View Proposal #442

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First NameMariah
Last NameBirgen
InstitutionWartburg College
Speaker Categoryfaculty
Title of TalkModeling Calculus - A Pump, not a Filter
AbstractFor the past eight years, Wartburg College has been teaching calculus through modeling as a first-term mathematics course. By using numerical approximation software, we are able to remove the handicap of inadequate confidence with algebraic techniques and help students develop a deep and intuitive understanding of calculus. Now that mathematical modeling is included in the Common Core, we are able to help students make even more connections. In this talk, I will be discussing how we set up our curriculum, how we have included IBL, what our success rate is, why we think this is the best program in the world, and finally, the book. Handouts with more information will be available and questions will be answered.
Subject area(s)Calculus, Teaching, Modeling, Technology
Suitable for undergraduates?Y
Day PreferenceSaturdayStrong
Computer Needed?N
Bringing a laptop?Y
Overhead Needed?N
Software requests
Special NeedsProjector to attach to my computer.
Date Submitted09/19/2016