View Proposal #208

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First NameJames
Last NameFiedler
InstitutionIowa State University
Speaker Categorygraduate student
Title of TalkOn a Group Associated With Projective Planes
AbstractA pair of orthogonal Latin squares of order n is equivalent to a permutation on the set of ordered pairs of integers 1, ..., n. Since a projective plane of order n exists if and only if there exists a set of n-1 mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order n, the group generated by the above permutations may be of some interest in the study of projective planes. Relevant definitions and results of some investigations concerning these groups will be presented.
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates?Yes
Day Preference
Computer Needed?
Bringing a laptop?
Overhead Needed?
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted4/5/2007