enrolled directly by the Section Secretary through MIP).
- Maintains Section Accounts Payable
- Those related to publication of the Newsletter.
- Those related to conduct of the meetings.
- Awards to Putnam and CMC winners.
- Additional expenditures approved as needed.
- Maintains List of Section's "Regular Attendees" (members attending three
of the past six meetings).
Helen Christensen, RSM revised 7/94