Resolutions - April 6, 1991

Resolution presented to the Texas Section of the Mathematical Association of America

            Whereas the Texas Section of the Mathematical Association of America, numbering some two hundred fifty attendees, have been received with grace by Stephen F. Austin State University acting in the persons of Dean Thomas A. Atchison of the SFASU School of Science and Mathematics, Arrangements Chair Professor R. G. Dean (with Ouida Dean);

            And whereas the afore named found indispensable assistance in Departmental Secretary Linda Boozer, in the departmental faculty with special recognition to Wayne Proctor, Pat Barton, Doyle Alexander, Pam Roberson, Roy Alston, Kenneth Price, and Ben Sultenfuss, and in students Sarah Triana, Danielle Carrieres, and Bryan Adams;

            And whereas caterers and cooks with sundry assistants of the Fredonia Hotel and the University Center have provided edibles and potables for The Sectional Banquet, for the TAAAMS Luncheon (for Heads and ex-Heads), for the breakfast for Institutional Representatives, and for the numerous refreshment breaks with cookies, doughnuts, and juices;

            And whereas the quintet, give or take a couple, of the Department of Music of the SFASU School of Fine Arts brought much auditory comfort to the banquet – especially for those of us who go for baroque;

            And whereas the sectional officers section Chair Dale Bedgood, Chair-Elect Larry Heath (with Carolyn Heath), Secretary-Treasurer Charles Robinson (with Clydene Robinson), and Sectional Governor Louie Huffman performed both assigned and unassigned duties with grace and dispatch;

            And whereas featured speakers Professor Lester Lange of San Jose State University delighted all who heard with insights from Archimedes, Euler, Polya, and others – not least himself – and speaker Professor John Kenelly of Clemson University convinced us of dangers and the opportunities of the floating point jungle;

            And whereas Professor Marilyn Durkin of Bentley College brought the short course on Dynamical Systems – Chaos and Fractals, Dr. Bill Hopkins of the TEA summarized enrollment trends in High School Mathematics, and Mrs. Carolyn Melton discussed the role of the counselor in the placement of students in high school mathematics courses;

            And whereas James Bradford of Abilene Christian University and Don Admondson – Blanch too – collected richly merited Distinguished Service Awards from the Texas Section;

            And whereas some forty-four papers, as well as four student papers, were presented for the benefit of those attending;

            Be it resolved that the Section extends gratitude and congratulations to all – including those unnamed no less than those named above – who have taught and studied, served and led, worked and planned toward this pleasant adjournment on the sixth of April, 1991.

Resolution Committee
Glenn Mattingly
Landon Colquitt, Chair