Our newsletter is published twice each academic year, usually in October and in February. Beginning with the Spring 2010 issue, the newsletter is published only electronically. Please send any your department news, information on special programs at your institution, interesting photos, and any other items that would be of interest to the membership, to the Newsletter Editor, Nancy Livingston, Nancy.Livingston@wnmu.edu.
Spring 2021 Newsletter:
The Mathematical Sciences Department of The University of Texas at El Paso is enjoying some major “firsts” - most notably, launching its first PhD program and hosting its first AMS sectional meeting.
MAA Southwestern Section virtual spring conference hosted by Western New Mexico University on March 26, 2021.
NMMATYC 2021 Annual Conference will take place on May 21st online, free of cost, and will be hosted by Hawkes Learning.
Fall 2020 Newletter:
Western New Mexico University has partnered with Silver Schools and Cobre Schools in hosting Family Math Learning Nights Spring 2020.
Nominations Wanted for the Southwestern Section’s Distinguished Teaching Award.
Download past newsletter issues - PDF Format