Past Meetings
The following is a record of past meetings of the PNW MAA.
- 1947 University of British Columbia April 10–11
- The first meeting was held in 1947. S. A. Jennings gave the invited hour address, titled Topological methods in algebra. The President of the University of British Columbia, N. A. M. MacKenzie, welcomed the group. The question of joint meetings with the AMS arose, and many of the meetings were joint beginning in the early 1950’s.
- Total Attendees: 47
- MAA Members: 30
- Papers Presented: 15
- 1948 University of Oregon March 26–27
- The invited address, given by Ivan Niven , was titled The density of a set of integers. There was a conference on the “Mathematical training of prospective secondary school teachers.”
- Total Attendees: 59
- MAA Members: 43
- Papers Presented: 17
- 1949 Oregon State College March 25–26
- There were two invited addresses: C. M. Cramlet of the University of Washington spoke On algebraic and differential invariants, and J. H. Curtiss of the National Bureau of Standards spoke on The mathematical program of the National Bureau of Standards. The committee, chaired by H. H. Irwin of State College of Washington considering possible improvements in the Pacific Northwest made a report and there was a discussion.
- MAA Members: 58
- AMS Members: 47
- Papers Presented: 20
- 1950 University of Washington June 16
- The invited address, given by Howard M. Eves of Oregon State College, was titled Dissections. There were five other papers. The Irwin committee did not make a report and was discharged with the additional recommendation that the committee’s final report be given as much publicity as possible.
- Total Attendees: 48
- MAA Members: 34
- 1951 State College of Washington (Pullman) June 15–16
- The meeting was joint with AMS. The invited address, given by Z. W. Birnbaum of the University of Washington was titled On estimating a probability distribution from a finite number of observations. At this meeting a committee was appointed to look into the possibility of conducting mathematical contests in high schools in the section.
- Total Attendees: 49
- MAA Members: 35
- Papers Presented: 8
- 1952 University of Oregon June 20
- The meeting was joint with the AMS, the Biometric Society, and the Econometric Society. The invited address was given by Carl B. Allendoerfer of the University of Washington, and was titled Continuous vector fields. There was also a symposium (panel) on calculus teaching. Other hour talks included a talk by Adriano Buzzati-Traverso, which was sponsored by the Biometric Society; On some discrete non-Markovian processes, by Mark Kac of Cornell University and the Institute for Advanced Studies and sponsored by the University of Oregon as part of its 75th anniversary; Solving simultaneous equations is not trivial, by G. E. Forsythe of NBS and sponsored by the AMS; and On distribution-free tests of fit for continuous distribution functions, by Z. W. Birnbaum of the University of Washington and sponsored by the Institute for Mathematical Statistics. 80 persons attended, including 61 MAA members.
- Total Attendees: 80
- MAA Members: 61
- Papers Presented: 4
- 1953 Montana State University, Missoula June 19
- The invited address was given by Leo Moser of the University of Alberta and was titled The distribution of quadratic residues. There was a symposium on The connecting link between college algebra and abstract algebra. There was also a joint dinner with the AMS.Dormitory accommodations cost $1.50 per person per night. There was a symposium on the connecting link between college algebra and abstract algebra.
- Total Attendees: 57
- MAA Members: 43
- Papers Presented: 6
- 1954 Reed College June 19
- The invited address, given by Cletus Oakley of Haverford College, was titled Modern mathematics for freshmen. There was a symposium on college mathematics, and a joint dinner with the AMS.
- Total Attendees: 73
- MAA Members: 55
- Papers Presented: 3
- 1955 University of British Columbia June 17
- The invited address was given by E. S. Keeping of the University of Alberta and was titled Statistical decisions. There was a symposium (panel) on freshman mathematics.
- Papers Presented: 3
- 1956
- There was no meeting because of the national meeting in Seattle.
- 1957 State College of Washington June 14
- The invited address, given by R. H. Bruck of the University of Wisconsin, was titled New patterns in geometry. There was a joint dinner with the AMS. There was a symposium on Computing Machines moderated by Arvid Lonseth of Oregon State College. The titles of the speakers' talks were The University of British Columbia computing centre, Large scale industrial computers and the universities, and The computer and the curriculum.
- 1958 Oregon State College June 20
- The invited address was given by A. Erdelyi of Cal-Tech and was titled Operational calculus and generalized functions. There was a joint dinner with the AMS.
- Papers Presented: 6
- 1959 University of Oregon June 19
- The invited address, given by John L. Kelley of the University of California, Berkeley, was titled Set theory and numbers. There were three other talks. 111 persons attended, including 69 MAA members.
- 1960 Montana State University, Missoula June 17
- The invited address was given by Paul Rosenbloom of the University of Minnesota on Implications for colleges of the new school mathematics programs. Four other talks were presented. There was a report on the 1959–1960 visiting lectures program for the high schools. “While in some cases inadequate publicity and poor local organization hindered the effectiveness of the program, it was generally agreed that the program was very worthwhile.”
- 1961 University of Washington June 17, 1961
- The invited address, given by Wolfgang Wasow of the University of Wisconsin, was titled Singular perturbations of differential equations. There were six other talks. 83 persons attended. It was reported that a sum of $10,000 was made available for lectures in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska and that about 20,000 high school students and 500 faculty had heard the lectures.
- 1962
- There was no meeting held because of the national meeting in Vancouver.
- 1963 Western Washington State College June 21
- The invited address was given by Hans Samelson of Stanford University, and was titled Vector fields on spheres. Six other papers were presented and 78 persons attended.
- 1964 Washington State University June 19
- The invited address was given by Roy Dubisch of the University of Washington, who reported on the work of educational Services, Inc. in developing a modern mathematics program in Africa. Three other papers were presented as well as a symposium on CUPM recommendations for the training of elementary school teachers. The meeting was joint with SIAM and 120 persons attended, including 62 MAA members.
- 1965 University of Oregon June 18–19
- Invited addresses were given by N. J. Divinsky of the University of British Columbia on Rings and radicals, André Deprit of the Boeing Company on Some aspects of celestial mechanics, with applications to space travel, and A. A. Goldstein of the University of Washington on Control theory and mathematical programming. There was also a panel discussion on mathematics in the two-year college. 154 persons, including 95 MAA members attended this joint meeting with the AMS and SIAM.
- 1966 University of Victoria June 17–18
- Three invited addresses were given: E. A. Shoemaker of Simon Fraser spoke on The uniqueness in the mathematical theory of plasticity, R. S. Pierce of the University of Washington spoke on Boolean algebras — some old and new problems, and G. W. Burrows of Boeing spoke on An application of Kalman filtering to passive ranging. Six other papers were presented as well as a panel discussion on CUPM report on a general curriculum in mathematics, and a panel discussion on mathematics at the two-year college — points of view. This was the largest meeting in the section's history. 179 persons, including 85 MAA members, attended the meeting which was joint with SIAM. The host of the meeting was the department chairman, S. A. Jennings, who gave the invited address at the first sectional meeting in 1947. By consent, the $1.00 registration fee was waived for this meeting.
- 1967 University of Montana, Missoula June 16–17
- Three invited addresses were given: D. C. Barnes of Washington State University spoke on Bounds on the eigenvalues of nonhomogeneous strings, Bertram Yood of the University of Oregon spoke on Structure theorems for Banach algebras, and J. W. Weber of Washington State University spoke on The application of biharmonic eigenfunctions to a plate problem. Seven other papers were presented in a meeting of junior and community colleges. 67 MAA members attended this meeting. Representatives of the junior and community colleges of the section met for a program specifically designed for instructors of mathematics at two-year colleges. J. Knutson, Portland Community College, chaired this session.
- 1968 Reed College June 14–15
- Five invited addresses were given: Joseph Hashisaki of Western Washington State College gave a talk titled Arithmetic in community colleges, Alex Rosenberg of Cornell University spoke on CUPM recommendations for qualifications of college teachers and for a university parallel mathematics curriculum for two-year colleges, W. J. Firey of Oregon State University gave a talk titled Existence theorems for convex surfaces, Thomas Hungerford of the University of Washington spoke on Special topics in linear algebra, and Melvin Torseth of Everett Community College spoke on Optimal instruction: fact or fantasy? It was agreed to award prizes of $30, $25 and $20 and a free MAA membership to those students who ranked first, second and third respectively among participants in the Putnam Competition from institutions in the section. In 1971 the first prize went to Joe Buhler, Reed College.
- 1969 University of Oregon August 26–27
- This meeting took place in conjunction with the national meeting at the University of Oregon, August 25–27, 1969. The Business Meeting was August 25, 1969. It was agreed to join in the sponsorship of the Northwest Mathematics Conference at an annual expenditure not to exceed $150. [This policy was dropped in 1981.]
