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Static Operational Plan for Chair

NOTE: This is intended only to be used if the database server is inoperable for some reason. This way you have at least an outline of the tasks at the last time a snapshot was taken.

Bylaws description

According to our section's Bylaws, The Chair shall preside at each meeting of the Section and of the Executive Committee of the Section. The Chair, in consultation with the other officers, shall appoint the Information Director, Competition Coordinator, and Liaison Coordinator. This position is considered an Officer and a member of the Executive Committee.

Time line for tasks

Today is Friday, 21 August 2015. This timeline assumes that the next meeting is scheduled to be on 2 October 2015 and the last meeting was on 24 October 2014. (Note that next meeting date may not be yet set and the default date of 1 Oct is being used.) If you are on the executive committee and you are reviewing the operational plan for your office, you may interested in editing/modifying what you see here.

  1. Shortly following the Section meeting [Target date: 31 October 2014]
    1. Remind the Vice-Chair about securing a speaker (or two) for next section meeting. Point out the online Operation Plan. Remind Vice-Chair to check to see if it is Iowa's turn for a Polya Lecturer.
    2. Remind the Vice-Chair Elect about checking on suitable (i.e., no major community or campus activities that may conflict) dates for next section meeting. Point out the online Operation Plan.
  2. 2-3 weeks after the meeting [Target date: 7 November 2014]
    1. Coordinate with Vice-Chair Elect to make sure that local arrangements have been reserved.
    2. Coordinate with Vice-Chair to make sure that a speaker has been chosen
    3. Request approval of both the Business Meeting minutes and the Executive Committee minutes via email (after they have been sent out by the Secretary).
  3. After learning date of the upcoming Section meeting [Target date: 21 November 2014]
    1. Contact the Iowa sections of ASA and IMATYC to let them know the dates and speaker(s).
    2. Contact the Iowa Section NExT Steering Committee to let them know the dates and the speaker(s).
    3. Consider jointly meeting with ASA and/or IMATYC.
  4. Six months before section meeting [Target date: 2 April 2015]
    1. Select a committee of three section members that can comprise the Teaching Award Committee. Designate a chair.
    2. Select a committee of three section members that can comprise the Nominating Committee. Designate a chair. Ask the Nominating Committee to nominate two names for each office having an election. Each year this will include at least a Vice-Chair Elect. Some years it may also include either the Secretary or Treasurer (which have staggered three-year terms).
    3. If it is the year to elect a new Section Governor, either include that responsibility with the Nominating Committee, or select a committee of three section members that can comprise the Governor's Nominating Committee. The Governor's Nominating Committee needs to get to work right away as the deadline for the national office to run the election is in November. Ask the Nominating Committee to nominate two names for Section Governor.
  5. Five months before section meeting [Target date: 2 May 2015]
    1. Send out call for Teaching Award.
    2. [Ask the Nominating Committee to nominate two names for each office having an election. Each year this will include at least a Vice-Chair Elect. Some years it may also include either the Secretary or Treasurer (which have staggered three-year terms).] - MARKED FOR DELETION
  6. Three months before section meeting [Target date: 2 July 2015]
    1. Ask the Nominating Committee for the names and a short biography for each office having an election. Forward this information to the Secretary and Webmaster.
    2. Ensure that the call for papers is prepared and disseminated.
    3. Check with Directors and Coordinators to ensure they are planning to continue thier position for another year. If they are not, now is the time to begin, with the assistance of the Executive Committee, searching for replacements.
    4. Remind the Teaching Award Committee that their decision is due to the Chair.
  7. Two months before section meeting [Target date: 2 August 2015]
    1. By this time, the Call has been out for some time. Remind the Vice-Chair to work with the Iowa Section NExT Steering Committee to coordinate their pre-meeting as well as continue to encourage speakers.
    2. By this time, the meeting has been arranged. Remind the Vice-Chair Elect to work with the Vice-Chair on technology and room requests for speakers and Iowa Section NExT.
    3. [Remind the Teaching Award Committee that their selection for the Section Distinguished Teaching Award is dut to you and must be sent in to the National Office by March 1. ] - MARKED FOR DELETION
    4. [Send Distinguished Teaching Award to National Office. Also forward this information to the Secretary. ] - MARKED FOR DELETION
  8. Three weeks before the meeting [Target date: 11 September 2015]
    1. Coordinate with Vice-Chair Elect to make a reservation for the breakfast meeting of the Executive Committee. Target time should be 7:00 am.
    2. Check the terms of various appointed and elected section positions to see if there is a need for an election besides the Vice-Chair Elect. Use this page to see officers and Executive Committee members and their terms.
    3. Communicate (url following has emails) with the Executive Committee regarding the time, location, and agenda for the meeting of the Executive Committee. Also invite (and encourage attendance) candidates for Vice-Chair Elect. individual/exCommEmails
    4. Prepare the agenda for the annual business meeting. Consult a previous year's agenda for a basic template. Include in it a link to the minutes for the previous year; this will be completed by the Public Information Officer. Send a TEXT file of the agenda to the Public Information Officer so this person can prepare it and add it as a link on the web page.
    5. Prepare the agenda for the annual Executive Committee meeting. Consult a previous year's agenda for a basic template. Include in it a link to the minutes for the previous year; this will be completed by the Public Information Officer. Send a TEXT file of the agenda to the Public Information Officer so this person can prepare it and add it as a link on the web page. Prepare paper copies to disseminate at the Executive Committee meeting.
  9. August to mid-September [Target date: August]
    1. Check the MAA page for special awards and elections for the year. These include Polya Lecturer, Certificate of Meritorious Service, Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching, Section Governor. These items do not come up every year.
    2. [Select a committee of three section members that can comprise the Teaching Award Committee. Designate a chair. It is helpful if this group has some awareness of the strengths of section members. Remind committee members that they will be soliciting nominations for and evaluating nominees in order to determine whom is honored with a Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. Recipients of the section awards then become nominees for the national Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. Section Award winners are due to the Secretary and Chair by the middle of February so that they can be sent to the National Office by March 1.] - MARKED FOR DELETION
  10. October (If this is a year for Governor's Elections) [Target date: October]
    1. Ask the Nominating Committee for the names and a short biography for Section Governor. Forward this information to the National Office in writing.
  11. 2-3 weeks after the meeting (you are now Past Chair) [Target date: 7 November 2014]
    1. [Send Distinguished Teaching Award to National Office. Also forward this information to the Secretary.] - MARKED FOR DELETION
    2. Remind the Chair to coordinate with Vice-Chair Elect to make sure that local arrangements have been reserved.
    3. Remind the Chair to coordinate with Vice-Chair to make sure that a speaker has been chosen.
    4. Remind the Chair to request approval of both the Business Meeting minutes and the Executive Committee minutes via email (after they have been sent out by the Secretary).