By-Laws: The Pacific Northwest Section of the Mathematical Association of America.

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Note: These bylaws were written in 1972, amended in 1983, revised in 1996, 2003, 2014, 2017, and 2023. 2023 was the most recently required ten-year review of the bylaws.

Article I: Name and Purpose

  1. The name of this Section shall be the Pacific Northwest Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA).
  2. The purposes of the Pacific Northwest Section shall be to advance the mission of the MAA on a regional level (namely within the territory defined in Article II below); to offer guidance to the MAA as it forms and fulfills its mission; to provide professional development and networking activities for those with an interest in mathematics including Section members, mathematics students, and members of the larger mathematics community; to promote discussion and action on issues affecting mathematics teaching, learning, and research in the region; and to pursue initiatives that advance the core values of the MAA—Community, Inclusivity, Communication, Teaching & Learning—in pursuit of our vision of a society that values the power and beauty of mathematics and fully realizes its potential to promote human flourishing.

Article II: Membership

  1. The membership of the Pacific Northwest Section shall be as follows:
    1. The membership of the Pacific Northwest Section shall be members of the Mathematical Association of America residing in the states of Oregon (Zip Code 97000–97999) Washington (Zip Code 98000–99499), Idaho (Zip Code 83200– 83899), Montana (Zip Code 59000–59699 and 59800–59999), Alaska (Zip Code 99500–99999), the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, and the Northwest, Nunavut, and Yukon territories. Exceptions may be made by the MAA Secretary upon request of the affected member.

Article III: Avoiding Implicit Bias

The Pacific Northwest Section of the Mathematical Association of America shall make every effort to avoid implicit bias and to reflect the diversity of the section. The Section shall ensure its committee members, officers, invited speakers, awardees, and other leaders represent the various geographic regions, types of institutions, and diverse membership within the section. It shall strive for balanced representation with regard to gender as well as underrepresented groups, and shall seek out nominations for any positions or awards to help achieve that balance. Section committees and members may consult the most recent version of the document Guidelines for MAA Selection Committees: Avoiding Implicit Bias for guidance.

Article IV: Officers

  1. The Section Officers shall be a Chair, a Chair-elect (in even-numbered calendar years) or Past-chair (in odd-numbered calendar years), a Secretary-Treasurer, a Newsletter Editor, a Web Manager, a Section NExT Director, and a Student Program Coordinator.
  2. The Executive Committee of the Section shall consist of the Section Officers and the Section Representative to the MAA Congress (ex officio).
  3. Each Section Officer must be a member of the Mathematical Association of America and of this Section.
  4. The Chair-elect and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Section. These officers shall assume office upon adjournment of the meeting at which they are elected.
  5. The officers who are not elected shall be appointed by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee.
  6. The Chair-elect shall serve one year as Chair-elect, the subsequent two years as Chair followed by a year as Past-chair. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected for a term of four years during years of the form 4k+2. All other officers shall be appointed for two-year terms. The Newsletter Editor and Web Manager shall be appointed in odd-numbered years and the Section NExT Director and a Student Program Coordinator in even-numbered years.
  7. Duties of the Section Officers:
    1. The Chair shall preside at each meeting of the Section and of the Executive Committee of the Section. The Chair shall appoint every committee of the Section and be an ex-officio member of each committee unless directed otherwise by the membership of the Section at an official meeting. In addition, the Chair (or representative) will attend the MAA Section Officers meeting.
    2. The duties of the Chair-elect and Past-chair shall be determined by the Chair and the Executive Committee.
    3. The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall include keeping the minutes of official meetings of the Section and of meetings of the Executive Committee, custody of records of the Section, the notification to the members of all meetings and to the members of the Executive Committee of meetings of that committee. In addition, the Secretary- Treasurer is responsible for the receipt of the subvention provided by the MAA, making appropriate reports to the MAA, the safekeeping of the funds of the Section, the maintaining of proper and accurate books of account of Section funds, and the timely paying of bills of the Section.
    4. The duties of the Newsletter Editor include publishing a newsletter at least twice each academic year. The Newsletter Editor will work together with the Web Manager to place the newsletter on the Section’s website. The Newsletter Editor will notify the Section membership of a new newsletter.
    5. The Web Manager shall be responsible for the design, technical operation and content of the Section’s website including Section NExT. In addition, the Web Manager should maintain contact with and consult with the officers of the Section on both content and design of the section website.
    6. The Section NExT Director shall serve as liaison between the Section and the PNW Section NExT Fellows. The Section NExT Director shall have the responsibility of promoting the objectives of the MAA among new college-level faculty and shall coordinate the annual PNW Section NExT meeting with the Section Meeting.
    7. The duties of the Student Program Coordinator shall be to represent the interests of the students in the Section. The Student Program Coordinator shall ensure that students are informed about MAA resources and activities that are relevant to them, facilitate communication between students and student chapters, and promote student involvement at Section meetings.
  8. The Executive Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Section between meetings of the Section membership. A quorum shall consists of five Executive Committee members.
  9. Except for the position of Section Representative to Congress, if a vacancy of an elected office should occur, the Executive Committee shall fill the vacancy by appointing a member of the Section to serve until the next meeting, at which an election by the membership of the Section shall be held. For the Section Representative to Congress, the MAA Board of Directors shall have authority to fill vacancies until such time as the regular appointment or election process can be employed, when a vacancy occurs between elections.

