The Mathematical Association of America
Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia Section

Section Regulations

Summary of Responsibilities of Section Treasurer

  1. Prior to Each Meeting
    1. Prepares semi-annual report on Section's financial standing.
    2. Receives registration, meal, and minicourse/workshop fees.
    3. Prepares packet with receipts/tickets for pre-registered members.
    4. Receives registration fees, requests for display space from book publishers/vendors.
    5. Sends confirmation of display space (with directions to display area and the time that area will be open) to registered vendors (Information provided by Local Arrangements Coordinator).
    6. Sends count of meals, workshop participants, and outside book vendors to Local Arrangements Coordinator by date set by the host institution.
    7. Provides list of members registered for Friday night banquet, if needed.
  2. At Meetings
    1. Presides over Saturday morning registration (with help from two dependable assistants from the host institution.).
    2. At the business meeting, distributes copies of the semi-annual financial report, provides appropriate background, and entertains questions.
  3. Between Meetings
    1. Maintains Section Accounts Receivable
      1. Annual MAA subvention to the Section (received in late spring).
      2. Funds generated from MAA book sales at meetings (10% of total sales).
      3. Funds generated through the Membership Incentive Program ($10 for each new member enrolled directly by the Section Secretary through MIP).
    2. Maintains Section Accounts Payable
      1. Those related to publication of the Newsletter.
      2. Those related to conduct of the meetings.
      3. Awards to Putnam and CMC winners.
      4. Additional expenditures approved as needed.
    3. Maintains List of Section's "Regular Attendees" (members attending three of the past six meetings).

Helen Christensen, RSM revised 7/94

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