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Agenda for Executive Committee

April 14, 2007

  1. Approve Minutes from April 8, 2006
  2. Welcome to visitors
    1. Vice-Chair Elect candidates - Murphy Waggoner and Walter Seaman
    2. MAA Representative - Joe Gallian
  3. Welcome to new committee members
    1. Liaison Coordinator - Monica Meissen
    2. Information Director - Al Hibbard
  4. Update on Competition Campaign - Karen
  5. Update on Operational Plans - Al
  6. Update on Section NExT - Mariah
  7. Update on involving ASA, AMATYC, and NCTM
  8. Attendance at MathFest in San Jose this summer - Mariah
  9. Review of new time for Iowa Collegiate Mathematics Competition - Ruth
  10. Review of nomination process for Teaching Awards - Mariah
  11. Reminder of upcoming Elections and Awards:
    2. 2009/10 Election of Section Governor
    3. 2010 Nominations for Certificates of Meritorious Service
  12. Other Business