Saunders Mac Lane
February 1, 1952

Eckhart Hall
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois

To the Section Officers of the Mathematical Association of America.

Dear Colleagues:

At its meeting in September, 1951, the Board of Governors passed the following resolution:

The Board of Governors of the Association affirms its steady intention to conduct the scientific meetings, social gatherings, and other affairs of the Association so as to Promote the interests of Mathematics without discrimination as to race, creed, or color. The President of the Association is authorized and requested to determine the best means for avoiding discrimination, by consultation on this subject with the various chairmen and secretaries of the sections and other appropriate members of the Association and to report the results of this consultation to the Board.

Your president has carried out the consultation authorized and deeply appreciates the care and thought which the various members consulted have devoted to the question. As a result of this consultation, your president, with the concurrence of the Board of Governors, has determined that it is possible to carry out effectively the expressed intention of the Board to conduct the scientific, business and social affairs of the Association without discrimination as to race, creed or color.

This possibility rests upon careful planning in advance and consultation with the host institution in question. The president and the Board of Governors charge you with responsibility for these plans, and rely upon your cooperation and wisdom in their execution, in pursuit of our common purpose of the advancement of Mathematical Education.

Sincerely yours,

Saunders Mac Lane