Article V: Meetings

  1. The Section shall hold one or more regular meetings each year. Normally the annual meeting will be held in late spring or early summer and the election of officers shall take place at the business meeting to be held during this annual meeting.
  2. The Executive Committee shall approve the location of the annual meeting and determine which matters are to be brought to a vote by the members of the Section at the business meeting to be held during this annual meeting.
  3. A special meeting may be called by the Executive Committee.
  4. Each member of the Section shall be notified at least twenty days in advance of any regular or special meeting of the Section.
  5. A quorum at a Section business meeting shall consist of not less than 15 members of the Section, and no votes may be taken at a section business meeting unless a quorum is present.

Article VI: Use of Assets

  1. The assets of the Pacific Northwest Section shall be used exclusively to further the purposes of the Section, and in the event of the dissolution of the Section the remaining assets shall be turned over to the MAA to be used for a purpose consistent with the purposes of the MAA.
  2. Decisions regarding expenditures and investments of Section funds as well as section meeting fees shall be made by the Executive Committee.
  3. The Chair (or representative) may request up to $750 to offset travel expenses to attend the Section Officers Meeting.

Article VII: Committees

  1. For each regular meeting of the Section, a Program Committee shall be appointed. This committee shall include two Program Chairs (for example, one for universities and four-year colleges and one for two-year colleges or one for the invited program and one for the contributed program), a Local Arrangements Coordinator, the Student Program Coordinator (ex-officio), the Section NExT Director (ex-officio), the Chair (ex-officio) and the Secretary- Treasurer (ex-officio).
    1. The Program Chairs or Local Arrangements Coordinator may serve as co-chairs, or they may agree to designate one of them to serve as chair.
    2. The Program Committee shall be responsible for arranging the program for the meeting, which includes decisions regarding invited speakers, minicourses, special sessions, banquets, etc. The committee is also responsible for inviting speakers and arranging all sessions. The committee shall work with the Newsletter Editor and Web Manager to publicize the meeting. The committee shall keep the Executive Committee informed of its progress.
    3. The Local Arrangements Coordinator shall be responsible for making local physical arrangements including meeting and registration space at the local institution, lodging, etc.
    4. Registration fees for annual Section meetings shall be determined by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Program Committee. Whenever the Chair or Secretary-Treasurer deems it prudent, other decisions of the Program Committee, financial or otherwise, shall require approval of the Executive Committee.
  2. The Chair shall appoint a nominating committee to choose a slate of candidates for the elective offices, but nominations may also be made by members at the time of the annual election.
  3. Every year the Chair will appoint one section member to the Distinguished Teaching Award Committee. Each member serves a 3-year term, becoming chair of the committee in the 3rd year of service.
  4. The Chair is authorized to appoint, with the advice of the Executive Committee, any committees which are needed to effectively carry out the purpose of the Section.

Article VIII: Amendments

  1. These bylaws may be amended by 2/3 of the votes cast by the members at a regular or special business meeting of the Section, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of the Mathematical Association of America.
  2. A proposed amendment shall be submitted to every member of the Section at least twenty days prior to the meeting at which the vote on the amendment will take place.
  3. When an amendment has been approved by the members of the Section, the amended bylaws shall be submitted to the MAA Committee on Sections for its recommendation to the Board of Directors.
  4. A complete revision of these bylaws shall be subject to the same procedures required for making amendments to these bylaws.
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