
Below are some proposals for talks from the past (and current). By clicking on the ID number, more details are shown. By default, these are sorted chronologically (recent first) and by then by last name. The data can be sorted by alternate means by using the links at the top right, each allowing ascending or descending orders.

Displaying 341-360 of 471 results.
ID: 210
Year: 2007
Name: Stephen Willson
Institution: Iowa State University
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: On the Mathematics of Juggling

Abstract: The mathematical analysis of juggling gives interesting examples of permutations and uses of modular arithmetic. Simple mathematical notation can be used to describe many different ways of juggling. The descriptions can tell which periodic patterns give valid juggling methods.
ID: 209
Year: 2007
Name: Erick Hofacker
Institution: University of Wisconsin - River Falls
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Teaching tools in the MAA digital library

Abstract: The purpose of the workshop was to inform participants of the teaching tools available through the MAA digital library. Participants at the session are able to do some exploring of sites on their own while I am discussing the vast number of resources that are available.
ID: 208
Year: 2007
Name: James Fiedler
Institution: Iowa State University
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: On a Group Associated With Projective Planes

Abstract: A pair of orthogonal Latin squares of order n is equivalent to a permutation on the set of ordered pairs of integers 1, ..., n. Since a projective plane of order n exists if and only if there exists a set of n-1 mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order n, the group generated by the above permutations may be of some interest in the study of projective planes. Relevant definitions and results of some investigations concerning these groups will be presented.
ID: 207
Year: 2007
Name: Catherine Gorini
Institution: Maharishi University of Management
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Geometry for the Artist: A General Education Course

Abstract: This paper will describe the course Geometry for the Artist that I have been teaching for over 20 years at M.U.M. The topics covered symmetry, Euclidean geometry, perspective, fractals, non-Euclidean geometry, and topology. For each topic, we discuss applications in the visual arts with an emphasis on M. C. Escher. This course satisfies the distribution requirement for mathematics.
ID: 206
Year: 2007
Name: M Anne Dow
Institution: Maharishi University of Management
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Mathematics for Sustainable Living: Pre-Calculus Basics

Abstract: This talk describes a new math course I am designing for our Sustainable Living students. The purpose of the Sustainable Living major is to equip students to design, build, and maintain sustainable communities. The prerequisite for the new math course is Intermediate Algebra. It will cover simple linear models, exponential and logarithmic functions, graphs of functions, trigonometry of triangles, and elementary probability, all in the context of problems and topics arising in our Sustainable Living major.
ID: 205
Year: 2007
Name: Joseph A. Gallian
Institution: University of Minnesota, Duluth
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Using groups and graphs to create symmetry patterns, Part 2

Abstract: Part 2 is a discussion of how Hamiltonian paths, spanning trees, cosets in groups, and factor groups can be used to create computer generated symmetry patterns in hyperbolic and Euclidean planes. These methods were used to create the image for the 2003 Mathematics Awareness Month poster.
ID: 204
Year: 2007
Name: Joseph A. Gallian
Institution: University of Minnesota, Duluth
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Using groups and graphs to create symmetry patterns, Parts 1

Abstract: Part 1 concerns the problem of traversing an m by n directed grid embedded on a torus so that each vertex is visited exactly once before returning to the starting position. We also consider generalizations and variations on this theme.
ID: 203
Year: 2007
Name: In-Jae Kim
Institution: Minnesota State University, Mankato
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Sign patterns that allow a positive or nonnegative left inverse

Abstract: An m x n sign pattern S is an m x n matrix with entries in {+,-,0}. An m x n sign pattern S allows a positive (resp., nonnegative) left inverse provided that there exist an m x n matrix A with sign pattern S and an m x n matrix with only positive (resp., nonnegative) entries satisfying BA=I_{n}, where I_{n} is the n x n identity matrix. Using associated bipartite digraphs, we characterize m x n (m >= n >= 2) sign patterns that allow a positive left inverse. This generalizes the known result for the square case. Some results on sign patterns allowing a nonnegative left inverse are also presented. (This is joint work with D.D. Olesky, B.L. Shader and P. van den Driessche.)
ID: 202
Year: 2007
Name: Luz De Alba Guerra
Institution: Drake University
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Minimum Rank of Powers of Some Special Graphs

Abstract: For an n x n symmetric matrix A the graph of A, G(A) =(V, E) is a simple undirected graph with vertex set {1, 2, ..., n }, where {i, j } is in E, if and only if a_{ij} is not 0. For a graph G, with vertex set V = {1, 2, ..., n }, and edge set E, the r-th power of G is the graph G^r = (V, F), where {u, v } is in F if and only if there is a walk of length r from u to v. The minimum rank of a graph G is mr(G) = min{ rank(A) : A = A^T, and G(A) = G }. In this talk we determine the minimum rank of certain powers of two special families of graphs: paths and trees in general. We will also present a onjecture on the minimum rank of powers of cycles.
ID: 201
Year: 2007
Name: Henry Walker
Institution: Grinnell College
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Ethics and Standards