- 1970 Pacific Lutheran University June 18–19
- There were two invited addresses at this joint meeting with AMS and SIAM: Richard M. Koch of the University of Oregon gave a talk titled Why contour integration leads to a hefty dose of topology in modern differential geometry, and Emilio Gugliardo of Oregon State University spoke on The lack of mathematical vitamins in the devopment of artificial intelligence. There was a special program for community colleges including a panel discussion on the in-service training program for community college mathematics teachers at the University of Oregon. There were ten other talks and a panel discussion on the purpose and content of upper division courses in geometry. There were 120 persons in attendance.
- 1971 Oregon State University June 18–19
- There were two invited addresses given: Keith Yale of the University of Montana spoke on Fourier analysis and the origins of set theory, and Victor Klee of the University of Washington spoke on Shapes of the future. There were four panel discussions: Should the standard freshman calculus course be taught with the aid of computers?; Teaching occupational math; An instructional system for occupational and developmental students; and Using the audio-tutorial approach. There were 168 person who attended this joint meeting with the AMS, including 113 MAA members. The treasurer reported that annual expenditures were exceeding annual income and suggested that the section adopt an annual budget. This wasn't done, but in 1972 it was agreed to raise the registration fee from $1 to $2, students exempted as before.
- 1972 University of Washington June 16
- There were three talks on Friday: Frederick C. Johnson of Boeing spoke on An algebraic look at Kalman filtering and recursion estimation, T. G. Ostrom of Washington State University spoke on Linear algebras and geometries, and David Ragozin of the University of Washington spoke on Why Lagrange failed to discover the Weierstrass approximation theorem. There was also a panel discussion on student evaluations of faculty. There were ten talks in the Saturday sessions which were devoted to junior and community colleges. 171 persons attended this joint meeting with the AMS and SIAM, including 120 MAA members.
- 1973 Western Washington State College June 15–16
- George Pólya gave an inspiring dinner talk titled Galileo: his life and contributions to the scientific method. He received a standing ovation. Two invited addresses were given: David Larman of the University College, London spoke on The most significant advances in geometry in the last decade, and John Kenelly of Clemson University spoke on The challenge spectrum in the various mathematical sciences. Three other talks were also given at this joint meeting with the AMS and SIAM. At the Business Meeting prior to lunch, the newly elected Chairman, John Reay, drew a confusing map showing the route to the dining hall. It was suggested that he just lead the way, but he declined to eat there.
- 1974
- No meeting was held because the International Congress was held in Vancouver, British Colubia from August 21–25.
- 1975 Washington State University June 20–21
- There were two invited addresses: Ivan Niven of the University of Oregon spoke on Extremal problems unmanageable by calculus, and Roy Dubisch of the University of Washington spoke on Exporting mathematics to less developed nations: success or failure. There was a panel discussion on trends in mathematics training, as well as a community college program. The meeting was joint with AMS and SIAM.
- 1976 Portland State University June 18–19
- There were six invited addresses. Richard M. Koch of the University of Oregon gave a talk titled Invariant functions on matrices, Dean McIntire of Central Oregon Community College spoke on Cognitive style mapping and its relationship to the mathematics lab, Harold Hauser of Blue Mountain Community College gave a talk titled Trinomial expansion and its geometric design, Raymond Mayer of Reed College spoke on Some applications of nonstandard analysis to number theory, Eugene Maier of the University of Oregon gave a talk titled Fancy meeting you here — a college algebra counting problem leads to an unexpected encounter with \(e,\) and Troy Downey of Portland Community College spoke on Cases versus graphs.
- 1977 University of Washington August 16
- The meeting was held in conjunction with the national meeting at the University of Washington on August 16, 1977. The meeting included a parallel session for two-year colleges. There were 21 persons in attendance. The excess money problem persisted. The treasurer reported a balance of $771.82. It was successfully moved that the officers investigate proposals for the use of excess money in the treasury. Preference was to be given to spending the money in the Northwest.
- 1978 University of Oregon June 16
- The invited addresses were: Joel Davis of Oregon State University spoke on Design of functions for handheld calculators, Ivan Niven of the University of Oregon gave a talk titled Solved and unsolved problems in tilings, Jerine Ridgeway of Bellevue Community College spoke on Math for math avoiders, and William Firey of Oregon State University spoke on Contact probabilities between convex figures. Arvid T. Lonseth of Oregon State University gave the dinner talk, titled In the wake of galleons (some mathematical problems from the age of discovery). John Loughlin and Jim Snow of Lane Community College presented Home grown video. There was also a panel discussion on computer literacy for technical students at this joint meeting with the AMS and SIAM.
- 1979 University of British Columbia June 15
- Invited addresses were: T. Fletcher of Vancouver Community College spoke on An introduction to cognitive mapping (evaluating student potential), Douglas A. Lind of the University of Washington gave a talk titled Furstenburg’s proof of Szemeredi’s theorem (or, ergodic theory strikes again), D. Dale Olesky of the University of Victoria spoke on Cooperative education in mathematics, Constance Reid gave a talk titled The answer to the question everyone asks, Ved P. Madan of Red Deer College spoke on Geometrical theorems in slides — an innovative approach for teaching geometry, Hazel Jo Reed of Evergreen State College spoke on Compartmentalization of mathematical cognition, and Kenneth A. Ross spoke on A probabilistic approach to studying groups.
- 1980 Central Washington University June 20–21
- There were three invited addresses: Larry Runyan of Shoreline Community College spoke on Cold calculating conservation, A. B. Willcox, as Executive Director of the MAA, gave a talk titled Mathematics: where are we going? what mathematics education can do about it, and Donald W. Bushaw of Washington State University spoke on Minimal competencies, maximal confusion, and mean people. A dinner talk was given by Hugh Burkhardt of the Shell Centre for Mathematics Education, England, titled England’s experience with problem solving curricula: how it has affected the way we teach mathematics. There was also a panel discussion on mathematical services provided for our students. This was the smallest sectional meeting on record. Only 45 persons were brave enough to attend this joint AMS-MAA-SIAM meeting one month after Mount St. Helens exploded on May 18, 1980.
- 1981 Lewis and Clark College June 19–20
- Three invited addresses were given: Ivan Niven of the University of Oregon spoke on the The way it was, Neal Koblitz of the University of Washington spoke on Why study equations over finite fields? and Ansel Johnson of Portland State University gave a luncheon talk titled Mathematics used in monitoring Mt. St. Helens. There was a panel discussion on mathematics contests as well as eight other papers. 112 persons attended, including 66 MAA members.
- 1982 Western Washington University June 18–19
- There were three invited addresses: Edwin Hewitt of the University of Washington gave a talk titled Even mathematicians are odd, Marcia P. Sward of the MAA gave a talk titled Like 55, mathematics saves lives, and James A. Cochran of Washington State University spoke on A potpouri of eigenvalue results — the exploitation of analogies. There were eight other talks at this meeting as well as two panel discussions, one on mathematics and computer science, and one on trends in graduate programs. Marjorie Enneking of Portland State University was elected Chair-elect. She was the first woman elected to office in the section, though the Newsletter Editor Sue Kaplan was an officer on the Executive Committee in 1980.
- 1983 University of Idaho June 16–18
- This meeting had seven invited addresses: Gail Adele Williams of the University of Idaho spoke on Mathematics at work in society (MAWIS), John Reay of Western Washington University gave a talk titled Modeling measle epidemics, Donald J. Albers of Menlo College gave a talk titled Mathematicians are people, too, Peter J. Hilton of SUNY at Binghamton spoke on The early history of computers, John Loughlin of Lane Community College spoke on Making math video tapes, Branko Grünbaum of the University of Washington gave a talk titled Geometry of Moorish ornamentation, and Calvin T. Long of Washington State University spoke on Discovering Fibonacci identities. The first sectional minicourse (called a short course) was Computer graphics in mathematics instruction, which was presented by David Moursund, University of Oregon. There was a panel discussion on the honors program in mathematics, and 11 shorter presentations. 135 persons attended the meeting. On June 1, 1983 the section treasury had a balance of $1089.82, apparently the first time it exceeded $1000.
- 1984
- There was no meeting because of the National Meeting in Eugene.
- 1985 Willamette University June 20–22
- Three invited addresses were given: Donald W. Bushaw of Washington State University spoke on The undergraduate curriculum, Gerald L. Alexanderson of the University of Santa Clara spoke on Pictures and stories from George Pólya’s album, and Wesley L. Nicholson of Battelle-Northwest gave a talk titled Graphical data analysis in more than two dimensions. Four other papers were given as well as a panel discussion on discrete mathematics. There were also two minicourses: Teaching problem solving was organized by Alan H. Schoenfeld, University of California at Berkeley, and Geometry for college teachers was organized by Branko Grünbaum, University of Washington. 70 persons attended the meeting.
