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Awards Ceremony





As a tradition, AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan holds recognition ceremonies for the Michigan award winners of the AMC competitions each year. For more details, please refer to my welcome information page.

Last year, we held an Awards Ceremony at the University of Michigan with Professor Brian Conrad. Later, Governor Granholm hosted a photo reception for the students at the Governor's office in Lansing. In her letter, Governor Granholm expressed her "delight" to "meet such gifted and intelligent young minds". She felt that "It was really a privilege to have had the chance to honor them on behalf of the citizens of Michigan."

This year, we will have our Awards Ceremony at Oakland University with Professor Louis Jack Nachman. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to schedule a photo reception with the Governor yet due to the upcoming election.

The purpose of having this page is to build a convenient tool to communicate with the students, teachers, and the parents about our events. The official AMC Coordinator (MAA-Michigan) website has been running since the end of last year at the Michigan MAA site under "Competitions and Programs". Given the opportunity, I would like to move this webpage to a secure server that supports PHP and SQL, in order to offer more services.

In summary, I am here to serve the students, their teachers, and parents. It takes a village to raise a child. Please join me in serving this wonderful community.


Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.
American Mathematics Competitions
Michigan Section, Mathematical Association of America


AMC Report
AMC report for the Fall 2006 issue of the Michigan Section MAA Newsletter

Awards Ceremony
will be held at OU on September 14th

Other Sponsors

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Oakland University

Wolfram Research

Art of Problem Solving

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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2006/11/08 02:06:28 $