The Kentucky Section
  • Payment for students
    • Meeting registration for each student is free. There is a charge of $15 per student to attend Friday’s banquet. There is no charge for students to attend Saturday’s luncheon. Use the button below to pay for one or several students by adding the charge to your shopping cart.
  • Payment for retired faculty
    • This year we are adding a reduced registration rate for retired faculty; it is $15. The charge for the banquet is $25 and for the luncheon is $9.
      Retired faculty
  • Payment for all others
    • Regular meeting registration is $30 per person. There is a charge of $25 to attend Friday’s banquet, and there is a charge of $9 to attend Saturday’s luncheon. Use the button below to pay for one or several persons by adding the charge to your shopping cart.

      Other Non-Students

For questions about this webpage, contact Steve Wilkinson. For questions about your payment, contact Josh Qualls.