Summary of Responsibilities of Section Chair-Elect or Immediate Past-Chair
For Meetings
At Saturday luncheon (or other time if provided in the schedule) meet
with Departmental Representatives of attending Institutions to solicit
input from them regarding how the Section can become more vital at their home
Assist Chair by acting as Liaison of Executive Committee with
Local Arrangements Coordinator for any emergencies.
Observe activities of the program and attempt to foresee ways in which
future meetings might be improved.
Visit the Book Display area periodically.
Between Meetings
Study duties of Section Chair and be alert to ways in which assistance
might be needed with specific responsibilities of the Chair at meetings.
Assist Section Chair in any ever ways requested.
Review responsibility sheets for members of Executive Committee for
areas where assistance might be needed.
Begin considering sites for meetings during term as Chair, particularly
in light of geographic location in section, and number of times institutions
have hosted section meetings.*
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