H. M. Gehman University of Buffalo
Secretary-Treasurer Buffalo, New York

February 5, 1952

To Mathematicians in Colleges which are attended predominantly by Negroes:

Dear Colleagues:

The officers of the Mathematical Association of America are attempting to eliminate any discrimination in the conduct of its scientific and social affairs. Enclosed are a letter from President Mac Lane addressed to the Section Officers of the Association and a report of the President to the Board of Governors. Both of these have been approved by the Board of Governors and the Secretary has been directed to send the letter and the report to all Section Officers, all members of the Board of Governors, and to all other interested persons. Both President Mac Lane and I shall be glad for any comments which you may wish to send us on this topic.

The Association is anxious to extend its membership to all those who are interested in mathematics at the collegiate level. Enclosed is a booklet describing the activities of the Association and a membership application blank for the use of those who may wish to become members of the Association.


Harry M. Gehman
