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Michigan Coordinator
American Mathematics Competitions
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First Place

Honor Roll

Awards Ceremony




Traditionally, we hold recognition ceremonies for Michigan award winners of the AMC competitions each year. The last time we held this activity was in 2003. This tradition was interrupted 2004 due to reorganization of AMC to utilize state-of-the-art information technology for managing competitions more efficiently. The new centralized management from the AMC national office allows each state to recognize winners with less regulation and bookkeeping.

Under the new structure, there is no longer a need for a state AMC director. Instead, the state sections of MAA appoint coordinators to coordinate AMC awards functions.

At its June 2005 meeting, the Executive Committee of Michigan-MAA appointed me to a three-year term as AMC Coordinator. As an educator, this is a wonderful opportunity for me to serve and I confirmed my acceptance of this appointment immediately after I came back from vacation. The website and newsletter listings of MAA-Michigan will be updated to reflect this appointment.

As the AMC state coordinator of MAA Michigan, the first thing I'd like to do is to organize an Awards Ceremony for Michigan award winners. This must be done before the start of the new round of AMC competitions. The funds to purchase the awards and pay for the ceremony will be withdrawn from the Michigan account soon after that time.

I am also trying to follow tradition by arranging a photographic reception for the winning students with Governor Granholm. Ms. Sue C. Carnell, the Education Policy Advisor at the Office of Governor Jennifer M. Granholm, forwarded my request to the Scheduling Office of the Governor. Unfortunately, they were not able to schedule a meeting with the Governor for us. They have passed on my request to the Constituent Services division, in hope of the possibility of including our group in the Governor's monthly constituent office hours. Ms. Kari K. Beattie, the Deputy Director of the Constituent Services Division, will send a confirmation to me by the second week of September if she is able to grant us time with the Governor.

The third thing on my to-do list is to set up this web site. Eventually, it will be hosted by or linked from the Michigan MAA site. We haven't discussed the details yet, however.

In summary, I am here to serve the students, their teachers, and parents. It takes a village to raise a child. Please join me in serving this wonderful community.


Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.
American Mathematics Competitions
Michigan Section, Mathematical Association of America


Awards Ceremony
will be held at UofM on September 12th

Photo Reception with Governor Granholm
will be held at the Capitol Building on September 22th

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Other Sponsors

Department of Mathematics,
University of Michigan

Art of Problem Solving

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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2006/08/04 01:57:11 $