Abstract: The MAA Committee on the Profession (CotP) has been asked by the MAA Board of Governors to draft a Statement of Ethics Standards. This talk will provide an overview to the work on this project and encourage reactions to the current working draft.
ID: 200
Year: 2007
Name: Jonathan Botts
Institution: Drake University
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: On the Weakly Sign Symmetric Matrix Completion Problems

Abstract: An n x n matrix is called a P-matrix if all its principal minors are positive. An n x n matrix, A = [a_{ij}], is sign symmetric, if for each i,j \in \{1, 2, \dots, n }, either a_{ij} = 0 = a_{ji}$ or a_{ij}a_{ji}>0; the matrix is weakly sign symmetric if a_{ij}a_{ji}\ge 0. In this talk we show that an n x n partial (weakly) sign symmetric P-matrix specifying an asymmetric acyclic digraph can be completed to a (weakly) sign symmetric P-matrix. We also show that a partial n x n (weakly) sign symmetric P-matrix specifying an asymmetric digraph with no 3-cycles, can be completed to a (weakly) sign symmetric P-matrix for n >= 5.
ID: 199
Year: 2007
Name: Mark Mills
Institution: Central College
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: An algorithm for creating "equal" regions

Abstract: This talk will discuss an algorithm that is still in development. The goal of the algorithm is to take a large area that has been broken up into counties and use some quantifiable information for each county (e.g., population) to create a given number of geographically compact regions having relatively equal quantities. The speaker will discuss the evolution of the algorithm from first being a greedy algorithm to now being what you might call an "altruistic" algorithm.
ID: 198
Year: 2007
Name: Al Hibbard
Institution: Central College
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Overview of the version of Mathematica currently in development

Abstract: This talk will look at some of the new features that are being developed for the version of Mathematica currently in development. An overview will be given as well as some illustrations of how to exploit some of the new features.
ID: 197
Year: 2007
Name: Tim Schwickerath
Institution: Wartburg College
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Historical Roots of Math and Physics in Germany

Abstract: In May 2006, a class of thirteen students and Dr. Brian Birgen from Wartburg College toured Germany and examined math and physics from a historical perspective. The class toured various musuems and universities all around Germany. The class also explored the German culture through home stays and other experiences. Two students from the class will share highlights of their experiences.
ID: 196
Year: 2007
Name: Mariah Birgen
Institution: Wartburg College
Subject area(s): Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching
Title of Talk: Why Do Students Have Textbooks?

Abstract: Textbooks should be readable and students should read them! In fact, students should be expected to read the textbook before they come to class!! Reading questions test student
ID: 195
Year: 2007
Name: Tim Schwickerath
Institution: Wartburg College
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Historical Roots of Math and Physics in Germany

Abstract: In May 2006, a class of thirteen students and Dr. Brian Birgen from Wartburg College toured Germany and examined math and physics from a historical perspective. The class toured various musuems and universities all around Germany. The class also explored the German culture through home stays and other experiences. Two students from the class will share and discuss highlights of their experiences.
ID: 194
Year: 2007
Name: Ronald Smith
Institution: Graceland University
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: Optimal arrangement of digits

Abstract: Problem: Arrange a sequence of mn positive digits into m n-digit numbers whose product is minimized or maximized. We show how to recognize optimal arrangements of digits, and give an efficient algorithm for finding solutions.
ID: 193
Year: 2007
Name: Evan Jones
Institution: Coe College
Subject area(s): Combinatorial games theory
Title of Talk:

Abstract: I conducted research in the summer of 2006 dealing with the game of Hex, the two player combinatorial game developed independently by Piet Hein and John Nash. I wanted to know if modifying the game board by removing available playing spaces would effect the outcome of the game. I analyzed a 3x3 size board, then a 5x5 board, and some preliminary work on a 7x7 board.
ID: 192
Year: 2007
Name: Chris Kurth
Institution: Iowa State University
Subject area(s): Number Theory
Title of Talk: Farey Symbols and subgroups of $SL_2(Z)$

Abstract: The structure of subgroups of SL_2(Z) (2x2 integer coefficient matrices with determinant 1) is important in the study of modular forms. Associated to these subgroups is an object called a Farey Symbol which contains the structure of the group in a very compact form. For instance, from the Farey Symbol one can easily calculate an independent set of generators for the group, a coset decomposition, and determine if the group is congruence. In this talk, I will discuss finite index subgroups of SL_2(Z)$ and the computation and use of Farey Symbols for these subgroups.
ID: 191
Year: 2007
Name: Mark Mills
Institution: Central College
Subject area(s):
Title of Talk: What I did on my sabbatical: Experiencing the "real world"

Abstract: In an effort to gain some "real world" experience with mathematics and statistics during my sabbatical this year, I have been working at a local windows manufacturer doing a number of things that involve mathematical and statistical thinking. This talk will describe some of the things I have been doing, as well as some of the things I have learned through the experience. I will also discuss how I went about setting-up this experience, how I think my employer perceives my experiences, and how I expect this to be something that lasts beyond this year.