Duties of Section Officers, Rocky Mountain Section, MAA
(This is an informal description; for formal duties, see the By-laws)
NOTE: Additional information for section officers
is located at the
MAA Website
Chairperson (two year term, usually preceding year's Chairperson-Elect )
- Provide leadership for Section; much of the section business can be conducted by phone or e-mail.
- Receive and answer mail from national MAA.
- Arrange and preside at Fall Executive Committee Meeting, if held (usually held on campus of host institution).
- Preside at Spring Executive Committee (luncheon) Meeting (held late morning on Friday of Annual Spring meeting).
- Preside at Annual Business Meeting (held early Saturday morning of Annual Spring meeting).
- Represent the Section at the Section Officers' Meeting held in conjunction with the Summer Mathfest
and the Winter Joint Meetings of AMS/MAA, or designate a replacement. (Some travel costs are
subsidized by the national MAA; the amount of the subsidy varies.)
- Serve on Program Committee.
- Serve on Committee on Profession Linkages, or designate a representative of four–year colleges.
- Coordinate with Program chair to arrange for invited speaker from
national MAA speaker list. (MAA furnishes an officer to act as a speaker
at the Annual Meeting. We pay only local expenses. We usually invite
this officer for the Banquet Address and an hour's invited address. The
national office provides a list of suitable speakers that they subsidize.)
- Appoint a member for a one-year term to the Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee.
- Appoint a member (each year) to the Nominating Committee.
(This is a three year term; the person serving in their second year is Chairperson.)
Chairperson-Elect (one year term)
- Watch and learn.
- Attend all Executive Committee Meetings.
- Act in place of Chairperson if that officer cannot fulfill his/her position.
- Serve on Program Committee
- Chair the Distinguished Teaching Award Committee
Past Chair (one year term)
- Follow-up on programs begun during his or her term as Chair.
- Attend all Executive Committee Meetings.
- Act in place of Chairperson if that officer cannot fulfill his/her position.
- Serve on Program Committee.
- Chair the Distinguished Teaching Award Committee
Vice-Chair (two year term)
- Act as contact with two-year and community colleges.
- Attend all Executive Committee Meetings.
- Serve on Program Committee and arrange for programs for two-year and community college faculty.
- Serve on Distinguished Teaching Award Committee.
- Serve on Committee on Profession Linkages, or designate a representative of two-year colleges.
Secretary/Treasurer (three year term)
- Making all the officers aware of their duties.
- Assisting officers in the performance of their duties.
- Responsible for Section funds and preparation of reports.
- Responsible for preparing and distributing minutes of all Section and Executive Committee meetings.
- Help with call-for-papers and other mailings.
- Preparation and distribution of Section Newsletter
- Archivist for Section.
- Serve on Program Committee
- Handle details not assigned to other officers.
- Serve as co-signer for bank account once one is past secretary.
Section Governor (three year term)
- Attend Summer and Winter Meetings of Governors. (In conjunction with
the Annual Joint Meetings of the AMS/MAA, approximately 1/2 of airfare
is paid by MAA. ) This involves a study of a lengthy agenda prior to
the meetings. The meeting is normally an all-day affair, 9 to 4. (The
governor gets good insight into the internal workings of the MAA. It
can be a very rewarding experience.)
- Represent Section with national MAA.
- Represent national MAA to Section.
- Appoint Higher Education Representative to CCTM Governing Board
(2 year term).
- Prepare and give Governor's report at Annual Business Meeting.
- Attend Executive Committee meetings.
Program Chairperson
NOTE: a more detailed Meeting Handbook is available from the Section Secretary
- Arrange for facilities and rooms at host institution
- Arrange lodging for MAA representative at Annual Meeting. The
section pays local expenses but the National Office of MAA provides
travel funds for person, who is usually the keynote speaker and the
banquet speaker--although not necessarily both. A list is provided by
the national MAA. This person should be chosen and invited as early in
the fall as possible.
- Arrange for Polya Lecturer at Annual Meeting, in years when section is eligible (xxx5, xxx0); application must be submitted in late summer/early fall of the year preceding the year in which we are eligible.
- Construct Program for Annual Meeting
Invite speakers and arrange panel discussions, perhaps in concert with other section officers. In recent years the recipient for the preceding year's Distinguished Teaching Award has been giving the opening address on Friday.
Contact an academic officer of the host institution to give a welcoming to the attendees at the opening session.
The call for papers is sent in January, which you or the Section Secretary
will mail. Deadline for papers is mid-March. Preliminary program is
mailed in late March, includes banquet information, motel information
and map of campus, if not mailed earlier. It is good to acknowledge
submitted papers, and inform presenters if they will be on the program.
- Local Arrangements
- Approve registration fees
- Registration and collection of fees. These are used to pay for
mailings, programs, coffee, name tags, student help, etc. (Note: The fees
approved by the executive committee Ap 20, 2001, were $12 in advance,
$20 on site, $0 student and unemployed. If we wish/need to do so, we
may amend our fee schedule-see By-Laws)
- Arrange annual banquet. (Some recent costs: $30 at Colorado School of Mines)
- Coffee and cookies. (There is a coffee break both Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.)
- Audiovisual needs. Speakers should be asked for their needs in the call-for-papers.
- Arrange for publishers, computer manufacturers, etc. to display wares.
A contribution is requested from each displayer to defray expenses.
This amount has been $100 since 1997.
- If there is to be an MAA booksale (at which, members receive a
discount from list prices and the local section gets 10% commission from
MAA), arrange for a table to be staffed by the local math club on Fri
afternoon and/or Saturday morning. Usually the Section gives an MAA book
(of the club's choice) to the club in return for them performing this
service. Normally the books and the order forms are sent to the section
secretary and are brought to the meeting by that person. Usually the
MAA only sends along copies of their books published in the last year
(about a half-dozen), but their order forms apply to all of the books
they currently publish. The students collect the completed order forms
and gives them to the Section secretary.
- Designate parking and food facilities on campus.
- Arrange welcome by local administration.
- Arrange the following Dutch Treat working meals:
- Executive Committee luncheon Friday or dinner Thursday;
- Department Chair luncheon Friday (if requested);
- MAA Department Liaison breakfast Saturday (if requested)
- Work in concert with Chairperson and Secretary to cover all details.
- Arrange for any local publicity