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First NameMariah
Last NameBirgen
InstitutionWartburg College
Speaker Categoryfaculty
Title of TalkTips and Tricks for Tracking a Student Centered Class
AbstractTeaching an IBL mathematics class can often feel like transitioning from trying to herd cats to sitting in the kitten room and watching appreciating watching them crawl all over each other. When it works, this brings a warm and fuzzy feeling to your heart, but then you realize that you need to keep track of all this chaos and have something for the assessment gurus at the end of the term. Fear not, this is possible to do and in such a way that your students will become more engaged and not less. The trick is to include discussion tracking as part of the responsibility of the student and not solely that of the teacher. This talk will go over a variety of successful and not-so-successful ways to include students in the tasks of classroom management and discussion tracking. I will give you at least one, concrete method that you could use in your class and a variety of things you could do to personalize the technique for your personality. Finally, I will explain how this works to create a more student-owned learning space where the emphasis is on mathematics and learning and not on grades.
Subject area(s)Upper division mathematics teaching
Suitable for undergraduates?Y
Day PreferenceFridayMild
Computer Needed?N
Bringing a laptop?Y
Overhead Needed?N
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted09/04/2018