Resolutions - April 8, 2000

Texas Section of The MAA
April 8, 2000

Whereas the Texas Section of the Mathematical Association of America, now in its eightieth year, has been hosted with liberal munificence by the honorable institution of the University of Texas at Austin, whose courteous eyes were upon us all the live long day ;

And whereas the laudably equipped efforts of Arrangements Chair Efraim Armendariz, whose effective assistance never tired of favoring the membership, have yielded a surfeit of solutions to a plethora of problems, have resulted in the successful staging of endlessly many enjoyable events, and have managed a myriad of questions submitted from far and wide;

And whereas the somewhat distinguished officers of the Section in the persons of Chair David Sanchez, Chair-elect Glen Mattingly, Secretary-Treasurer Stuart Anderson, Governor Montie G. Monzingo, Arrangements Chair-elect Mike Mezzino, Immediate Past Chair Vince Schielack, and Directors Kenneth Word, L. Dwayne Snider, Elizabeth Bator, and Donald Bailey have constructed and conducted a meeting worthy of our attention, reflection and record;

And whereas the speakers in the persons of Thomas Banchoff, outstanding representative of the national organization, Max Warshauer, distinguished teaching award recipient, Cameron Gordon, and Walter Mientka, did with wit, candor and regard to brevity, make welcome comments revealing the intricate pleasures of our discipline;

And whereas Exhibits Coordinator

And whereas Michael Starbird of the University of Texas at Austin, and Gertrud Kraut of the University of New Hampshire have provided stimulating activity through workshops for those actually wishing to do some work;

And whereas Governor Montie Monzingo has skillfully collected an emerging group of newly arrived faculty through Project NeXT, and skillfully constructed a program of study for their refinement;

And whereas Ron Barnes has provided organization, entertainment, cuisine and opportunities to think for student participants;

And whereas a host of students and section members have enlightened us all with contributed professional papers;

Be it therefore resolved and recorded for history on this eighth day of April two-thousand and zero that the section has suitably acknowledged this successful meeting and declared it appropriate to our professions, our aptitudes and our ages.

Resolutions Committee
Glen Mattingly
John Ed Allen