Date: April 4, 5 |
Location: Northern Kentucky University |
- Time zone: NKU is in the Eastern Time Zone
- Campus facilities
- Hotel information—none of these are within walking distance of campus.
- Area highlights—in case you need any off-campus amenities, or have some time before or after the meetings and want to explore the area.
Registration |
- Student Costs
Friday registration + pizza party: $0; Saturday registration + lunch: $10; Friday and Saturday registration + pizza party & lunch: $10
- Non-Student Costs
Friday registration + banquet: $55; Saturday registration + lunch: $45; Friday and Saturday registration + banquet & lunch: $70
- Online registration is now closed. You can register at the meeting.
- Payment
- Pay at the meeting or
- Pay online here:
Meeting Organization |
- Schedule of events
- Abstracts for all presentations
- Plenary Speakers
- Saturday 12:55pm – 1:50pm panel discussion on teaching with each section’s 2024 teaching award winners in the Student Union Ballroom
- Contributed paper presentations by members from the three sections.
- Undergraduate poster presentations.
Other Events |
- Section NExT Professional Development Programming
- Free workshop with lunch on Friday April 4 at noon (ET) in the Health Innovation Center. For faculty in their first five years of teaching.
- Panel on mental health in mathematics on Saturday April 5 from 9:55am to 10:40am in Student Union room 104. Open to all conference attendees.
- Undergraduate Student Competition
- Takes place Friday, April 4, from 4:30pm to 6:30pm (ET), with on-site registration 2pm to 4pm (ET) and an orientation session 4:10pm to 4:25pm (ET), all in the Health Innovation Center rooms 102/104.
- It is a team-based competition for students from area colleges and universities.
- Students spend two hours working in teams of up to three members to solve a series of questions on a wide range of mathematical topics, including calculus, probability, geometry, algebra, linear algebra, number theory, and number theory.
- You must be registered for the conference in order to participate. To register your team for the competition, use this link.
- Art Gallery
- Held in Northern Kentucky University's Student Union room 106.
- Showcasing works contributed by members from the three sections.
- On display throughout the meeting in a room that will be locked over night.
- Contributors are responsible for bringing their work to the meeting and taking them when they leave.
- For questions about the art gallery, email Steve Wilkinson (
KYMAA Outstanding Teacher Award |
Each year, the Mathematical Association of American (MAA) honors outstanding educators from each section with the MAA section award for excellence in undergraduate teaching. As of fall 2024, the name of this award will expand to honor Dr. Carol Crawford of the US Naval Academy, as her generous bequest supports this award being given yearly to one faculty member in each of the 29 sections of the MAA. Consider nominating a deserving candidate for this award.
- MAA award guidelines
- Form for nominating someone for the Kentucky section’s award.
- The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, March 14.