Our section Bylaws specify the Officers of the section to consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Vice-Chair Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers are also part of the larger Executive Committee. Our Bylaws specify the Executive Committee to additionally include the Section Governor, Past Chair, Information Director (formerly Newsletter Editor), Competition Coordinator, and Liaison Coordinator. The officers are given below, with the complement following. An email and phone number for each person should be here; use the Institution page to find a mailing address. Additionally, where our Bylaws gives specific charges to the office, there is a link in the name of the office; more specific details of carrying out these responsibilities are spelled out elsewhere.
Chair [2021-2022] Melissa Lindsey 608-263-2727 mlindsey3@wisc.edu | |
Vice-Chair [2021-2022] Susan Crook 865-386-4497 susan.crook@loras.edu | |
Vice-Chair Elect [2021-2022] Brittney Miller 319-399-8759 bmiller@coe.edu | |
Secretary [2018-2021] Ross Sweet ross.sweet@simpson.edu | |
Treasurer [2021-2024] Lucas Bennett 319-330-5788 lbennett@grandview.edu |
Representative to MAA Congress [2019-2022] Theron Hitchman theron.hitchman@uni.edu | |
Past-Chair [2021-2022] Chris Spicer 712-274-5163 spicer@morningside.edu | |
Information Director [2019-2022] Mitchel T. Keller 712.274.5122 kellerm@morningside.edu | |
Liaison Coordinator [2019-2022] Matt Rissler 252-387-8287 matthew.rissler@loras.edu | |
Competition Coordinator [2019-2022] Ruth Berger 563-387-1174 bergerr@luther.edu |