Don Buckeye addresses the annual meeting banquet audience
in Kalamazoo after receiving his award.Professor Donald Buckeye (EMU) was presented with the Michigan Section's Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section last May in Kalamazoo. After receiving his award at the Friday evening banquet, Don made a few remarks. Professor Buckeye was cited for his many years of outstanding work, especially with prospective elementary school teachers. As the Section's awardee, Don became a finalist for the national MAA Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Awards for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. The citation given to him at the meeting is reproduced on the facing page. See this page for information on nominating candidates for this year's award.
Award for
Distinguished College or University
Teaching of Mathematics
presented to
Donald A. Buckeye
The Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America is pleased to announce that Professor Donald A. Buckeye of Eastern Michigan University has been selected as the 1997-1998 recipient of the Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics.
Professor Buckeye has been a teacher of mathematics and mathematics education for 45 years, including the past 30 years at Eastern Michigan University, and he has always been intensely involved in the experience. His excellence as a classroom teacher has been recognized previously by Eastern Michigan University (Outstanding Continuing Educator of the Year Award (1992-93) and Distinguished Faculty Teacher Award (1995-96)), and Professor Buckeye also received the Michigan Association of Governing Boards' Distinguished Faculty Award for 1996-97.
Professor Buckeye has directed mathematics conferences and workshops for teachers in three states and has given workshops or lectures in 14 foreign countries and 37 states. He has authored or co-authored 45 booklets on the laboratory or activity approach to teaching mathematics and has developed one CD-ROM on activities in mathematics. His teaching emphasizes problem solving, critical thinking skills, communication, and mathematical connections. Because he believes that a teacher should know more than just what will be taught, he ensures that his students have a strong mathematical background.
Comments from colleagues and students include the following: "He has the first at EMU (and one of the earliest anywhere) to introduce computers and calculators into the classroom." ‹Don Lick, Chair (EMU) "Whenever Don does a workshop at a conference, I try to sit in because I enjoy his presentations so much. Unless you get there early, you cannot get in the door because of the size of the crowd he draws." ‹Jill Nugent (EMU) "I used to dislike math ‹ now I enjoy it. I love coming to class. It's the best class I've had here!" "He made learning very easy and made math fun while making the learning process possible." "His enthusiasm is awesome. One can tell he loves to teach math."
The Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America is proud to be represented by dedicated teachers such as Dr. Donald A. Buckeye.
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