2014 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 27, 2014
| Minutes: | MAA Rocky Mountain Section Executive Committee Meeting
Date & Time: | Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:30–10:15 pm
Location: | Lynne Ipina home; 460 N 9th Street, Laramie
Attendance: | Lynne Ipina, Rong Song Liu, Chris Sloan, Leslie Roan,
Ivars Peterson, Kyle Riley, Erica Hastert, Bill Emerson, Bill Cherowitzo,
Heidi Keck
- Bill Cherowitzo called the meeting to order and asked for
introductions. Minutes of the 2013 executive committee were approved;
motion made by Kyle and seconded by Lynne.
- Bill Cherowitzo led a discussion of the meeting flow. Lynne explained
that the opening remarks would be given by the Dean of Arts and Sciences,
Dr. Paula Lutz, who would also attend the heads luncheon. Bill C
volunteered to introduce the DTA speaker and give a general description
of parallel sessions. Ivars's talk at 4pm was added to the list of
speakers. Leslie explained the banquet procedure. It was decided that
the program should begin about 7pm. Kyle would announce the DTA award,
Heidi would give membership certificates, and Bill C would introduce the
keynote speaker. Bill C suggested an actual closing to the meeting. There
was debate about the attendance. A decision was made to have a final 15
minute closing ceremony to transfer the banner to Colorado College for
next year's meeting.
- Reports
- Program Chair:
- Leslie reported these preregistration numbers 98
participants, 68 banquet tickets, and 29 talks. Paypal was used for
registration funds and requires a 2.63% fee. Bill C asked about graduate
student speakers. No department chairs responded to recommend speakers. A
suggestion was made to contact graduate directors rather than department
chairs. This was unanimously agreed to be better and will be changed in
the secretary duty list.
- Financial Report:
- The section is in healthy financial
shape. Recommendations were discussed to spend down the reserve (currently
at $10,000). Meeting costs were also discussed and a point was made to
insure that potential program chairs should check on cost of room usage,
as it is becoming more common.
- Nominating Committee:
- A chair elect will be needed in 2015. Bill E
suggested that former DTA winners could be tapped for recommendation as
they are well connected people in the section.
- Awards Committee:
- Kyle reported that the Distinguished Teaching
Award selection for 2014 is Anne Dougherty. There were good nominees,
although the roll-over caused a few problems with people who had left
the section or retired. The rubric developed in recent years worked well.
- Discussion and Action Items
- Bylaws:
- Ivars explained the process for reviewing the
bylaws includes a 2 draft of the new bylaws to the national office by
December for pre- approval. The bylaws then go to the membership at
a section meeting for final approval. Bill C suggested a 3-person ad
hoc committee to review our bylaws. Volunteers are Mike Brilleslyper,
Bill Cherowitzo, and Erika Hastert.
- Junior Faculty Award for Teaching:
- Last year during the DTA discussion
the possibility of an award for junior faculty was raised. Ivars asked
about the status of our section NExT. Concern was expressed the NExT
can be seen as elitist, and the award should look further. Bill C asked
that this be brought up at the business meeting. Heidi was tasked
with looking at the national Alder Award criteria to see if our existing
DTA paperwork could serve both purposes.
- Tee Shirt design:
- Bill C explained the contest to get the
most section tee shirts at 2015 MathFest. Ivars explained various ideas
related to the centennial celebration. Kyle made a motion to abstain
from the contest and Bill E seconded. Discussion about past tee shirt
contests followed and all agreed to not create another.
- Budget for student activities:
- The statement:
"The executive committee
agreed that the director of student activities be allocated $200 per
year to spend to further the goal of increasing student participation
in Rocky Mountain Section activities." was suggested for
the bylaws. Kyle made a motion to add the statement, Bill C seconded,
and it was approved unanimously.-
- Colorado Math Awards:
- Bill C made a motion to spend $250 on the
awards, Kyle seconded, all approved.
- Student door prizes:
- Kyle made a motion to spend $100
on MAA books for student door prizes. Lynne seconded. Ivars suggested
that editors at the MAA often have surplus books that they give away
if asked. All approved the motion and agreed to pass on the information
about free books.
- Executive Committee Hardship Travel:
- Bill C spoke on the essential
nature of the one in person meeting each year. There is less money
available from the national office and the section must do something
to help when an institution cannot pay. We need long range plans for
emergencies. He also emphasized that this should be privately funded and
be only a supplement to institutional support. A discussion of current
support for officers to attend national meetings and potential mechanisms
for such a fund followed. Finally Kyle proposed that we add this to the
general business meeting agenda.
- Connections with community college faculty:
- Bill C believes this
is an untapped resource in our section. Erika reported that CC faculty
often have limited travel funds. She also suggested that “Transfer
Level” instructors are the appropriate audience. Discussion about how
to reach out to this group. Ivars asked about connections with AMATYC
and suggested Linda Braddy at national is the person to talk to about
joint work with AMATYC. There was further discussion about getting
people to attend a meeting versus actually joining the organization.
- National Meetings:
- Bill E will attend MathFest and Kyle will attend the
Joint Meetings.
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Keck, Western State Colorado University
Secretary/Treasurer of the MAA Rocky Mountain Section