The Mathematical Association of America
Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia Section

Section Regulations

Summary of Responsibilities of Section Governor

  1. At National Meetings
    1. Represent MD/DC/VA Section by attending semi-annual Business Meeting of the Board of Governors on days preceding January and August national MAA meetings.
    2. Read reports of the various Committees of the MAA.
    3. Vote on issues presented to the Board of Governors at their national meetings.
    4. Present the Distinguished Service award for MD/DC/VA Section at January meeting in years congruent to zero modulo five.
  2. Between Meetings
    1. Report to the Section on business that occurred at the meeting of the Board of Governors in writing in the Spring and Fall Newsletters.
    2. Represent the Board of Governors on one of the MAA Councils [currently the MD/DC/VA Section is assigned to Awards Council].
    3. Perform special duties in section as assigned by MAA National Office (e.g. recommend members to serve on national committees, find MAA members to perform other special functions for various scientific organizations such as the MSEB).
  3. At Sectional Meetings
    1. Act as a two-way conduit both carrying information from national office to sections, and also from sections to national office; more specifically,
    2. Report orally on business that occurred at previous meeting of the Board of Governors
    3. Solicit input from Section on matters that will be voted on at the subsequent meeting of the Board of Governors.

N.B. Since governors vote by mail and e-mail, it is important that governors have e-mail.

Helen Christensen, RSM 8/94

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