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Michigan Coordinator
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Awards Ceremony





[August 31, 2010] Here is the final schedule and answers to some of your questions from the Governor's office.
  • Schedule. Our group will be meeting with the Governor at 12pm on Thursday, September 2.
    • Please arrive at the Romney Building no later than 11:30am.
    • Everyone will want to bring a form of identification to present to the security guard in the lobby; Driver's License or student ID will suffice.

  • There is no dress code.

    I would say that school uniform, business casual or anything respectful will be fine.

  • Location. Enter "111 S. Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933" at The Romney Building is on the corner of Capitol and Michigan Avenue, across the street from Michigan's Capitol Building.

    I found that it is easier to locate the building through the website Romney Building. It is clearly marked in the Interactive Map in this page. Also, try its wiki page at George W. Romney Building.

  • Parking. There are parking meters along Capitol Avenue (25 cents = 15 minutes) and a parking structure at the corner of Capitol and Allegan, one block from the Romney Building.

  • Photographing. The Governor's office will have a photographer, but feel free to bring your own camera as well.

The Governor is look forward to meeting everyone!

[August 26, 2010] News from the Governor's office.

We are located in the George W. Romney Building, 111 S. Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933. You will need to arrive at the Romney Building no later than 11:30am on Thursday, September 2, 2010 for your noon appointment. All attendees must bring photo identification, which can be a driver's license or a school ID. We will have a photographer but you may bring your own cameras if you wish.

As a tradition, we try our best to arrange recognition ceremonies for Michigan award winners of AMC competitions with the Governor each year. The last time we held such activity was in 2005 with the help of Sue Carnell, then Education Policy Advisor of Governor Granholm. Though we continue to get certificates for the students from the Governor each year, we couldn't arrange more receptions.

Since this is the last year Governor Granholm will be in the office, we definitely would like to arrange a photograph reception for the winning students with the Governor this fall, if possible.

I have asked help from the current Education Policy Advisor of the Governor, Ms. Niya Hardin.

I will keep everyone informed if there will be any progress.


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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2010/09/01 03:57:07 $