View Proposal #203

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First NameIn-Jae
Last NameKim
InstitutionMinnesota State University, Mankato
Speaker Categoryfaculty
Title of TalkSign patterns that allow a positive or nonnegative left inverse
AbstractAn m x n sign pattern S is an m x n matrix with entries in {+,-,0}. An m x n sign pattern S allows a positive (resp., nonnegative) left inverse provided that there exist an m x n matrix A with sign pattern S and an m x n matrix with only positive (resp., nonnegative) entries satisfying BA=I_{n}, where I_{n} is the n x n identity matrix. Using associated bipartite digraphs, we characterize m x n (m >= n >= 2) sign patterns that allow a positive left inverse. This generalizes the known result for the square case. Some results on sign patterns allowing a nonnegative left inverse are also presented. (This is joint work with D.D. Olesky, B.L. Shader and P. van den Driessche.)
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Suitable for undergraduates?Yes
Day Preference
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Date Submitted4/3/2007