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Executive Meeting Minutes 2015

(Pending approval)

Iowa Section of the MAA
Executive Committee Meeting
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Resch 104, Graceland University, Lamoni, IA

Ruth Berger (Competition Coordinator), Brian Birgen (Chair), Susan Crook (Secretary), Al Hibbard (Governor), Amanda Matson (Vice Chair), Jonas Meyer (Treasurer), Matt Rissler (Liaison Coordinator), and Jason Smith (Vice Chair Elect). Guests in attendance were Angela Kohlhaas and Francis Su

Brian Birgen called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m.

  1. Minutes of the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 Executive Committee meetings were approved as posted, with the clarification that “contacting the past nominee” is with regards to the teaching award.
  2. Brian welcomed the visitors: Francis Su (MAA President) and Angela Kohlhaas (Vice Chair Nominee)
  3. Amanda Matson reported on the MathFest Section Officers Meeting. Sections have been tasked to gather information about what they are doing to raise awareness and help support the MAA’s mission. There has also been a push for outreach and increased involvement of business, industry, and government mathematicians.
  4. Due to the fact that 2016 is the centennial of the Iowa Section, we are planning to have a more elaborate meeting. A committee comprised of Joel Haack, Lynn Olson, Jon White, and Jason Smith will be helping the Vice Chair Elect plan the meeting. The Executive Committee decided to suggest $2,000 as a limit for spending for the centennial meeting, but will solicit discussion on the topic at the business meeting.
  5. Ruth Berger reported on the Math Competition held in February. There were 24 teams of three from 12 colleges and universities participating. A team of students from UNI (2) and ISU won, so UNI will host the competition in 2016.
  6. Ruth Berger asked the Executive Committee to add a defined term for the Competition Coordinator to the bylaws. There was discussion about term length and how the applications would be handled. It was decided that a new coordinator will be chosen by Executive Committee appointment with an announcement at the meeting the year before to encourage people to apply. A subcommittee of the Executive Committee will be appointed to choose the new coordinator. Term length will be 5 years.
  7. Brian Birgen reported that all t-shirts preordered last year were distributed. He still has 4 extras left (two were given to our invited speakers). It was decided to order shirts for next fall’s meeting. A call will go out for preorders in the spring, with orders due by the date of the spring competition. A motion to order and pay for 15 extra shirts to be sold at the meeting was approved.
  8. Jonas Meyer gave the treasurer’s report. The section has a balance of around $15,900 with $7,500 earmarked for the math competition. Main expenses this year were travel support for MathFest and JMM.
  9. As the MAA Representative, Francis Su brought up the ideas of spending our money in various ways – a section dinner, subsidizing travel, or pay for first time attendees.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 am.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan B. Crook
IA MAA Section Secretary