View Proposal #550

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First NameCarol
Last NameSchumacher
InstitutionKenyon College
Speaker Categoryinvited
Title of TalkFast Forward, Slow Motion
AbstractA graphical link between fast and slow time scales: The world is shaped by interactions between things that develop slowly over time and things that happen very rapidly. Picture a garden. A bud takes hours to open up into a flower. A bee takes seconds to fly in, pollinate the flower and then depart. It can be difficult to fully consider both fast and slow time scales at the same time---yet it is the interaction between these events that makes the garden work. Mathematicians have developed a number of techniques for analyzing systems that include both fast and slow time scales. We will consider a graphical method for predicting what happens when fast and slow interact.
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates?Y
Day Preferencenone
Computer Needed?
Bringing a laptop?
Overhead Needed?
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted10/15/2019