Mathematical Matters

Current Newsletter
March 2025

The PNW section compiles two editions of Mathematical Matters published each year: one in Spring and one in Fall. Submissions are accepted by the Newsletter Editor, Kate Kearney, at any time. Submissions by late October usually make it into the Fall Newsletter while those by late February usually make it into the Spring Newsletter. The most recent newsletter is posted here, older versions can be found in the Mathematical Matters Archive.

Upcoming (and recently past) Events

PNW MAA Section Meeting

April 25–26 2025: University of Washington, Tacoma, Tacoma, WA

The dates of the PNW MAA Annual Section Meeting usually rotate through a three-year cycle. Two of the three years, the meeting is held in spring (typically April) at a location relatively close to the section's center (in terms of population density, not geographic area). Every third year, the meeting is held in early summer (typically June) at a location closer to the periphery.

Northwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium

November 2, 2024: Portland State University, Portland, OR

The PNW Section provides support for the annual Northwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (NUMS). NUMS is a regional mathematics conference providing an opportunity for undergraduate students to present their mathematical research and projects. It occurs during the fall quarter.


April 11–15 2024: Online

Kryptos is a cryptology contest open to any and all undergraduate students. It is held in early April every year with registration opening in early March. Prizes, including the coveted Kryptos mug, are awarded! Kryptos is supported by PNW MAA dues.


April 20 2024: University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

Π-muc is a conference to provide a Spring venue for undergraduates to present work toward their Senior Capstones, Individual Research Projects, Original Solutions to COMAP, and other Mathematical Contest. Hosted by Gonzaga University.

Great Puzzle Hunt

April 20 2024: Western Washington University, virtual

The Great Puzzle Hunt is like a scavenger hunt adventure with puzzles. Teams travel on foot to various locations solving a total of four hour-long puzzles gathering clues along the way to solve one final meta puzzle.

Distinguished Teaching Award Nominations

November 1 2024: Nominating Materials Due

Initial nominating materials (the first page of the Nomination Form) are usually due to the Section Secretary/Treasurer in late October of each year. Complete materials are usually due from selected semi-finalists in early January of the following year.

PNW Math Clubs

There is a Facebook page for PNW Math Clubs.

Site Layout

In the Events section, you can find an Online Calendar of recent and upcoming events. There is also New Events Submission form. The calendar features an RSS feed if you prefer to get your information in that format.
Much of the section’s activities center around the annual meeting. Information about upcoming and past meetings can be found on these pages. I am trying to make past meeting homepages and programs available in pdf format. If you have electronic or hard copy versions of these items, please send them my way and I will try to get them posted.
I am collecting as much historical information about the section as possible on these pages. Currently, I have a Historical Narrative, an archive of Newsletters and pages where you can search for Award Recipients and Officers of the section.
This section of the site includes information about the PNW regional Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) . This is a professional development program for new college-level faculty interested in “improving the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics.” Information about application deadlines and eligbility criteria can be found here.
This section of the site refers to the administration of the section. You can find the current By-laws and Officers of the section here. This is also where any guidelines or advising documents are placed.
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