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Static Operational Plan for Secretary

NOTE: This is intended only to be used if the database server is inoperable for some reason. This way you have at least an outline of the tasks at the last time a snapshot was taken.

Bylaws description

According to our section's Bylaws, The Secretary shall keep minutes of the annual section business meeting and of meetings of the Executive Committee, handle the Section correspondence, manage registration and registration fees for the annual meeting, and submit an annual section report to the Committee on Sections. This position is considered an Officer and a member of the Executive Committee.

Time line for tasks

Today is Friday, 21 August 2015. This timeline assumes that the next meeting is scheduled to be on 2 October 2015 and the last meeting was on 24 October 2014. (Note that next meeting date may not be yet set and the default date of 1 Oct is being used.) If you are on the executive committee and you are reviewing the operational plan for your office, you may interested in editing/modifying what you see here.

  1. Immediately following the Section Meeting [Target date: 27 October 2014]
    1. Send the following to Hal Nesbitt ( - works with MAA Sections) [RIGHT PERSON?]
      1. Updated information on Section Officers
      2. Dates and location of the next Section Meeting
      3. [Student forms with their choice of an MAA book or a one year subscription to MAA ] - MARKED FOR DELETION
    2. Do any follow-up tasks from meeting
      1. Type up notes/minutes from Executive Committee meeting and Business meeting; send these out to all officers for changes and approval. After approval, coordinate with Information Director to get both of these on the web site.
  2. Soon after Section Meeting [Target date: 31 October 2014]
    1. Update database of pre-registrations with information from attendees registering at the meeting. Also, remove any people who pre-registered but did not attend the meeting. Use the following URL: registration/secretaryUse
    2. Add to the database the registration information from attendees who only registered at the meeting. registration/create
    3. Submit the Annual Section Report to the national office with 30 days of the Section Meeting. An email is sent in early spring by Hal Nesbitt with directions for online submission of this report. Statistics from the meeting can be calculated using the RegistrationsView tool.
    4. Prepare an executive summary of the meeting, and submit it to the Information Director to be posted on the Section website.
    5. Review Secretary's Operational Plan, and submit changes to the Information Director.
  3. Beginning of Fall - Haimo Teaching Award and Section Teaching Award [Target date: September]
    1. Directions for Haimo Award (National Teaching Award) will come out in Spring. Our nominee for this award has been the winner of the Section Teaching Award.
    2. Prepare the Call for Nominations ASAP in order to give nominators ample time to respond.
    3. Either email the short nomination form (page one of the full version) to all members of the Iowa Section with a letter explaining the process or have it posted on the web and ask liaisons (use url that follows) to communicate it.. All nominations are returned to the Secretary. Send follow-up email to liaisons in two weeks. Send separate email to Iowa NExT members encouraging them to nominate mentors in the Section. individual/liaisonEmails
    4. Get the process and forms on the Awards web page at the Iowa Section web site. Arrange with webmaster to do so.
    5. Make sure the Chair of the Section puts together a committee to select the winner of the Section Award. Ask Chair to let Secretary know when committee is formed.
    6. In years where no nominations are submitted, contact nominators form previous years and ask them to resubmit a nomination.
    7. Send all nomination forms received by the deadline to the chair of the selection committee.
    8. The deadline for the national award has been early March. Make sure our nominee for the Haimo Award has all the material ready to be sent via US Mail to the MAA Secretary.
  4. Two months before section meeting - start planning [Target date: 2 August 2015]
    1. Contact the Vice-Chair and work with him/her to put out a Call for Papers. Coordinate with the Information Director to put the pieces on the web site.
    2. Things to include in the Call for Papers (Some of these pieces are part of the online template while others need to be solicted and placed on the web.)
      1. Where the Meeting is and when (get details from Vice-Chair Elect)
      2. List of Section Officers
      3. Schedule with the main speakers
      4. Call for student and faculty papers (to be sent to the Vice-Chair, so include his/her address)
      5. Elections: Vice-Chair Elect is every year, Secretary and Treasurer are each every three years (but staggered); Governor is handled through the national office. The Chair of the Section should put together a nominating committee for you to include in the Call for Papers. Point out to the nominating committee the list of where the meetings have been held in the past.
      6. Lodging details
      7. Indicate to whom questions should be directed.
      8. Iowa Competition information (if it will be held at the meetings)
    3. After the Call for Papers deadline, notify the MAA headquarters ( [RIGHT NAME?] about the number of certificates needed for student presentations. Use the following page to determine the quantity and names. URL: proposal/studentSpeakers
    4. Make sure the host institution has a place for registration (and to display books). It also helps to have student helpers for registration so they can answer questions about where to park and eat. Contact the Vice-Chair Elect for these issues.
  5. In the two weeks before the meeting [Target date: 18 September 2015]
    1. Prepare and make copies of
      1. Ballots [25 copies]
      2. Registration forms ($10) (10 copies)
      3. Receipts for registration (and luncheon) [20 copies on two-sheet carbonless]
      4. Student presentation forms indicating their choice of MAA book or one year membership in the MAA [copies = # of student talks - see above how to find this]
      5. Last year's minutes for Executive Committee Meeting [copies = # present]
      6. Check on program schedule of the meeting for distribution. Wait, however, until notified by Vice-Chair that the schedule is ready. [copies = # present]. Might want to think about how many to print since many will be using electronic devices. URL session/printSchedule
    2. Complete the Student talk certificates (fill in name, institution, title of talk, date)
    3. Make sure the Section teaching award certificate and 25 & 50 year membership certificates from the MAA headquarters arrives.
    4. Buy a nice frame for the Teaching Award.
  6. Things to bring to the meeting [Target date: 1 October 2015]
    1. Info from MAA that gets sent to you for display
    2. All the things you made copies of above and prepared to bring
    3. Nametags, pens, and markers
    4. All the Secretary files in years there is an election for this position.
  7. At the meeting [Target date: 2 October 2015]
    1. Registration fee is $10 for all non-students. Invited speakers should register, but do not pay the registration fee.
    2. Executive Committee meeting on Saturday morning
      1. Have Governor sign 25-year and 50-year membership certificates
      2. Have Chair sign teaching award and student talk certificates
      3. Make arrangements to get student certificates to students (give at the business meeting or give to the chair of the session the student is speaking in)
      4. Take notes for minutes
    3. Business Meeting
      1. Bring copy of minutes for Section approval, (framed) Teaching Award with nomination information, ballots.
      2. Take notes for minutes