2013 Business Meeting Minutes
Saturday, April 27, 2013
| Minutes: | MAA Rocky Mountain Section Annual Business Meeting
Date: | Saturday, April 27, 2013; 8:00-8:50 am
Location: | Adams State University; Porter Hall 130
- Bill Cherowitzo called the meeting to order and the minutes from
last year were approved.
- Reports:
- Jeff Berg led the election for Chair Elect. Statements from both
Bill Emerson and Kyle Riley were attached to the agenda. Bill chose not
to make a statement during the meeting to be fair to Kyle who was not
- Heidi Keck referred members to the attached financial report
showing nearly $15,000 in reserve for the section.
- Bill Cherowitzo summarized the executive committee meeting. He
described the 3-year rollover for DTA nominations, the funds distributed
for CO Math Awards and Student Door Prizes. He also shared his goal of
increasing 2-year college participation in the section. He is willing to
travel to visit schools. He suggests a special session on 2-year college
concerns at the next meeting. He also asked that suggestions for the new
web page be sent directly to George Heine.
- Dick Gibbs reported on the various math competitions in Colorado
including the Putnam Exam, the Mathematical Contest in Modeling, the
American Mathematics Competition, and the Mathematics Olympiad. The
awards ceremony is May 16 and Bill Cherowitzo presents the collegiate
awards. Colorado students do well in these competitions.
- Mike Brilleslyper spoke on behalf of Beth Schaubroeck for the
student activity grant. He explained the process and clarified that it
was only for undergraduates.
- Michael Pearson gave the report from National. He explained the
new membership structure with fewer categories, more emphasis on
e-journals, and revised purpose of the FOCUS magazine as a "membership
guide". The changes to book sales are related to new sales tax laws for
e-commerce. He expects the new National web site to be a vast
improvement over the old. He gave some highlights of the MathFest
meeting in Hartford, including starting officially on Wednesdays now to
reflect actual practice. He encouraged all section members to get
involved in some way—meetings, SIGMAAs, Social networks, YouTube,
NExT, PREP, committees—there is something for everyone. Mike
Brilleslyper added that the sections are the "Heart and Soul" of the
association and added his encouragement as well. As always, Mike is
looking for ideas to take to the national office from the section.
- Dan Swenson explained that the Section NExT has been less active
as there are very few new hires. The group hopes to have a strong cohort
for next year and would like people to encourage their new hires to
- Announcements and Information Items
- DalussSiewert announced that Marlow Anderson from Colorado
College is the 2013 Distinguished Teaching Award Recipient
- Gulden Karakok gave the correct dates for the CCTM meeting as
October 10 & 11, 2013. There will be an emphasis on the Common Core
- There was a motion to thank Linda Sundbye for her work on the
newsletter. It was approved unanimously and with a round of applause!
The newsletter deadline is September 15
- Jeff Berg announced that Kyle Riley was elected as Chair Elect.
- Other
- There was a motion to thank Adams State University
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Keck, Western State Colorado University
Secretary/Treasurer of the MAA Rocky Mountain Section