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Friday, April 7, 2006

Registration      Carver Second Floor


Exhibits      Carver 


Concurrent Session 1      Carver 202

3:00-3:20Arrow's Hypotheses
Irvin Hentzel, Iowa State University
3:30-3:50Decomposing Voters
Mariah Birgen, Wartburg College
4:00-4:20Classroom Capsule: Teaching Challenge-Response Arguments
Reginald Laursen, Luther College

Concurrent Session 2      Carver 204

3:00-3:20Some Hands-on Workshops for Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Courses
M. Anne Dow, Maharishi University of Management
3:30-3:50Existence of strong solution for a class of nonlinear parabolic systems
** Kunlun Liu, Iowa State University
4:00-4:20computing multivalued velocity and electric field of 1D Euler-Poisson equation
** Zhongming WANG, Iowa State University

Concurrent Session 3      Carver 205

3:00-3:20Godel Disrobes: a naked approach to incompleteness
** Jeremy Alm, Iowa State University
3:30-3:50Some Properties of the Smarandache Fitorial and Supplementary Fitorial Functions
Charles Ashbacher, Mt. Mercy College
4:00-4:20Vertex identifying codes in graphs: definitions, theorems and open problems
Ryan Martin, Iowa State University



Panel Discussion:  On getting a job for graduate students     Carver 202


Round Table Discussion:  Section NExT     Carver 204


Dinner      See Meals Information Section 


Plenary Session 1      Carver 101

7:30-7:50Episodes in The Early History of The Lucasian Chair
Jim Tattersall, Providence College

Reception      Carver Lobby

8:30- --   

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Registration      Carver Lobby


Plenary Session 2      Carver 101

8:30-8:50Vignettes in Number Theory
Jim Tattersall, Providence College



Concurrent Session 4      Carver 124

9:45-10:05Why does 0! = 1? The evolution of the gamma function
Steve Bean, Cornell College
10:15-10:35The Toeplitz-Silverman Theorem Part II
Alexander Kleiner, Drake University
10:45-11:05Prolongations on a Riemannian Manifold
** Alfredo Villanueva, University of Iowa

Concurrent Session 5      Carver 128

9:45-10:05Model Fitting and Selection for County-Level Depression Hospitalization Rates Using Bayesian Statistical Methods
** Scott Wood, University of Iowa
10:15-10:35Teaching Mathematical Probability and Statistics with Internet Applications and R
Michael Larsen, Iowa State University
10:45-11:05Protein Structure Determination: A Rigid Geometric Build-up Algorithm for Solving a Distance Geometry Problem with Sparse Exact Distance Data
** Di Wu, Iowa State University

Concurrent Session 6      Carver 132

9:45-10:05"Convergence depth": proof of the nonrotation and nontranslation of galaxies
** Joseph Keller, Iowa State University
10:15-10:35The Remarkable Equation tan(x) = x
Dave L. Renfro, ACT Inc.
10:45-11:05Hey, Kids! Improve Your Theorems! Add Superfluous Hypotheses!
** Jacob Manske, Iowa State University



Iowa Section Business Meeting      Carver 101


Lunch together or on your own       


Concurrent Session 7      Carver 124

1:40-2:00Subgroups of the Rubik's Group
Brian Birgen, Wartburg College
2:10-2:30Mathematics by Experiment
Marc Chamberland, Grinnell College

Concurrent Session 8      Carver 128

1:40-2:00Global Dynamics and Chaos
Wolfgang Kliemann, Iowa State University
2:10-2:30The Polynomial Root Squeezing Theorem
* Justin From, Central College

Concurrent Session 9      Carver 132

1:40-2:00The stable endomorphism group of non-simple string modules over a very particular finite dimensional algebra.
** Giovanna Llosent, University of Iowa
2:10-2:30Primitive prime divisors of Mersenne numbers via Uniform Distribution
Christian Roettger, Iowa State University



Concurrent Session 10      Carver 124

2:45-3:05Comparison of P-matrix completions with Q-matrix completions.
Luz De Alba, Drake University
3:15-3:35Visualizing Linear Algebra with Geometer's Sketchpad
Catherine Gorini, Maharishi University of Management
3:45-4:05Using NASCAR to Illustrate Optimization
Mark Mills, Central College

Concurrent Session 11      Carver 128

2:45-3:05Reconstructing genomes in the presence of hybridizations
Stephen Willson, Iowa State University
3:15-3:35Sperm Competition Games
Rick Spellerberg, Simpson College
3:45-4:05Chemotactic Collapse in Keller-Segel Equation
** WEN ZHOU, Iowa State University

Concurrent Session 12      Carver 132

2:45-3:05The Dynamics of a Planar Two Link Chain and Some Applications to Human Motion
Kenneth Driessel, #non-IA section

* denotes an undergraduate speaker and ** indicates a graduate student speaker