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Awards Ceremony




Biographical Sketch of Dr. Yvonne Lai

Yvonne Lai is currently a post-doctoral faculty member of the University of Michigan department of mathematics. She received her S.B. from M.I.T., and her Ph.D. from U.C. Davis, where she wrote a dissertation on geometric group theory and hyperbolic geometry. Lai has worked with a number of programs for mathematics education, including the California state COSMOS program for high school students and the Bay Area Teacher's Circle. In 2006, she founded the Davis Math Circle and co-founded its parent program, Explore Math. In 2007, she was a coordinator for the academic program at the Canada/USA Mathcamp, where she has been staff for 7 years.

Musical Orbifolds (Talk Abstract)

We can fashion a circle out of the real line by gluing numbers together whenever they differ by an integer. In an analogous way, we can create a torus from the plane, and a three-dimensional torus from three-space. These systematic constructions have a musical interpretation: for example, the last one concerns three-note chords and the musical symmetry of octave shifts. We will discuss how exactly the music and math correspond, and then, using other intuitive notions of musical symmetry (such as key changes), build more intricate spaces and introduce the notion of an orbifold. This talk is based on work by D. Tymoczko.


Awards Ceremony
will be held at Oakland University on September 11th

Yvonne Lai
University of Michigan

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Other Sponsors

Department of Mathematics,
University of Michigan

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Oakland University

American Mathematical Society

Wolfram Research

Art of Problem Solving

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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2009/08/18 14:44:13 $