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Awards Ceremony




Biographical Sketch of Professor Michael Merscher

Professor Michael Merscher       Professor Michael Merscher received his graduate degree from the University of Michigan, and has taught at Lawrence Tech University since then. He is a past chair of the Exam Committee for the Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition. He has been for many years the author of the LTU Annual High School Mathematics Competition. He was named LTU's Faculty Person of the Year in 2003, and was awarded the Mathematical Association of America Distinguished Teaching Award in 2010.      

Continued Fractions (Talk Abstract)

Professor Merscher will speak on Continued Fractions. Some very interesting patterns emerge when a real number is written in terms of a continuing pattern of fractions. This is particularly true when the real number is irrational.      


Awards Ceremony
will be held at Oakland University on September 10th

Michael Merscher
Lawrence Technological University

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Other Sponsors

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Oakland University

American Mathematical Society

Wolfram Research

Art of Problem Solving

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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2010/08/09 23:04:29 $