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2021 ISBE Teacher Preparation Standards

The Illinois Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation continues to impact a number of areas in the realm of teacher preparation. (Some of these changes are being codified into rules in case something like the current public health situation occurs again; so that "the wheel does not need to be reinvented" each time a public health emergency proclamation is declared. These rules are still being finalized but would only be in effect when such proclamations are in force.) Here is a summary of the actions that will be in effect for the spring semester.

Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) recently adopted a new set of standards (Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards) to be integrated into current programs in order to foster classrooms and environments in which every student feels that they belong. More details will be available after a meeting concerning these new standards on January 29, 2021; however, it appears that institutions of higher education will have until October 1, 2025, to align their programs to the new standards.