Missouri Collegiate Mathematics Competition

Online Registration Form Photos Archive Committee

The 30th Missouri Collegiate Mathematics Competition will be held

7:30 - 10:00 p.m., Thursday, April 3, 2025
8:30 - 11:00 a.m., Friday, April 4, 2025

on the campus of Saint Louis University.

Registration deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025. Late registration will be accepted if room is available.


A completed registration form for each team must be sent by Friday, March 28, 2025. Registration is through the conference web site. Registration cost is $120, which can be payed through the conference registration web site. Late registration will be accepted when feasible.

For further information, please contact:

Brody Johnson
E-mail: brody.johnson@slu.edu

Description and Rules

The Missouri Collegiate Mathematics Competition is a team event open to any college or university in the state of Missouri. It will be held on the Thursday and Friday prior to the annual Missouri section meeting of the MAA.

Any college or university can send up to two official teams of 1-3 undergraduates each to compete. Unofficial teams will be allowed, depending on the amount of available space, but will not be eligible for awards. All teams are charged a registration fee of $120 per team. A one-person team will only be allowed if this person is his or her college's only representative in the competition. A completed registration form for each team must be sent one week before the competition begins. Late registration will be accepted only if room is available. No calculators or computers or reference material can be used during the competition. The contest consists of challenging mathematical problems, comparable but not quite as difficult as the Putnam Exam.

The first session will begin on Thursday at 7:30 pm and last until 10 pm, and the second session will begin on Friday at 8:30 am and will end at 11 am. There are five problems in each session. Each problem will be worth 10 points and will be scored by the competition committee. Some partial credit may be earned for substantially correct work toward a solution to the problem. The team earning the highest total points is the winner. In case of a tie, the committee will vote to determine the winning team.

A complementary continental breakfast will precede the Friday morning competition. Immediately following the competition, group photos of all students and sponsors will be taken. All are invited to a pizza party at the conclusion of the photo session. Each team member is also invited to be a guest at the MAA Missouri Section Banquet on Friday night. At that time, the results of the competition will be announced. A traveling trophy will be presented to the first place team. In addition, each member of the first place team will receive a plaque. Certificates will also be given to all participants in the competition.

Page last modified: February 25, 2025.