2013 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday, April 26, 2013
| Minutes: | MAA Rocky Mountain Section Executive Committee Meeting
Date & Time: | Friday, April 26 at 9:15 11:40am
Location: | Adams State Uniuversity, Student Union Building, Room A130
Attendance: | Michael Pearson, Sue Norris, Bill Cherowitzo, Daluss Siewert, Mike Brilleslyper, Heidi Keck, Matt Ickle, Steve Aldrich
- Bill Cherowitzo called the meeting to order. Daluss
Siewert made a motion to approve the minutes from 2012, Mike
Brilleslyper seconded. There was no discussion and the minutes were
approved unanimously.
- Bill Cherowitzo led a discussion of the meeting flow. Steve
Aldrich described the location of all activities, vendors, and food.
Michael Pearson explained the new book sales policy allowing online
sales. The ASU department chair will lead the chairs lunch and the ASU
president will deliver a welcome. The banquet order of events and
business meeting order of events were acceptable as described in the
- Reports:
- Financial Report: The Section Activity Grant to Section NExT
was not spent this year. The leadership of the Section NExT asked to
carryover the money into the next academic year. Mike Brilleslyper made
a motion to allow the carryover, Sue Norris seconded, and all approved
the motion.
- Nominating Committee: Jeff Berg will lead the election for
chair elect at the business meeting. There are two candidates, Kyle
Riley and Bill Emerson. More importantly, there are three openings in
2014: Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, and Governor. A general discuss
followed on how to best recruit candidates for these positions. Heidi
Keck and Bill Cherowitzo will work on an email to the members soliciting
nominations and emphasizing the benefits of holding these positions.
- Awards Committee: Daluss Siewert reported on the Distinguished
Teaching Award selection process. Few nominees is a problem. After some
discussion, Mike Brilleslyper made a motion to automatically consider
non-winning nominees for a 3-year period (with free meeting registration
only for new nominees). Sue Norris seconded this motion and it was
approved by all.
- Discussion and Action Items
- Bill Cherowitzo explained the Colorado Math Awards ceremony
and the request from Dick Gibbs for $250. Daluss Siewert made a motion
to approve this spending, Mike Brilleslyper seconded it, and all approved.
- The difference between activity awards and specific funding
requests was discussed as part of the request for $100 for student door
prizes at PPRUMC and MAA by Janet Barnett. The committee felt that they
were separate ideas. Sue Norris made a motion to approve this spending,
Daluss Siewert seconded, and all approved.
- Mike Brilleslyper clarified the sequestration problem
affecting his job at the Air Force Academy. All felt that this was an
extraordinary circumstance that would not require a policy change, and
the consensus was that the section could help pay his travel to the
spring meeting. Estimate of expense is $200.
- Sue Norris may leave the Rocky Mountain Section and would need
to be replaced as Vice Chair. Bill Cherowitzo still wants increased
2-year college participation as a section goal. Several candidates were
identified. Until Sue actually leaves the section, nothing will be done.
- George Heine has volunteered to redesign the section web page.
Bill Briggs welcomes the change. Michael Pearson suggested that there
are templates one could follow from other sections. Also book sales
should be included. Can the history of the section be included somehow
as well?
- Bill Cherowitzo and Mike Brilleslyper plan to attend MathFest
in Hartford, Connecticut July 31–Aug 3, 2013. Michael Pearson reminded
the committee that our subvention includes an addition $250 to help
defray costs.
- Future Section Meetings were discussed. Tentatively they are these:
| 2014: | University of Wyoming with Lynne Ipina as program chair, dates TBD
2015: | Colorado College (not confirmed)
2016: | Colorado Mesa University?
2017: | CSU-Pueblo?
2018: | Fort Lewis?
- Michael Pearson questioned the committee about section goals.
He suggested membership and attendance at meetings are challenges across
the country and asked for ideas to boost these. As a larger problem, how
can the MAA be a catalyst for conversations about STEM education? He
expressed worry about the rise of for-profit education and general
criticism of math teaching. He believes a goal for the section and the
larger MAA should be to get our colleagues to join this conversation, to
get invested in the MAA and provide a collective voice to respond to
these challenges.
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Keck, Western State Colorado University
Secretary/Treasurer of the MAA Rocky Mountain Section