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First NameJonathan
Last NameBotts
InstitutionDrake University
Speaker Categoryundergraduate student
Title of TalkOn the Weakly Sign Symmetric Matrix Completion Problems
AbstractAn n x n matrix is called a P-matrix if all its principal minors are positive. An n x n matrix, A = [a_{ij}], is sign symmetric, if for each i,j \in \{1, 2, \dots, n }, either a_{ij} = 0 = a_{ji}$ or a_{ij}a_{ji}>0; the matrix is weakly sign symmetric if a_{ij}a_{ji}\ge 0. In this talk we show that an n x n partial (weakly) sign symmetric P-matrix specifying an asymmetric acyclic digraph can be completed to a (weakly) sign symmetric P-matrix. We also show that a partial n x n (weakly) sign symmetric P-matrix specifying an asymmetric digraph with no 3-cycles, can be completed to a (weakly) sign symmetric P-matrix for n >= 5.
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates?Yes
Day Preference
Computer Needed?
Bringing a laptop?
Overhead Needed?
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted4/3/2007