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Awards Ceremony





Update (August 18, 2009):

"... the Governors schedule will not allow a ceremony/photo-op with the students this year. I have copied in Zzz in our communications office to assist with getting certificates for the students. Thanks, Xxx"

Last year, I thought that we might have a chance to meet the Governor. However, my contact person left the Governor's office in September and all of my requests were lost. My request this year so far got two different responses. One is pending however with the promise of certificates:

"Your request is being reviewed and we will let you know if this can be added to the Governors schedule. If we are not able to get this added we can surely have certificates from our office for the students. Thanks, Xxx"
The other one is not quite consistent with the above by a different person:
"My name is Yyy and I work for Governor Granholm in her Office of Scheduling. I am writing to let you know that unfortunately, due to the Governors schedule, she will not be able to meet the Michigan AMC Winner's, but there should be tributes to the students coming to them. On behalf of the Governor, we would like to thank you for the request and wish the students the best in the future."

I will keep everyone informed if I get either the certificates or any clarifications.


August 18, 2009:
It is official now: no Governor's reception and maybe certificates. See details in the middle.
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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2009/08/19 17:01:00 $