- 1986 Southern Oregon State College June 20
- Three invited addresses were given: Paul R. Halmos of the University of Santa Clara gave two talks, titled Problems I still cannot solve and Random reminiscences. Joe Buhler of Reed College spoke on Finding roots \(\bmod\, p\) and factoring polynomials. Nine other papers were presented. Joe Buhler also presented a minicourse on NP completeness.
- 1987 Pacific Lutheran University June 18-20
- There were two invited addresses: Donald W. Bushaw of Washington State University spoke on Reflections on discrete mathematics in the first two years, and Branko Grünbaum gave a talk titled The geometry of polyhedra. Robert Jewett of Western Washington University gave the luncheon address on multiplying decimals that are infinite on the left. There were five other papers and a panel discussion on intermediate algebra. James Sandefur presented the minicourse Discrete mathematics using difference equations. 100 persons attended.
- 1988 University of British Columbia June 18
- There were seven invited addresses: Paul Filliman of Western Washington University spoke on Symmetry in maximal polytopes, Richard Guy of the University of Alberta gave a talk titled The strong law of small numbers, John S. Devitt of the University of Saskatchewan spoke on Saskatchewan and the symbolic computation group: unleashing computer algebra on the mathematics curriculum, Eric Pearson of Battelle-PN Labs spoke on Piecewise analytic methods for solutions of stiff systems of ODE: overview and parallel implementation, Lynn A. Steen of St. Olaf College gave a talk titled Numeracy, literacy, and mathematics, Nancy Heckman of the University of British Columbia spoke on Semi-parametric models, and Sam Saunders of Washington State University spoke on Great expectations or the true odds when playing the state lotteries.
- There were three other talks and a panel discussion on calculus. Tom Thompson of Walla Walla College gave a short course titled Error correcting codes. There was a heavy emphasis on calculus at this meeting. At the Business Meeting it was voted to form a committee 1) to study the current policies and practices for accrediting secondary mathematics teachers in the states and provinces within our section; 2) to recommend an appropriate course of action to the section; and 3) to coordinate implementation of any recommendations made by the section. 80 persons attended.
- 1989 Gonzaga University June 15–17
- There were seven invited addresses: Complexity and Robertson/Seymour theory, by Michael Fellows, University of Idaho; Random walks on \(\textbf{Z}\) and Factorization in \(L_{1}\) and other places, by Kenneth A. Ross, University of Oregon; a banquet talk What are fractals? by Peter Renz; Experimental design in industry, by Andrew Booker, Boeing Computer Services; Neural networks in the dynamics of computation, by Steve Nobel, Boeing Advanced Systems; and and a luncheon talk Mathematics at Boeing, by Stephen P. Keeler, Boeing Computer Services. A short course on Nonlinear dynamics was given by Philip Holmes, Cornell University. Fifteen general papers, five papers on mathematics education, and ten student papers were presented. 127 persons attended and 112 attended the evening banquet.
- 1990 Portland State University June 14–16
- Invited Talks were as follows: Knot theory, by Steven Bleiler, Portland State University; Using the HP-28S to teach calculus, by Tom Dick, Oregon State University; Chaos, by Donald L. Kreider, Dartmouth College; a fascinating and entertaining banquet talk The geometry of soap bubbles, by Millie Johnson, Western Washington University; Computer algebra on the HP-28S, by Charles Patton, Hewlett-Packard; The placement problem for very large scale integrated circuits, by John Blanks, Mentor Graphics; and a luncheon talk A non-mathematicians view of why knot theory is important to DNA research, by Bob Beck, Oregon Health Sciences University. De Witt Summers, Florida State University, gave a short course on Knot theory and DNA. There was a panel discussion on Career opportunities in high-tech industries, the moderator was Lewis Lum, University of Portland, and the panel members were: Qwen Blake, Intel, Balaji Krishnamurthy, Tektronics, and Charles Patton, Hewlett-Packard. There were 25 contributed papers, including 14 given by students. 111 persons registered for the meeting and 96 attended the banquet.
- 1991 Seattle Pacific University June 20–22
- This meeting celebrated the centennial anniversaries of Seattle Pacific University and Seattle University. The scientific presentations were held at Seattle Pacific and the major evening banquet was hosted by Seattle University. The banquet speaker was John Hopcroft, Cornell University, who was an undergraduate at Seattle University; he spoke on Entering the information age." Outstanding invited addresses were given by John Hopcroft, on Robust geometry algorithms, and by John Ewing, Indiana University, on Can we see the Mandelbrot set? Ramesh Gangolli, University of Washington, spoke on New trends in undergraduate mathematics education at the Saturday luncheon. A workshop on Unsolved problems in intuitive geometry was given by Victor Klee, University of Washington. Presentations on the actuarial profession were given by Mike Kinzer, Safeco Insurance Company, and by Craig Reynolds, Chief Actuary of Milliman and Robertson, and a workshop, An introduction to the TI 81, was conducted by Carl Swenson, Seattle University. There were 16 contributed papers, including 5 given by students. About 70 persons registered at the meeting and about 70 attended the banquet.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Steve Johnson & Lloyd Montzingo, Seattle Pacific University
- 1992 University of Montana, Missoula and The Salish Kootenai College June 18–20
- The high point of this meeting was the barbecue at The Salish Kootenai College. This was followed by a very interesting talk on The life and legacy of India’s greatest mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan, by Bruce Berndt of the University of Illinois. There was also a presentation of the first PNW Award for Distinguished Teaching, which was presented to André Yandl of Seattle University. Alan Tucker, SUNY at Stony Brook, gave a very interesting talk on The mathematics of fair representation. Walter Mientka, University of Nebraska and the Executive Director of the American Mathematics Competitions, reported on The development, implementation, and results of the American Mathematics Competions. At the Saturday luncheon, Howard E. Reinhaardt, University of Montana, gave a very entertaining account of What every dean should know about mathematics. William McCallum, University of Arizona, gave a short course on Teaching reform calculus, 32 registered for the short course. William Hawkins, Director of the SUMMA Program of the MAA, gave a workshop on Strengthening underrepresented minority mathematics achievement, with 20 registrants. There were fifteen papers presented, including 9 by students. About 90 people registered at this meeting. There were 69 at the banquet and about 35 at the Saturday luncheon.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: George McRae, University of Montana
- 1993 University of Puget Sound and Pierce College March 6
- This meeting was historic on two counts. This was the first meeting not held in June in over thirty years and this was a one-day meeting. And this was the first meeting that had a really strong student presence. Indeed, students were the theme of the meeting. In the first invited address, Ben Fusaro of Salisbury State University discussed the history of the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), which he single-handedly brought into being in the early 1980s. Three MCM teams were introduced whose members made some brief comments and fielded many questions. The teams were from the University of Alaska, University of Puget Sound, and Pacific Lutheran University. The luncheon banquet speaker was Frank Morgan of Williams College. He talked about Shortest Networks and many of the results that he talked about were discovered by undergraduate students. Also at the banquet, the second sectional Distinguished Teaching Award was presented to Jack Robertson of Washington State University. The afternoon invited address was also given by Frank Morgan who talked about Soap bubble clusters: new results. Again, many of the results were discovered by undergraduates. The program also had very strong sessions of contributed papers, including reports from the three MCM teams discussed above. In addition to those reports, there were 19 contributed papers, 7 by students. 120 people attended the meeting, including about 40 students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Robert A. Breezer, University of Puget Sound
- 1994 University of Oregon June 16–18
- This meeting was held in conjunction with Western Section meeting of the American Mathematical Society. There were three wonderful hour talks. Carl Pomerance, University of Georgia, gave the first Polya Lecture to be given to the section; he talked about Witnesses of composite numbers. Doris Schattschneider, Moravian College and First Vice President of the MAA, addressed the question Was Escher a mathematician? Millie J. Johnson, Western Washington University, spoke on The mathematics of meanders: rivers, channelization, floods, and the environment. The AMS program included a talk of special interest to MAA members; Karen V. H. Parshall, University of Virginia, spoke on Algebras with a Scottish lilt: the life and work of Joseph H. M. Wedderburn (1882-1948). There were 11 contributed papers and two minicourses. Jim Tattersall, Providence College in Rhode Island, gave a minicourse on the History of the first nine Lucasian professors at Cambridge. Carl E. Swenson, Seattle University, gave a minicourse on Using Mathematica to produce graphical classroom materials. Ken Ross, University of Oregon, moderated a panel discussion on Sensitivity and understanding of the job market. Three department heads and three “young” mathematicians with recent Ph.D.s served on this panel which addressed the very tight job market. Stu Thomas, University of Oregon, moderated a panel discussion titled The baby and the bathwater, which focused on what we throw out of algebra to make room for technological advances. The issue was whether heavy reliance on modern technology enhanced or interfered with the learning process. Florence Fasanelli, Director of the SUMMA Intervention Programs of the MAA, led an MAA Proposal Writing Workshop.
