2014 Business Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 30, 2014
| Minutes: | Minutes: MAA Rocky Mountain Section Annual Business Meeting
Date & Time: | Saturday, March 30, 8:00 am – 8:50 am
Location: | University of Wyoming Conference Center
- Bill Cherowitzo called the meeting to order and the minutes from
last year were approved.
- Reports
- Jeff Berg reported that there were three nominees for Section Governor,
the actual election was conducted electronically by the national office,
and the Bill Emerson was elected. There were two nominees for Vice Chair,
Erica Hastert and Carol Kuper. This position must be filled by a two-year
college person. Carol told the members that she is a long time member of
the MAA and happy to serve in this role. Erica cited her work history
and connections. She also stated a need to bring in more two-year
college people. There was only one nominee for secretary treasurer,
Heidi Keck. She thanked the members for the opportunity to serve again.
- Heidi Keck reported nearly $15,000 in reserve for the section. There
were questions on the Activity Awards this year—only one was awarded
to PPRUMC, and the Colorado Math Awards—which were funded at $250
again this year.
- Erica Hastert read a short report from Dick Gibbs on the Colorado
Math Awards. Many of the competitions had not occurred yet this year.
- Bill Cherowitzo summarized the executive committee meeting. He
explained that required By- Law review process that we must do this
year. Tensia Soto-Johnson added that the National office is very involved
in this process and in fact has veto authority. She also suggested that
a draft be circulated to the membership before it is sent to National
for review. Bill reported on the decision to fund student activities at
the section meeting to promote student involvement, the decision to not
participate in the centennial T-shirt contest. Bill also led a discussion
on increasing membership in MAA and the section. Ideas on outreach to
two-year college faculty, benefits of membership, and differential dues
were offered.
- Beth Schaubroeck reported on the student activity lunch with
games. Overall there were fewer students at the meeting this year. Beth
asked for ideas on other potential activities, possibly Jeopardy. It
was noted that attendance in general was down at this meeting and that
we conflicted with spring break for many students.
- Ivars Peterson gave the report from National. He encouraged people to
check the web site for the latest updates on the centennial celebration at
MathFest in 2015. April is math awareness month, with theme "Math Magic
and Mystery." He also pointed out that as a member benefit National
is considering adding access to some e-books as well as journal. HE
encouraged people to look at Edfinity, a database of textbook problems
and all AMC problems. Instructors can use it to build problem sets. They
can also get practice AMC for $10/student. Finally he reminded people
that the National office has 125 committees that need staffing. People
can nominate themselves or others for these positions.
- Mike Brilleslyper gave the Governors report.
- Announcements and Information Items
- Kyle Riley announced that Anne Dougherty from University of Colorado
is the 2014 Distinguished Teaching Award Recipient
- Gulden Karakok gave the dates for the CCTM meeting as September 25 & 26,
2014. .She encouraged people to get preservice teachers involved. There
will be PARCC assessment training available. She also reminded members
that her term is ending this year and someone else will need to take over.
- The newsletter deadline is September 15
- Upcoming meetings
- Colorado College April 17 & 18, 2015
- Colorado Mesa University April 8 & 9, 2016
- PPRUMC will be at Air Force Academy in 2015
- MathFest will be in Denver in 2018
- Jeff Berg announced that Erica Hastert was elected Vice Chair and
Heidi Keck was reelected secretary treasurer. Bill Cherowitzo reminded
people that next year we are looking for a Chair Elect. Please talk to
Kyle Riley if you are interested in the position or have ideas.
- Other
- Discussion Items
- Junior Faculty Teaching Award.
- Bill Cherowitzo explained the problem of two distinct types of
people nominated for the DTA, early career rising star versus lifetime
of work. Could we create and award modeled after the Alder award to
target the early career people? A motion was made to task the DTA
committee with developing criteria for the award to begin this year.
Discussion followed on the frequency of the award and consensus was
reached that an award would not need to be awarded every year. The motion
passed unanimously.
- New Web Site.
George Heine showed a preview of the new web site. Tensia reminded him
that there are national guidelines that should be followed. George asked
all to look at the pages and suggest content and/or changes.
- Executive Committee Travel Funds.
Bill Cherowitzo explained the discussion from the executive meeting about
the shortage of institutional travel funds, the importance of a face-to-
face meeting for the committee, and the ad hoc solutions we had found the
past two meetings. He asked for guidance from the membership. Discussion
ensued on potential abuses, by-laws, money from national, procedures in
other sections. Finally there was consensus that as long as our reserves
are healthy the executive committee was trusted to handle this on a
case-by-case basis and no change should be made to the by-laws.
- A motion was made to thank our hosts University of Wyoming and to
thank the outgoing officers Bill Cherowitzo and Mike Brilleslyper.
- Meeting adjourned at 9:05.
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Keck, Western State Colorado University
Secretary/Treasurer of the MAA Rocky Mountain Section