2016 Business Committee Minutes
| MAA Rocky Mountain Section Business Committee Meeting
Date & Time:
| Saturday, April 9, 2016, 8:00–8:50 am
| University Center 221, Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction Colorado
- Kyle Riley called the meeting to order at 8:00am. Minutes from the
2015 meeting and current agenda were approved.
- Gus Greivel announced Shawna Mahan as the single candidate for
Vice-Chair and offered her the chance to speak. Shawna said it was an
honor to be nominated. Leadership and local organization are important
and hard work needs to be done. She said she enjoys networking and
meeting people and that she has a lot of contacts in the two-year college
community. She is active in COADE and AMATYC. A motion was made to elect
Shawna by acclamation. The motion was seconded and all present approved.
- Reports:
- Heidi Keck gave the financial report. Last year's spring meeting
generated some income, but subvention is down, so overall finances are
stable. She also explained the new financial arrangement with the Pikes
Peak Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (PPRUMC) steering
committee. Opportunity for discussion of this is a later agenda item.
- Dick Gibbs reported on student competitions in the Colorado. Because
of the relatively early meeting this year, most competitions have
not announced winners yet. Dick thanked the section for the ongoing
financial support.
- Bill Emerson gave the governor’s report. The structure of the
Governors group is changing (read more details in the newsletter). In
short, the group is too large and unwieldy. The new structure will
aim for a smaller board that can get things done more effectively. The
new bylaws will be voted on at Mathfest this summer and then be sent
to the membership for a vote. Bill also encouraged people to serve
on national committees. there are a wide variety of tasks and time
commitments. Tensia Soto-Johnson added that some committees include travel
funds and reiterated the variation in workload of the committees. These
nominations are due in March every year, so start thinking ahead.
Tensia also reminded people that there are new MAA policy documents: 2015
CUPM Curriculum Guide, Common Vision, and Instructional Practices that
can help faculty with local policy making ammunition. They include policy
statements on the qualities of first year courses and the qualifications
of the people necessary to teach these courses.
- Beth Schaubroeck reported that a student lunch was hosted on Friday
and suggested that we try to attend part of the Jeopardy game on Saturday
morning. If it is successful, maybe we should consider adding this to our
student activities at the meeting. Concerns are the expense of the buzzer
system, effort required to write questions, and student participation.
- Announcements:
- Mike Jacobson announced Tensia Soto-Johnson from UNC as the 2016
DTA winner and Rebecca Swanson from Colorado School of Mines as the
2016 ECTA winner. The criteria for the ECTA need minor modifications
and clarifications that the committee will work on before the next
round. There was general discussion of how the ECTA winner should
participate in the next meeting. Any suggestions should be sent to Kyle
Riley or Mike Jacobson.
- We need to find a replacement for the MAA representative to the CCTM.
Gulden Karakok described the job as follows: attend four meetings,
help with workshop decisions, help with the higher ed part of the
fall conference, encourage higher ed to write for journals, bring MAA
guidelines to CCTM for discussion.
- Various upcoming meetings were listed in the agenda, and people were
referred to the list.
- Discussion Items:
- The section executive committee agreed to act as “the banker”
for the PPRUMC this year, as they now have to solicit donations and
need a single place to save and spend from. Kyle Riley asked that the
members decide whether or not this is a good idea. Bill Cherowitzo
supported the idea, saying that this is the type of program we want to
support and this is an easy way to help by providing infrastructure. A
question was asked about activity grants and whether we we agreeing to
automatically award one.Answer is no. The PPRUMC will be responsible for
applying for grants and securing other funds. Jim Loats made a motion:
The section is happy to support the PPRUMC in the current manner and is
eager to support other conferences in a similar manner. Mike Jacobson
seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
- Strategic Planning meeting held Friday brought up these topics:
- Should the meeting be moved from spring to fall? The survey last
year showed no overwhelming support either way on this. There were good
arguments for both moving and not moving. Kyle suggests the only way to
know if a fall meeting will work it to try having a fall meeting. Anyone
interested trying to host should step up!
- Should the Secretary/Treasurer position be split? General discussion
of what the job entails, and how a piece of it could be a smaller,
self-contained task. Heidi suggested the teaching award paperwork has
gotten larger with two awards, but is a good job for a coordinator
as nominations roll forward and requires coordination with a national
award. Jim Loats made this motion: The RMS should create the position
of awards coordinator to coordinate the awards process. The position
would begin in spring 206 and would be chosen by and work closely
with the secretary/treasurer. Janet Barnett seconded. Question as to
whether this required a change to the by-laws? Motion was modified to
specify that this person is not an additional person on the selection
committee. Approved unanimously.
- Can and should Section NExT be revived? Overall support of the idea. Becky
Swanson volunteered to lead this effort. Again, all interested in helping should
contact Becky.
- Kyle Riley thanked Tracii Freidmann, Lisa Driskell, and Cathy
Bonan-Hamada for hosting such a well run joint meeting. The Intermountain
people were also very impressed with the quality of the meeting. Applause
from all! Next year is the 100th anniversary of the section. The meeting
will be at CSU-Pueblo. Janet Barnett is the lead program chair and is
looking for suggestions on how to celebrate.
- Meeting was adjourned at 8:50.
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Keck, Western State Colorado University
Secretary/Treasurer of the MAA Rocky Mountain Section