- About 130 people attended the MAA salmon bake. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the third sectional Distinguished Teaching Award to Millie Johnson of Western Washington University. There was also a banquet for University of Oregon alumni and one in honor of Professor Emeritus David K. Harrison, University of Oregon. There were 229 registrants for the meeting, including 102 MAA members and 51 students. The MAA sponsored a free pizza lunch for about 30 students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Kenneth A. Ross, University of Oregon
- 1995 Whitman College & Columbia Basin College June 15-17
- The meeting celebrated the section’s fiftieth anniversary and emphasized aspects of mathematical modeling. There were two invited addresses. Dr. Paul Whitney, Battelle Northwest, presented a case study showing the interaction between mathematical modeling and data analysis in analyzing the amount of gas trapped in the nuclear waste stored in the Hanford tanks. Professor Martha Siegel, Towson State University and editor of Mathematics Magazine, spoke on industrial mathematics in the undergraduate curriculum. There were also two minicourses. Professor Maurice Weir, Naval Postgraduate School, gave a minicourse on the construction of mathematical models. Professor Marcella Laddon, Monterey Peninsula College, organized a minicourse which examined special topics that can be taught in elementary and intermediate algebra. A panel discussion on Recognition and Rewards in the Mathematical Sciences included panelists Martha Siegel, Donald Bentley of Pomona College, Donald Bushaw of Washington State University, and David Guichard of Whitman College. The discussion was moderated by Douglas Underwood of Whitman College. There were 21 contributed papers, five of which were presented by students.
- The banquet was well attended. The section’s fourth Distinguished Teaching Award was presented to Richard M. Koch of the University of Oregon. The banquet speech, given by Kenneth A. Ross of the University of Oregon, focused on some of the lesser known and amusing events that have occurred in the section in its first fifty years. Persons who have been members of MAA for 25 or more years were honored at the banquet. There were 78 registrants at the meeting, including 15 students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Larry R. Anderson & Margaret Garmon Bartrand
- 1996 Reed College March 9
- The emphasis of this fine meeting was on students. Nearly 200 people were in attendance and about 80 of them were students. There were three invited lectures. S. Brent Morris, of the National Security Agency, spoke on Magic tricks, card shuffling, and dynamic computer memories. Arthur Benjamin, of Harvey Mudd College, spoke on Mathematical magic with Fibonacci numbers, and Sam Saunders, of Washington State University, spoke on The equation of a sword. Live demonstrations included magic tricks, cards and swords. In addition to regular sessions for faculty and students, there was a session for student projects in lower division statistics and a session for 1995 Putnam Examination and 1996 COMAP Modeling Competition problem solutions. Twelve 20-minute talks were given by students, and six were given by faculty. A panel discussion on Calculus Reform: The Next Tier, included panelists Richard Koch of the University of Oregon, Jeanette Palmiter of Portland State University, and Mark Utlaut of the University of the Pacific.
- At the banquet lunch, Brent Morris provided some prestidigitation. The section’s fifth Distinguished Teaching Award was presented to Janet Ray, who teaches at Seattle Central Community College. The day ended with a pizza party for all, at which Arthur Benjamin demonstrated The Art of mental calculation. Prior to the meeting, Brent Morris conducted an entertaining minicourse on The mathematics of the perfect shuffle.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Rao Potluri, Reed College
- 1997 Western Washington University June 19–21
- The theme of this meeting was “Forging Links: People, Mathematics, Technology, and Resources.” Among the many excellent presentations, the highlight was the keynote banquet talk by Tom Daniel, Professor of Zoology at the University of Washington. Daniel, a distinguished teacher and a MacArthur Foundation Fellow, spoke on Motility in Biology: Merging Mathematics, Mechanics & Molecules. The presentation was fascinating and he allowed participants to handle 350 million year old fossils.
- A subtheme of the meeting was linear algebra. Roger Horn, University of Utah and editor of the Mathematical Monthly, gave two fine hour lectures, one responding to Why would you want to factor a matrix in more than one way? and one on Eigenvalue inequalities and equalities. Maria Klawe, University of British Columbia, gave a very interesting lecture on How middle school software provides students with a glimpse at linear algebra concepts. Tjalling Ypma and Richard Levin, Western Washington University, gave a minicourse titled, Linear algebra using ATLAST Project Materials and Matlab. A panel discussion on Contemporary trends in linear algebra instruction focused on the impact of new software tools on the teaching of linear algebra. The panelists were Roger Horn of the University of Utah, David Lay of the University of Maryland, and Steven Leon of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
- At the banquet, the section’s sixth Distinguished Teaching Award was presented to Brian Wick, University of Alaska – Anchorage. Two fine talks were given by previous winners of this award. Richard Koch, University of Oregon, illustrated some of the peculiar things that can happen in ”The fourth dimension.” Jack Robertson, Washington State University, talked about old and new results on cake-cutting problem using various definitions of “fair.” A minicourse on Designing mathematical animations with Excel was organized by Chuck Stevens, Skagit Valley College. Joe Fiedler, California State University-Bakersfield, gave a presentation titled, Yes, but what have you done for me lately: beyond the TI-92, and Eric Schultz, Walla Walla Community College, ran a workshop on The TI-92: More than a graphing calculator. Earl Fife, Calvin College and co-director of the Mathematics Archives, introduced participants to the archives during a hands-on session titled, Using the Internet constructively in mathematics education.
- There was a panel discussion on how to get a job, Putting your best foot forward—career search. The panelists were Jill McKenney, Lane Community College, and Tina Litzinger and Don Gorman of Western Washington University. There were 28 other presentations, including some outstanding student presentations, many of which reflected the themes of the meeting. There were 112 registrants at the meeting including about 30 students, ten of whom gave talks.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Donna Rochon, Western Washington University
- 1998 Washington State University June 18–20
- The theme of this meeting was “Differential Equations.” There was a balanced program of content and pedagogy with a session on inclusive teaching strategies and an invited address by two Portland high school teachers who are including dynamical systems in their classrooms under an NSF grant. The high school teachers were Diana Fisher, Franklin High School, and Ron Zaraza, Wilson High School. An invited address on The role of modeling in the introductory ODE course was given by Robert Borrelli, Harvey Mudd College. Another invited address was given by Robert O’Malley, Jr., University of Washington; the title of his lecture was Giving your ODE course a single perturbation. A panel discussion addressed issues in the teaching of differential equations. The panel participants were Robert Borrelli, Don Bushaw, Diana Fisher, Robert O’Malley, and Ron Zaraza. There were two workshops given by Kevin Cooper and Thomas LaForo of Washington State University. One of them was on Differential equations instruction using technology, and the other was on Using Mathematica in the calculus classroom.
- There were three other outstanding invited addresses. Mark Nielsen, University of Idaho, spoke on Inscribing figures in curves—A short tour of an old problem. Ron Graham of AT&T Labs, and past president of the AMS, spoke on Juggling permutations of the integers. This was followed by a juggling lesson. Paul Zorn, editor of Mathematics Magazine, reported on Math Mag morsels. In addition, Sandra Cooper, Kimberly Vincent and Judy Meuth of Washington State University organized a collaborative session on Inclusive teaching strategies in mathematics. There were 18 other presentations, including six by students. For the first time, there was a student paper competition with cash awards given for the three best papers. Contributions from the host institution made this possible. Also, Matt Hudelson, Washington State University, and Janet Ray, Seattle Central Community College, presided over an informal session titled Your mathematical career—Off to a good start, which included a report about Project NExT. The invited speaker for the banquet was Don Bushaw of Washington State University, who spoke on The demoniac and the determinant. There were 101 attendees, including 26 students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Michael Kallaher, Washington State University
- 1999 Willamette University March 12–13
- This meeting, which was well-attended by students, featured three outstanding speakers. Peter Hilton, SUNY Binghamton, spoke on New wine in old bottles: recent results on divisibility of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. He also gave the Saturday lunch address on, Reminiscences of a codebreaker, a fascinating account of his work with Alan Turing on code-breaking during World War II. Jonathan Borwein, Simon Fraser University, gave a fascinating philosophical presentation titled, Experimental mathematics: insight from computation. He also gave the Saturday dinner address on Why \(\pi\)? Millie Johnson, Western Washington University, gave an invited address titled, Why do dogs have wet noses and other mathematical insights into animal physiology: breathing, swimming, flying, …
- There were 21 sessions of contributed papers, including 10 given by students. There was also a student session led by the section’s Student Chapters Coordinator, Steven Johnson, Seattle Pacific University. There was a panel discussion on Issues in K-12 education—and what it has to do with us at the college level. The panelists were Barbara Edwards, Oregon State University; Marjorie Enneking, Portland State University; and Kenneth A. Ross, University of Oregon. There was also a presentation on Web-based mathematics courses given by Tim Merzenich, Chemeketa Community College; Steve Perry, Shoreline Community College; and Dick Schori, Oregon State University.
