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Awards Ceremony




Random Thoughts on MathCounts and Math Puzzles (Abstract)

We'll take a look at the MathCounts National Competition results over the past several decades and see if there are any noteworthy trends - e.g., do the same states always appear at the top? How has Michigan done over time? Is Michigan getting better, worse, or staying about the same? What factors might explain significant differences between state results over time? This lends itself to an important question - how do you separate random variation from a true underlying "signal"?

We'll also take a look at a few math puzzles, "solve" them, and then see what we can learn from them.

Biographical Sketch of GARY C. McDONALD

Dr. McDonald received a B.A. degree from St. Mary's University of Minnesota (Winona, MN), and an M.S. and Ph.D degree in mathematical statistics from Purdue University, and a Doctor of Science honoris causa from Purdue University in 2000. Since leaving Purdue, he has been associated with the General Motors Research & Development Center and has also been an instructor and adjunct professor at Wayne State University and Oakland University. He was appointed Head of the Mathematics Department of General Motors Research & Development Center in 1983; Head of the Operations Research Department in 1992; and Director of the Enterprise Systems Lab in 1998. He retired from General Motors in 2002. He is currently an Adjunct Professor, Mathematics and Statistics Department, Oakland University. Dr. Gary McDonald
He has chaired several National Research Council Panels and has published over sixty articles in diverse areas of applied and mathematical statistics. He is a Fellow of The American Statistical Association, The Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and The American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has served on the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of the National Institute of Statistical Sciences. From 1992 to 2007 he has represented the GM Foundation as a past member and chairman of the Board of Directors of the MATHCOUNTS Foundation. In 2007 he was awarded the American Statistical Association Founders' Award, the highest recognition bestowed by that Association.

Awards Ceremony
will be held at Oakland University on September 5th

Gary McDonald
Oakland University

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Other Sponsors

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Oakland University

American Mathematical Society

Wolfram Research

Art of Problem Solving

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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2008/08/19 20:18:52 $