Title: Building a Successful Company – With Mathematicians???
Abstract: In this talk, Dr. Butler will give an overview of his company, Daniel H. Wagner, Associates, from its historic beginnings in 1963 through its current role today. In 1963, Dr. Dan Wagner founded his eponymous company with two guiding principles in mind. First, Dan believed in hiring young mathematicians and training them to solve real-world problems. Second, Dan felt the quality of the writing in the technical reports and briefings provided to the clients was nearly as important as the technical content itself. To this end, and while the company size was small, Dan personally reviewed every scrap of paper that went out under the company name. Through the years, the company developed an impressive reputation for mathematical analysis applied to the budding field of Search Theory (find the lost H-bomb, find the sunken treasure, find the enemy submarine, etc.), and this continues to be an area of expertise today. At the same time, the company demonstrated the breadth of its capabilities by working in areas as diverse as DNA sequencing, retirement planning, crane anti-sway, speech recognition, speaker verification, and random number generation on GPUs.