- At the business meeting, it was observed that the experiment with March meetings every three years, which are more accessible to students, has been a big success. It was decided to modify the scheduling of meetings so that the March meetings occur every two years. Specifically, it was agreed to schedule them on the following four-year rotation, starting with the current meeting: March meeting in Willamette Valley, June meeting west of the Cascades, March meeting in Puget Sound, June meeting east of the Cascades. The section’s Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching was presented to Professor Ping-Tung Chang of Matanuska-Susitna College, University of Alaska-Anchorage. It is possible that this is the first such sectional award in the country where the winner was nominated by his students. There were 140 attendees, including 68 students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Sam Hall, Willamette University
- 2000 University of British Columbia June 15–17
- The program included lectures honoring Ivan Niven (1915–1999), Past President of the MAA and two-time Governor of the section. Kenneth A. Ross, University of Oregon, gave A tribute to Ivan Niven and Hugh Montgomery, University of Michigan, spoke on Experimental modes for teaching number theory. Ross’s talk included a report on Niven’s famous one-page proof of the irrationality of \(\pi\); Montgomery clarified the ideas and added comments about the proof that \(\pi\) is transcendental. Ivan’s widow, Betty Niven, and son, Scott Niven, attended these talks.
- There were several outstanding invited lectures concerning the impact of technology on mathematics education. William McCallum, University of Arizona, spoke on The effect of computer algebra systems on mathematics education. Thomas F. Banchoff, Brown University and President of the MAA, demonstrated how the web has become an effective tool in the dissemination of mathematics and mathematical ideas. He also gave the Friday banquet speech, where he expanded on these ideas in the context of the preparation of the electronic Mathematics Awareness Month poster. Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, reported on experiments Toward intelligent computer-based support of meta-cognitive, learning skills. Jonathan Borwein, Simon Fraser University and President-Elect of the Canadian Mathematical Society, gave a report on Numerical and computational mathematics at the undergraduate level. Marjorie Enneking, Portland State University, spoke on the importance of universal involvement in The preparation of future teachers.
- There was a panel discussion on student competitions, both at the high school and college level. There was also a display of some student projects that were winners in the FAME competition in mathematics at the secondary school level on Vancouver Island. Several students of Larry Anderson and Russell Gordon at Whitman College gave excellent presentations on their mathematics projects. They were Todd Combs, Colin C. Ferguson, Marc Kepler, Aimee Taylor and Elisabeth Wood. Other 20-minute presentations were given by Russell A. Gordon, Whitman College, James D. Harper, Central Washington University, Kenneth A. Ross, University of Oregon, and André Yandl, Seattle University.
- The main meeting was preceded by two minicourses. Hugh Montgomery, University of Michigan, gave An introduction to computational number theory, and Michael Monagan, Simon Fraser University, organized a course on Applications of Maple. The first PNW Project NExT session was organized by Jennifer McNulty. Presentations were given by Brian Thomas Gill, Seattle Pacific University, Nancy Ann Neudauer, Pacific Lutheran University, Matt Hudelson, Washington State University, Brett Stevens, Simon Fraser, and Grant Miller, Maple Grove Elementary School. There were about 75 attendees.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Peter S. Bullen, University of British Columbia
- 2001 Seattle Pacific University April 6–7
- Much of the main program on Saturday was designed for students, but the program was fun for everyone. There were four excellent invited talks. Aparna Higgins, University of Dayton, gave an entertaining talk at the luncheon on Pebbling, Demonic Graphs and Undergraduate Research. The banquet speaker was Colin Adams, Williams College, who gave demonstrations on Making Calculus Fun: How to Entertain at Parties. Adams’s notorious brother-in-law, Mel Slugbate, reported on Real Estate in Hyperbolic Space: Investment Opportunities for the New Millennium. Curtis Tuckey, of Oracle, gave an interesting talk on Some Internet Stuff That Could Be Mathematics. There were twenty-two 15-minute presentations of papers. Eleven of the presentations were by students, including an excellent one by Eric Malm, a high school student at Saint George's School near Spokane. There were two panel discussions, Conversations on the changing face of the mathematics major, organized by Michael Boardman, and Graduate School in Mathematics: Personal Perspectives, moderated by Jenny McNulty. Panelists of the second panel were graduate students from various institutions in our section. In addition, Doug Mooers of Whatcom Community College gave a presentation about Online Math Center, a free online resource for teachers, students, and anyone interested in mathematics.
- The second PNW Project NExT session was held on Friday and organized by Jennifer McNulty. Presentations were given by Sharon Allen-Felton, Director of Counseling, Bellevue Community College; DeWayne Derryberry, University of Puget Sound; Brian Gill, Seattle Pacific University; Jennifer Laveglia, Bellevue Community College; Nancy Ann Neudauer, Pacific Lutheran University. Following that program, there were two concurrent minicourses. One was given by Aparna Higgins, University of Dayton, and was titled, Getting students involved in undergraduate research, and the other, titled Writing grant proposals, was given by Marjorie Enneking, Portland State University. Seattle University hosted a wine-and-cheese reception Friday evening. There were 148 attendees at the meeting, including 61 students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Brian Thomas Gill, Seattle Pacific University
- 2002 Portland State University June 20–22
- This meeting was held jointly with the Western Section of the American Mathematical Society. Kenneth A. Ribet, University of California Berkeley, gave the joint AMS-MAA Invited Address; he spoke on, Modular curves and their twisted analogues. There were two MAA Invited Addresses. Tina H. Straley, Executive Director of the MAA, reported on The MAA’s role in the future of undergraduate mathematics. Jim Valerio, Intel Desktop Architectural Lab, spoke on, Improving PC graphics. The MAA Banquet Speaker was Edward B. Burger, Williams College, who discussed, Innovative Experiments… and how I survived them. Ed Burger also organized one of the minicourses, What to Teach and How Not to Teach it. The other minicourse, Senior Capstones: Meaningful Closure to the Undergraduate Experience, was organized by Dusty E. Sabo and Kemble R. Yates, Southern Oregon University.
- Other MAA sessions were: a Special Address by the PNW-MAA Teaching Award Winner, Andrew Chiang-Fung Liu, University of Alberta. A presentation, Mathematically Inspired, Computer Generated Art, by Jeffrey Ely, Lewis and Clark College. A session on Innovations in Teaching Undergraduates, organized by Monte Boisen, University of Idaho. A session on Mathematics Education Research, organized by Barbara Edwards, Oregon State University, and Sam Hall, Willamette University. A session, On Undergraduate Research Programs that Work, organized by Daniel Kim, Southern Oregon University. A session on, The Use of Technology in Community College Mathematics Courses, organized by Peter Haberman, Portland Community College. A session, Junior Faculty on their Research, organized by Jennifer Ann Firkins. And a Special Presentation on Assessment, by Bonnie Gold, Monmouth University, who represented SAUM, Supporting Assessment in Undergraduate Mathematics, an NSF-supported project. There were two general sessions of papers, with nine presenters, and a session consisting of six presentations by undergraduates.
- In addition to elections of officers, two important decisions were authorized at the Business Meeting. A first-ever section meeting in Alaska was approved for mid June of 2004. Several bylaw changes were approved that had been prepared by the Bylaws Committee, chaired by Jenny McNulty. The total attendance figure of 276 may be the highest at a meeting of this section. Attendance at the MAA portion of the meeting was 147 of which 24 were students. Andrew Chiang-Fung Liu, University of Alberta, won the section's distinguished teaching award. He also won the nationwide Debbie Haimo Teaching Award in January 2004.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Jeanette Palmiter & Paul Latiolais, Portland State University
- 2003 Whitman College June 19–21
- There were four invited addresses. Mike Beanland, TriAxis Engineering, spoke on Wind + electricity + engineer = Number crunching! C. W. Groetsch, University of Cincinnati, spoke about Two gentlemen of Verona: An early episode in ballistics. Allan Rossman and Beth Chance, California Polytechnic State University, lectured on Teaching statistical inference: Activities and assessment. The banquet speaker was the national MAA speaker, Underwood Dudley of DePauw University. He talked about Calculus books, pointing out that this is a weighty subject.
