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Michigan Coordinator
American Mathematics Competitions
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Awards Ceremony





MAA-Michigan Awards Ceremony for 2008-2009 winners of the American Mathematics Competitions, with presentation by Dr. Yvonne Lai (University of Michigan).

372 Science and Engineering Building
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Oakland University
2200 North Squirrel Road, Rochester, MI 48309

Friday, September 11, 2009, 6 to 8 PM

5:50-6:10 PM  Refreshments
6:10-6:30 PM
Talk on Musical Orbifolds by Dr. Lai
6:30-7:30 PM
Awards Presentation
Each student will
- be recognized by his/her teacher
- accept the award from Dr. Lai
7:40-8:00 PM
Informal Activities

We are grateful to the Oakland University mathematics department for providing the venue for the ceremony and the refreshments.

We are also grateful to our other sponsors, American Mathematical Society, Wolfram Research, and the Art of Problem Solving Foundation.


Awards Ceremony
will be held at Oakland University on September 11th

Yvonne Lai
University of Michigan

- Program

- Booklet

- Direction and Parking

Other Sponsors

Department of Mathematics,
University of Michigan

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Oakland University

American Mathematical Society

Wolfram Research

Art of Problem Solving

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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2009/08/18 14:44:13 $