Outstanding Graduate Research Exposition Award
The ISMAA invites submissions for the 2025 Outstanding Graduate Research Exposition (OGRE) Awards. These awards are designed for graduating or near graduating graduate students in mathematics who have an interest in academic careers at undergraduate teaching-oriented institutions. Candidates for the award will submit a written statement by Friday, March 14, 2025 and present a talk at the 2025 Annual Meeting on March 28-29.The written statement should take the form and tone of a research statement for a job application to an undergraduate teaching-oriented mathematics department. The statement should include:
- A statement about the context of the research, including a description of where the research fits into the greater "big-picture" in the particular sub-discipline
- A description of the research results and any necessary background content to make the research accessible to undergraduate students and non-experts in the particular area of mathematics
- A description of potential undergraduate research projects related to the research topic, which the candidate would be interested in mentoring
The written statement should be submitted as a PDF file by Friday, March 14, 2025 to the Awards Committee Chair, Tim Comar, via email at timcomar@gmail.com. Please include "OGRE Awards" in the subject heading.
Applicants should also make arrangements to give a talk in the student session of the 2025 Annual Meeting on March 28-29. The talk should contain the content above and should be directed to undergraduate students and an audience of non-experts in the particular area of mathematics. Questions? Email timcomar@gmail.com.