- The meeting was preceded by a program for the PNW Project NexT Fellows. Eric Schultz, Walla Walla Community College, organized a minicourse on Visual Linear Algebra. Beth Chance and Allan Rossman, California Polytechnic State University, organized a minicourse on Teaching introductory statistics with data and activities. Eleven papers were presented in general sessions. In addition, nine papers were presented in undergraduate sessions, six were presented in an early career faculty session, and six were presented in a session focused on teaching innovations in multivariable calculus courses.
- At the banquet, Steven A. Bleiler, Portland State University, was awarded the section’s distinguished teaching award. In addition, Larry Curnutt of Bellevue Community College was recognized as a 25 year member of the MAA. Most of the Business Meeting was devoted to a discussion of plans for the meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, in June 2004. There were 101 people in attendance, including 93 members of the MAA and 15 students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Local Arrangements: Albert Schueller, Whitman College
- 2004 University of Alaska Anchorage June 24–26
- This was an historic meeting, being the first section meeting in Alaska. So far as we know, this is the first mathematics meeting in Alaska. I. Martin Isaacs, of the University of Wisconsin, gave one of the hour addresses; he spoke on Dirty Children, Unfaithful Husbands and Similar Problems. Kenneth A. Ross, University of Oregon, spoke about Two Vexing, though Unimportant, Problems. Ronald L. Graham, University of California at San Diego and MAA President, gave the banquet talk; see below.
- For its fifth year, the section’s Project NexT had sessions prior to the regular part of the meeting. There were also three minicourses. What Are Your Math Majors Learning? was organized by Marj Enneking and Paul Latiolais of Portland State University. The minicourse Earthmath: Classroom Projects with Environmental Applications, was given by Paul Latiolais, and Bridging the Gap Between Mathematics and the Physical Sciences was presented by Tevian Dray of Oregon State University.
- There were three special sessions as follows. David M. Bressoud of Macalester College organized a session on CUPM, the MAA Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics. Bernard Madison, University of Arkansas, and Dale Oliver, Humboldt State University, organized a session on the PMET (Preparing Mathematicians to Educate Teachers). And Caren Diefenderfer, Hollins University, and Bernard Madison organized a session on Quantitative Literacy.
- The traditional banquet was held in the elegant Hotel Captain Cook. Ron Graham, President of the MAA, gave an interesting banquet talk entitled, The Stomachion of Archimedes. There were 34 contributed papers, some in sessions focused on Quantitative Literacy, Discrete Mathematics, Teaching Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and a geographically-appropriate session on Math of the North. Two of the papers were excellent presentations given by students.
- At the Business Meeting, Stuart Boersma of Central Washington University was elected Chair-elect. Jenny McNulty was reappointed Project NexT Coordinator. Curtis Feist of Southern Oregon University was elected Student Program Coordinator; he replaces Jennifer Firkins Nordstrom. There was discussion about the scheduling cycle for our meetings. The tentative schedule for the next few meetings is: Spring 2005, University of Puget Sound; June 2006, Southern Oregon University; Spring 2007, populated area; June 2008, Carroll College in Montana. The new Local Arrangements Chair will be Rob Beezer, and the new Program Chair for Universities and Four-year Colleges is Nancy Neudauer at Pacific University. Douglas F. Mooers of Whatcom Community College received the section’s distinguished teaching award. There were 123 people at the meeting, including 13 students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Universities & 4-year Colleges: Kamal Narang, University of Alaska Anchorage
- 2-year Colleges: Sara Reinart, Kenai Peninsula College
- Local Arrangements: Larry Foster, Universithy of Alaksa Anchorage
- 2005 University of Puget Sound April 1–2
- There were three invited speakers. Frank Farris, Santa Clara University, and Editor, Mathematics Magazine, gave an interesting and exciting talk on Forbidden Symmetry—relaxing the crystallographic restriction. Jenny Quinn, Occidental College, and Co-Editor, Math Horizons, talked about Proofs that really count. Keith Devlin, Stanford University, and National Public Radio’s Math Guy, addressed the question, How much mathematics can be for all? He also gave the banquet talk on Using math to beat the casino, which was well-received. There were two minicourses: Combinatorially Thinking, organized by Jenny Quinn, Occidental College; and Teaching Linear Algebra with Technology, organized by Jenny McNulty, University of Montana. There were several sessions of contributed papers, including a student paper session, a session of junior faculty research talks, and general paper sessions. There was also a stimulating student problem solving session. There were Project NExT sessions on Friday morning.
- The section’s distinguished teaching award was presented to Chris Meyer of Pacific Lutheran University. Students and student participation were a major part of the meeting. In fact, there were 130 students in attendance. At the Business Meeting it was noted that there will be a $3000–4000 deficit due to partially subsidizing so many students; only 40 were anticipated. There were 120 faculty in attendance. Jenny McNulty agreed to create a meeting evaluation form for future meetings.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Universities & 4-year Colleges: Nancy Neudauer, Pacific University
- 2-year Colleges: Jenny Laveglia, Bellevue Community College
- Local Arrangements: Robert Breezer, University of Puget Sound
- 2006 Southern Oregon University June 22–24
- There were three invited speakers. Donald Saari, University of California at Irvine, spoke on The Chaotic Evolution of Newton’s Universe. Jim Tattersall, Providence College and Associate Secretary of the MAA, talked about Episodes in the Early History of the Lucasian Chair. Rob Beezer, University of Puget Sound and outgoing Governor of the section, lectured on Cheats, Liars, Posers and Thieves: cryptographic protocols for insecure networks. Donald Saari was also the banquet speaker; he talked about The Power and Beauty of Mathematics.
- There were two minicourses Thursday afternoon. Donald Saari organized one on the Mathematics of Voting. Duane DeTemple, Washington State University, presented the other minicourse, Using the Geometer’s Sketchpad in Teaching and Research. Project NExT sessions were held Thursday morning. There were seven eight sessions of contributed papers with a total of about 37 papers. There was also a presentation about the Texas Instrument TI-84.
- The section’s distinguished teaching award was presented to Jim Morrow, University of Washington. There were 114 total participants at the meeting. Of those, 86 were MAA members and 15 were students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Invited Program: Nancy Ann Neudauer, Pacific Univeristy
- Contributed Paper Sessions: Chris Hallstrom, University of Portland
- 2-year Colleges: Ann Sitomer, Portland community College
- Local Arrangements: Dusty Sabo, Southern Oregon University
- 2007 Linfield College April 13–14
- Friday evening, John Conway, Princeton University, gave a lecture established by the Walter P. Dyke Endowment at Linfield College. This rather philosophical lecture was about The Free Will Theorem, which proves that if there exist experimenters having a certain amount of free will, then elementary particles must already enjoy their own small share of this valuable commodity. John Conway also gave a fascinating invited address following the banquet, entitled Infinite and Infinitesimal Numbers and Games. Other invited addresses were given by Elwyn Berlekamp, University of California at Berkeley, who spoke on Fibonacci Plays Billiards, and by David Wolfe of Gustavus Adolphus College whose talk was In Tribute to Martin Gardiner.
- Project NExT met on Friday, and there were also two minicourses on Friday. One was A Tour of Combinatorial Games was presented by Elwyn Berlekamp and David Wolfe. The other provided An Approach to Population and Biological Modeling for Pre- and Post- Calculus Students, organized by Sharon Brown and Chris Dugaw, Humboldt State University. There was a Community College Panel on Saturday afternoon.
- There were thirteen sessions of contributed papers, and 40 of the 74 papers were presented by students. The section’s distinguished teaching award was presented to Duane DeTemple, Washington State University. There were 260 registrants, including 112 MAA members, 97 undergraduates and 23 graduate students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Invited Program: Nancy Ann Neudauer, Pacific University
- Contributed Paper Sessions: Colin Starr, Willamette University
- 2-year Colleges: Paul Casillas, Clark College
- Local Arrangements: Jennifer Nordstrom & Chuck Dunn, Linfield College
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program
- 2008 Carroll College June 19–21
- There were three invited speakers. Joe Gallian, from University of Minnesota-Duluth and President of the MAA, spoke about Using groups and graphs to create symmetry patterns. The methods that he described were used to create the image of the 2003 Mathematics Awareness Month poster. Sarah Greenwald, Appalachian State University, gave an entertaining presentation, Good News Everyone! Mathematical Morsels from the Simpsons and Futurama. Ivars Peterson, MAA Director of Publications for Journals and Communications, narrated A Knotty Tale: From Vortex Atoms to DNA Tangles. He also reported on Soap Bubbles in Math, Science, and Art at the Friday banquet.
- There were two minicourses. Kelly Cline, Mark Parker, and Holly Zullo, all from Carroll College, offered a course on Active Learning Through Classroom Voting and Clickers. Also, Sarah Greenwald offered one entitled, Math is Not Only a Young Man’s Game, which focused on an overview recent studies regarding perceptions and success in mathematics, and on ideas how these studies can help in the classroom.
