About Our Logo
The logo for the Rocky Mountain Section of the Mathematical Association
of America was created by Mark Petersen in 2001. A graduate student in the
Applied Mathematics Department at the University of Colorado at Boulder
at that time, Mark says of his design:
"The mountain symbols were chosen because analysis is the foundation for all
of mathematics. The equation eiπ + 1 = 0
must rank among the most beautiful formulas in mathematics.
It connects the five most important constants of mathematics with
the three most important operations — addition, multiplication,
and exponentiation. These five constants symbolize the four major
branches of classical mathematics: arithmetic, represented by 0 and 1;
algebra, by i; geometry, by π; and analysis, by
e. (Quoted from Eli Maor's e, The Story of a Number).
I chose to portray this equation as a train because
rail has historically been the life blood of the American West,
and trains are complimentary to any mountain scene."