- There were eight sessions of contributed papers, including one devoted to student presentations.
- At the Business Meeting, it was noted that the Board of Governors has asked the section to rewrite the portion of the bylaws pertaining to a quorum.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Invited Program: Mike Hitchman, Albertson College
- Contributed Paper Sessions: Chris Hallstrom, University of Portland
- 2-year Colleges: Paul Casillas, Clark College
- Local Arrangements: Holly Zullo, Carroll College
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program
- 2009 Central Washington University April 3–4
- The 2009 section meeting was held at Central Washington University on April 3 and 4. Hour speakers included the George Polya Lecturer, George Andrews of Pennsylvania State University, William Stein from the University of Washington, and Stan Wagon of Macalester College. George Andrews spoke on The Lost Notebooks of Ramanujan. He related the fascinating story of how he stumbled on these 100 or so pages of mathematics written by Ramanujan in India during the last year of his life. William Stein’s address was on Open Source Mathematical Software. Stein gave a brief history of how he and some of his colleagues devised and wrote the computer algebra system Sage — a free alternative to Mathematica and Maple.
- As has become traditional, there was a Project Next program and meeting on Friday. The Friday evening lecture, given by Stan Wagon, was on the Impossible, Unbelievable but True Results of Mathematics. Highpoints were his famous smooth-riding bicycle with square wheels and another cake-cutting puzzle. Wagon was also the banquet speaker where he spoke on A Computational View of the Four-Color Problem for Planar Graphs.
- There were three minicourses organized by the three invited speakers: The Theory of Partitions by George Andrews, Using Sage to Spice up your Undergraduate Courses by William Stein, and Introduction to Mathematica for Mathematicians by Stan Wagon.
- The contributed paper sessions featured four special sessions along with the well-attended Undergraduate Research sessions. All told, 55 presentations were given. New this year was a student poster session that showcased the work of six undergraduates. The banquet ceremonies included the section’s first awards for student presentations and posters. Tom Dick from Oregon State University was awarded the section’s 2009 Distinguished Teacher Award.
- There were 201 attendees to this meeting, including 102 students. Nearly 40% of the students were brought to the meeting by Donna Pierce from Whitworth University or by Nancy Neudauer from Pacific University.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Invited Program: Stephen Glasby Central Washington University
- Contributed Paper Sessions: Hans Nordstrom, University of Portland
- Minicourses: Jim Bisgard & John Fasset, Central Washington University
- Community College: John Knudson, Seattle Central Community College
- Undergraduate Program: Jim Harper, Central Washington University
- Local Arrangements Coordinator: Dan Curtis, Central Washington University
- Room Scheduling & Logistics: Aaron Montgomery & Debbie Thomas, Central Washington University
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- 2010 Seattle University April 9–10
- The 2010 section meeting was held at Seattle University on April 9 and 10. Freelance mathematician Jeff Weeks gave two very interesting talks. The first one, a public lecture on Friday evening, was on The Shape of Space which included an interactive 3D graphics tour of several possible shapes for space. The second talk, Visual Introduction to Curvature, was an introduction to curved surfaces and curved 3-dimensional space.
- Gerard Venema, Calvin College and Associate Secretary of the MAA, gave an invited address titled, Dimension, Fractals, and Wild Cantor Sets. This illuminating lecture described such sets in both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Euclidean space and explained related concepts that lead to non-integral values of dimension. At the banquet, Steve Dunbar, University of Nebraska and MAA Director of Competitions, provided an inside look at the challenging problems given to participants of the USAMO and the International Mathematical Olympiad. The title of his talk was, Easy Problems, Hard Problems, History and Outcomes.
- After a morning devoted to Project NExT activities, there were three minicourses. Steve Dunbar gave one on Thinking about Problem Solving by Learning about Problem Posing. Jeff Weeks organized a workshop on Visualizing 4-Dimensional Space, and William Stein from the University of Washington and Rob Beezer at University of Puget Sound, repeated Stein's popular minicourse from the 2009 meeting: Using Sage to Spice up Your Undergraduate Courses.
- There were four special sessions, as well as a session focused on junior faculty research and one focused on undergraduate research. There was also a session of general contributed papers, a student poster session, and a panel discussion on Outreach to Local Schools and the Community. In all, there were 104 presentations. In addition, there were 11 student posters.
- At the banquet, Nancy Neudauer at Pacific University was given the section’s 2010 Distinguished Teaching Award.
- At the well-attended Business Meeting, the section Secretary-Treasurer, Chris Black at Central Washington University, gave the Treasurer’s Report which indicated that the section had $13,690 at the end of 2009. There followed a discussion of how some of these monies should be spent, but no conclusion was reached. Stuart Boersema, Central Washington University and section Governor, gave the Governor’s report. The group was reminded that the next section meeting will be in Juneau, Alaska, June 23–25, 2011.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Program: Klay Kruczek, Western Oregon University & Nancy Neudauer, Pacific University & Jeff Boersema, Seattle University
- Contributed Paper Sessions: Hans Nordstrom, University of Portland
- Student Program: Donna Pierce, Whitworth University
- Project NExT: Jenny McNulty
- Logistics: Liksa Berman, Seattle University
- Room Scheduling: Catherine Holdren, Seattle University
- Local Arrangements: Mary Ehlers, Seattle University
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program
- 2011 University of Alaska Southeast June 23–25
- The 2011 section meeting was held at UAS (the University of Alaska Southeast), twelve miles north-northwest of beautiful Juneau, June 23-25, Thursday-Saturday. As has become traditional, the meeting was preceded by a Project NExT meeting on Thursday morning. There were two minicourses on Thursday afternoon. One was on "Quantitative Reasoning in the News," organized by Stuart Boersema of Central Washington University and Caren Diefenderfer from Hollins University in Virginia. The other minicourse was about "Teaching Mathematical Modeling through Patterns in Nature," presented by John Adam from Old Dominion University in Virginia. Concurrently, there was a panel discussion on the transition from high school to college, organized by Jill Dumesnil at UAS.
- John Adam also gave a Public Lecture Thursday evening. This entertaining lecture on "Mathematical Patterns in Nature" was amply illustrated with beautiful photos. Approximately 110 people attended this lecture, nearly half of whom were from the surrounding communities. The other invited lectures were given by David Bressoud, Immediate Past President of the MAA and from Macalester College, and by Karen Seyffarth at the University of Calgary. David spoke on "Issues of the Transition to College Mathematics," with a focus on the serious problems created by the increased emphasis on the teaching of calculus in high schools. He also gave the banquet talk on "The Truth of Proofs," where he explained how a proof provides a path out of the wilderness back to the knowledge of civilization. The title of Karen's talk was "Coloured Graph Theory," a report on recent developments in coloring problems in graph theory. There were 30 contributed talks, including 5 on junior-faculty research and 10 on topics in education and teaching. The meeting included organized outings to Mendenhall Glacier and for whale watching. Many participants explored the numerous trails around Juneau.
- The section's Distinguished Teaching Award was given, at the banquet, to Dale Hoffman of Bellevue College. For the first time, the award included a small cash payment. At the Business Meeting, Chris Hallstrom of the University of Portland was elected section chair for a two-year term, to replace the previously-elected chair-elect Klay Krucczek of Western Oregon University, who moved out of the section. Chris Hallstrom re-appointed the newsletter editor, the webpage editor and the section liaison. The next section meeting will be at Portland University on April 20-21, 2012, and Hans Nordstrom will be the local organizer. Chad Giusti and Josh Laison at Willamette University will serve as the Program Committee. It was noted that the section sponsored the new Northwest Crypto (Cryptography?) Competition, which was organized by the section Governor, Stuart Boersema at Central Washington University, and Cheryl Beaver at Western Oregon University. The section will continue to support this competition. There were 66 in attendance, including 47 members of the MAA.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Program: Chuck Dunn, Linfield College
- Contributed Paper Sessions: Chris Hallstrom, University of Portland
- Project NExT: Megan Buzby, UAS; Jenny McNulty, University of Montana
- Logistics: Jill Dumesnil, Christopher Hay-Jahans, Andrzej Piotrowski, Jolene Troupe, all at UAS
- Local Arrangements: Brian Blitz, UAS
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program
- 2012 University of Portland April 5–7
- The section’s 2012 annual meeting was held at the University of Portland, in Oregon. This was a splendid meeting for all, especially because of Frank Morgan’s excellent talks and his interaction with the students.
- The Friday program included a separate NExT meeting which was followed by a Project NExT dinner and discussion. There were three minicourses offered that day. One was an Introduction to R, presented by Christopher Hay-Jahans from the University of Alaska SE. Another was a workshop, WeBWork Implementation, led by Robin Cruz and Linda Danielson, University of Idaho, and Aaron Wootton from the University of Portland. The third was a hands-on introduction to Inquiry-Based Learning, Getting Started with IBL, run by Stan Yoshinobu, Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo (SLO). The Friday evening lecture, Opt Art: an Introduction, was given by Robert A. Bosch from Oberlin College in Ohio.
- There were two invited lectures on Saturday. Frank Morgan, Williams College, reported on Densities from Geometry to the Poincaré Conjecture, and Stan Yoshinobu, Cal-Poly SLO, spoke on Saving Ally: Why We Need to Transform Our Educational Paradigms. The were 52 contributed papers, of which 23 were student papers. Sixteen students, from George Fox University in Newberg Oregon, presented projects in a poster session. There was also a panel discussion on Outreach, organized by Thomas M. McKenzie, at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington.
- The meeting ended with a banquet at which Thomas M. Thompson, of Walla Walla University, was presented with the section’s distinguished teaching award. The banquet was followed by another invited lecture by Frank Morgan, this one on Optimal Pentagonal Tilings. There were 240 registrants at the meeting, including 105 students.
- Coordinators for this meeting were:
- Program: Josh Laison, University of Portland and Chad Giusti, Willamette University
- Project NExT: Jenny McNulty, University of Montana, Valerie Peterson, University of Portland, Hannah Callender, University of Portland
- Logistics: Carol Bruce, University of Portland
- Local Arrangements: Hans Nordstrom, Chair, aided by Aaron Wootton, and Meike Neiderhausen, all at University of Portland
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program
- 2013 Willamette University April 12–13
- The 2013 meeting of the section was held at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. It was agreed that the welcoming on Saturday morning by Willamette University President Steve Thorsett was the best welcoming ever.
- There were three outstanding invited speakers. Liz McMahon, from Lafayette College in Indiana, gave two talks on the card game SET, one on Friday evening and the other at the Saturday banquet. This game leads to questions in combinatorics, probability, linear algebra and affine geometry. Frank Farris from Santa Clara University in California spoke on “Undercover symmetry,” in which he was led to discover new types of symmetry in wallpaper patterns. David Kung, of St. Mary’s College in Maryland, spoke on “Symphonic Equations: A Mathematical Exploration of Music,” a fascinating examination of music from a mathematical perspective, punctuated by live performances by two Willamette students and Dr. Kung. All the talks inspired a great deal of audience participation, much of it from students.
- The Friday program began with a six-hour Project NExT meeting, followed by three minicourses. The minicourses and their instructors were: Closer to Fair: Social Justice in Mathematics, Mathematics for Social Justice (David Kung); Cryptology (Stuart Boersma, Central Washington University, and Cheryl Beaver, Western Oregon University). The evening included a Project NExT dinner, a student social, and one of Liz McMahon’s talks.
- In addition to the invited talks, the Saturday program included 71 contributed talks, 42 of which were given by students. There was also a lightly-attended, but useful, Interactive Session about accommodating blind students.
- At the banquet, the section’s Distinguished Teaching Award went to Stuart Boersma, Central Washington University. The citation was presented by Dominic Klyve who is also at Central Washington University. There were XX registrants at the meeting, including XX students.
- Coordinators at this meeting were:
- Program: Chuck Dunn, Dominic Klyve, David Scott, Mary Riegel, Jenny McNulty, Paul Krouss, Hannah Callender
- Project NExT: Jenny McNulty, Colin Starr
- Local Arrangements: Josh Laison, Kathryn Nyman, Chris Linn, Liesa Kister, Jeff Bolt
- Logistics: Mark Janeba, Yumi Li, Colin Starr, Brian Hoyt, Mitch Jones, Jeff Schreiner-McGraw, Trina Morgan, Nicole Rodgers
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program
- 2014 University of Montana in Missoula June 26–28
- The 2014 meeting of the section was held at the University of Montana in Missoula. The dean of the college of Humanities and Sciences at UM welcomed conference participants on Thursday evening, June 26 during the evening lecture.
- The meeting included three fabulous invited speakers. Robert Devaney, from Boston University, gave two talks to conference participants. He spoke on "Chaos Games and Fractal Images" on Thursday evening and he spoke on "The Fractal Geometry of the Mandelbrot Set" on Friday afternoon. During his Thursday evening talk Professor Devaney wagered his laptop that he could beat an audience member at his chaos game (he kept his laptop). Ravi Vakil from Stanford University also gave two talks: "The Mathematics of Doodling", a fascinating talk about the geometry behind some of the doodles that many of us partake in daily, and "Murphy's Law in Geometry". Skip Garibaldi of UCLA and IPAM gave his talk at the banquet. He entertained the lively crowd with the mathematics and fascinating human interest stories behind the lottery.
- The Thursday program began with a six-hour Project NExT meeting, followed by two minicourses. The minicourses and their instructors were: Exploring, Conjecturing, and Proving: Using Python in Transition and Analysis Courses (Jennifer Halfpap, University of Montana) and Combinatorically Thinking: Connecting Digraphs and Determinants (Jennifer Quinn, University of Washington Tacoma). The evening included a Project NExT dinner, and one of Robert Devaney's talks.
- In addition to the invited talks, the Friday and Saturday program included 7 organized sessions with 55 contributed talks and two panel discussions: Community College Math Major/Minor Transfer Students (Paul Casillas, Clark College and Don Hickethier, Flathead Valley Community College) and Outreach in Mathematics: Feeding the Pipeline (Nancy Ann Neudauer, Pacific University).
- At the banquet, the section’s Distinguished Teaching Award went to Tevian Dray of Oregon State University. The award was presented by Jenny McNulty from the University of Montana. There were 108 registrants at the meeting.
Coordinators at this meeting were:
- Program: Kelly McKinnie, Nikolaus Vonessen, Emily Stone, Matt Roscoe, John Bardsley, Jim Bisgard, Paul Casillas, Bonni Dichone, Don Hickethier, Mark Kayll, Frank Lynch, Dominic Klyve, Jenny McNulty, Nancy Ann Neudauer, Andrew Oster
- Project NExT: Jenny McNulty, Eric Chesebro
- Local Arrangements: Kelly McKinnie, Thomas Tonev, Matt Roscoe, Cindy Leary
- Logistics: Michelle Johnson, Linda Azure, Lily Rabil, Eli Bayat-Mokhtari, Rachel Chaphalkar, Tien Chih, Jessica Hurd, Lyric Liu, Nhan Nguyen and Mike Severino
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program
- 2015 University of Washington Tacoma April 10–11
- The 7th annual Northwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (NUMS) was held in conjunction with the 2015 Spring meeting of the PNW MAA Section at the University of Washington Tacoma on April 10-11, 2015. NUMS is a regional mathematics conference providing a venue for undergraduate and high school students to present mathematical research. Registration, lunch, and presenting for students was free.
- The Friday program included a full day of Section NExT Activities, two minicourses (Shannon Overbay & Thomas McKenzie presented a Leadership Workshop and Gwen Fisher using Mathematics to Design Beadwork), a student marshmallow challenge and pizza party, followed by an invited talk by MAA President Francis Su on “My Favorite Math Fun Facts.”
- The Interim Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Dr. Bill Kunz, welcomed the participants on Saturday morning and participants were delighted by three more invited talks throughout the day. Tevian Dray, Oregon State University, started the morning with a geometric excursion into special and general relativity. After lunch, Francis Su, MAA and Harvey Mudd College, showed connections between topology and combinatorics. And following the banquet, Gwen Fisher, BeAd Infinitum, delighted the eyes with beautiful mathematically-inspired beaded creations.
- In addition to the invited talks, concurrent sessions included 5 organized sessions (Active Learning Symposium, Mathematical Modeling, Open Source X, Social Justice, and Improving Undergraduate Programs), 5 contributed talk sessions, 5 NUMS undergraduate talk sessions, and a poster session. The afternoon break included a 100th Birthday celebration for the MAA.
- At the evening banquet, the section’s Distinguished Teaching Award went to Glen Van Brummelen, of Quest University. The award was presented by section chair, Brian Blitz from the University of Alaska Southeast.
- There were 274 registrations but only 229 attendees.
Coordinators at this meeting were:
- Program: Michael Kenyon, Jenny Quinn, Ruth Vanderpool
- Local Arrangements: Haley Skipper
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program
- 2016 Oregon State University April 1–2
Coordinators at this meeting were:
- Program: Tom Dick, Tevian Dray, Elise Lockwood
- Local Arrangements: Nathan Gibson
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program
- 2021 University of Alaska Anchorage
- Coordinators at this meeting were:
- Program: Hans Nordstrom and Chuck Lundon
- Local Arrangements: Mark Fitch
- Program: Hans Nordstrom and Chuck Lundon
- Archived Homepage | Archived Program